Appearance. Body parts. Внешность. Части тела презентация

Слайд 3

Head /хэд/ -голова Body /боди/-тело

hair /хэа/ волосы
nose /ноуз/ нос

/ай/ глаз
ear /иэ/ ухо
lips /липс/ губы
face /фэйс/ лицо

arm /ам/ рука hand /хэнд/ - кисть руки
leg /лэг/ нога
foot /фут/ ступня

Слайд 4

Составь словосочетания, запиши их в тетрадь

Слайд 5

We like to read,
we like to play.
He likes to read,

likes to play.

Слайд 6

Put the words into the right order Расположите слова в правильном порядке

I , watch

TV, to, like.
He, to, computer games, likes, play.
She, draw, to, likes.
You, to, like, and, read, write.
Steve, to, likes, take pictures.

I like to watch TV.
He likes to play computer games.
She likes to draw.
You like to read and write.
Steve likes to take pictures.

Слайд 7

My doll

My doll is nice.
She has a short nose
And beautiful eyes.
Her hair is

Her eyes are blue,
Her lips are rosy,
And my lips are rosy, too.
Her little face is round,
Her legs and arms are long,
And her ears are small.
I love my doll
Best of all!

Слайд 8

Draw the monster

Имя файла: Appearance.-Body-parts.-Внешность.-Части-тела.pptx
Количество просмотров: 137
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