Case law in the United States презентация

Слайд 2

PLAN Judicial precedent in the USA. 75,000 US citizens against the Daimler-Chrysler automobile concern. Conclusion.


Judicial precedent in the USA.
75,000 US citizens against the Daimler-Chrysler

automobile concern.
Слайд 3

Great Britain; the United States; Canada; other countries. Judicial precedent

Great Britain;
the United States;
other countries.

Judicial precedent

Слайд 4

Judicial precedent in the United States Judicial precedent in the

Judicial precedent in the United States

Judicial precedent in the

United States is an important link in the law.
Слайд 5

75,000 US citizens against the Daimler-Chrysler automobile concern This process

75,000 US citizens against the Daimler-Chrysler automobile concern

This process is

considered to be the largest lawsuit ever launched against a Company in the United States.

14 accidents

Слайд 6

The court's decision

The court's decision

Слайд 7

It is doubtful that something like this is possible in Russia.

It is doubtful that something like this is possible in Russia.

Слайд 8



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