English online. Lesson 2 презентация

Слайд 2

1) What do you do every day? 2) What are

1) What do you do every day?
2) What are you doing now?

What did you do yesterday?
4) What is your favourite food?


Слайд 3

reading text - чтение words exercises playing a game - игра

reading text - чтение
playing a game 

- игра
Слайд 4

Read the text and translate it I have usually meals

Read the text and translate it

I have usually meals three times

a day. They are breakfast, lunch at the University dinner.
Lunch is the main meal of a day. It consists of 3 courses. We can’t imagine Russian lunch without a plate of soup. The second course is meat and fish with potatoes, pasta with vegetable salad. For dessert we drink a glass of juice, compote or tea. Potatoes, pancakes, cereals are usually cooked in my family. As for me I can prepare a fried egg(яичница) or a scrambled egg, make tea.
I am busy and spend much time at the University. Sometimes I eat here in the canteen or a snack bar, cafe or restaurant.
Слайд 5

bread – хлеб; rice – рис; sausage – сосиски, колбаса

bread – хлеб;
rice – рис;
sausage – сосиски, колбаса

– сливочное масло
cereal – хлопья
cheese – сыр
porridge – каша
sandwich – бутерброд
bacon – бекон
nuts – орехи
salad – салат
egg – яйцо

meat – мясо
Soup – суп
fish – рыба
chicken – курица
bake – печь
boil – варить
cook – готовить
fry – жарить
cut – нарезать.
salty – соленый
sour – кислый
spicy – острый
sweet – сладкий

biscuit – печенье
cake – пирожное, торт
chocolate – шоколад
salt – соль;
sugar – сахар;
sauce – соус
fork – вилка
сup - чашка
knife – нож;
plate - тарелка
spoon – ложка
glass – стакан

Слайд 6

Слайд 7

Answer the questions 1) What do you usually eat and

Answer the questions

1) What do you usually eat and drink for breakfast?


Do you like sweets? What is your favourite?

3) What is your favourite drink?

4) Do you like to go to cafe?

Слайд 8

Do the exercices

Do the exercices

Имя файла: English-online.-Lesson-2.pptx
Количество просмотров: 61
Количество скачиваний: 0