Good times ahead! (15b). 4 класс презентация


Слайд 2

Структура to be going to do

I am going to watch a film on

Dima is going to travel to Turkey this summer
We are going to play football at the weekend.
В английском языке есть структура – собираться что-либо делать am/is/are going to do – употребляется, когда мы говорим о планах и намерениях на ближайшее будущее. В данной структуре изменяется глагол to be (по лицам и числам) – I am going to go to a party. – Я намереваюсь пойти на вечеринку.

Слайд 3

Отрицательная и вопросительные формы структуры to be going to do

Отрицательная форма
Отрицательные предложения образуются

при помощи частицы not , которая ставится после глагола to be. – He is not going to watch a film tonight. - Он не собирается смотреть фильм вечером.
Вопросительная форма
Вопросительные предложения образуются при помощи глагола to be , который ставится перед подлежащим. – Is he going to watch a film tonight? – Он собирается смотреть телевизор вечером?

Слайд 4

Ответ на общий вопрос

Краткая форма ответа на общий вопрос
Ответ на общий вопрос строится

просто: Yes I am. Yes, you are. Yes he is | No, I am not. No, you are not. No, he is not. И т.д.
Are you going to read the book? – Yes, I am/No, I am not. – Ты собираешься читать книгу? – Да/Нет.

Слайд 5

Look, read and remember!

Слайд 6

Ex 1 p.124

My sister is going to go to the circus.
My father is

going to work in the garden.
My granny is going to visit her friend.
My granddad is going to read a book.
Составьте по аналогии свои предложения о членах семьи.

Слайд 7

Ex.2 p.124

Are you going to watch a video this evening? – Yes, I

am. I am going to watch a video this evening.
Is your friend going to play tennis after school?
Are your parents going to visit their friends on Saturday?
Is your grandma going to make a cake on Sunday?
Are your grandparents going to work in the garden at the weekend?

Слайд 8

Ex 3 p.124. Look and answer

Слайд 9

Read, please (check yourself)

1. What is Wendy going to do on holiday?

She is

going to go camping.

2. What are Ralph and Angela going to do on holiday?

They are going to go to the mountains.

3. What is Jake going to do on holiday?

He is going to go to the seaside.

4. What is Carla going to do on holiday?

She is going to go to the lake.

Слайд 10

Look and answer the questions

Who is going to go camping? –
Who is

going to go to the mountains? –
Who is going to go to the seaside? –
Who is going to go to the park? –

Wendy is

Ralph and Angela are.

Jake is.

Carla is

Слайд 11

Read and answer

What are you going to do on holiday?
What are you going

to do on Sunday?
What is your friend going to do in the evening?
What is your father going to do on Monday?
Where are you going to go in the evening?
Is your friend going to visit Poland?

Слайд 12

Ex 4 p.125. Listen and repeat

Listen! Somebody’s knocking on the door.
Who’s there? It’s

your brother Joe.
В английском языке есть немало слов, в которых буквы есть, а они не произносятся. Запомни эти слова. В следующих классах ты узнаешь о новых таких словах. Запомни: listen [lisn]; knocking [nɔkiŋ]; who [hu:]

Слайд 13

Ex 5 p. 125 Read and name the silent letter

know [nəʊ], when [wen],

lamb [læm], where [weə], what [wɒt], climb [klaɪm], why [waɪ], write [raɪt], who [huː], knock [nɒk], whale [weɪl], listen [ˈlɪsn] , wrong [rɒŋ] , white [waɪt].

Слайд 14

Read and write Yes or No

1. Sue is going to go to the

seaside. - Yes
2. Alex is going to go to the mountains.
3. Tony is going to go to the lake.
4.Pam is going to go camping.




Слайд 15

Read and match

He is going to take his camera with him.
She wants to

make a salad.
They’re going to visit a museum.
We’re packing our suitcases.
I’m going to go to the cinema.

to look at the dinosaurs.
to see a new film.
so she’s going to buy some vegetables.
to take a lot of photos.
Because we’re going to go on holiday.

1d; 2c; 3a; 4e; 5b.

Слайд 16

Look at Robbie’s diary. What’s he going to do next week? Ask and


Mon… help Dad in garden
Tues…buy present for Mum
Wed… play tennis with Jill
Thurs… clean my room
Fri… go to the cinema
Образец диалога:
A: What’s Robbie going to do on Monday?
B: He’s going to help his Dad in the garden
A: ……………………………
B: …………………………..

Слайд 17

Check yourself

A: What’s Robbie going to do on Tuesday?
B: He’s going to buy

present for Mum.
A: What’s Robbie going to do on Tuesday?
B: He is going to play tennis with Jill.
A: What’s Robbie going to do on Wednesday?
B: He’s going to clean his room.
A: : What’s Robbie going to do on Friday?
B: He’s going to go to cinema.

Слайд 18


Всё получилось! Я усвоил!
Было трудно! Но я старался!
Ничего не понял! Прошу помощи!

Слайд 19


Ex.5 p.125
прислать аудиосообщение

Имя файла: Good-times-ahead!-(15b).-4-класс.pptx
Количество просмотров: 147
Количество скачиваний: 10