Кафедра иностранных языков. Итоговый контроль презентация

Слайд 2

Билет 1 1. What is an application program? What application

Билет 1

1. What is an application program? What application programs can

you say? What kind of programs do you choose to perform the following tasks:
to create, edit and save documents;
to make a phone book, inventory list, a personal file;
to store and calculate volumes of financial data for banks;
2. Make up your own sentences - instructions
Simple instruction
Using sequence words (последовательные слова)
Emphasizing two instructions
Слайд 3

Билет 2 1. What is spreadsheet in an application programm?

Билет 2

1. What is spreadsheet in an application programm? What is

database? What are the perfect tools for creating drawings? What are desktop publishing programs used to?
2. Say all tense forms. What tense are they? Translate the sentences into Russian.
I stayed at this job until March 2004.
Chat and Instant Messaging technologies allow you to have real-time conversations online, by typing messages at the keyboard.
In 2006 hackers stole the credit card details of almost 20,000 AT&T online customers.
Since 2012, I’ve been a computer operator for Promoprint.
When my mom came I was surfing the net.
Слайд 4

Билет 3 1. What is multimedia? How is it used

Билет 3

1. What is multimedia? How is it used in business?

How are multimedia technologies used in education?
2. Say all tense forms. What tense are they? Translate the sentences into Russian.
She’s added a sound track.
Soon, engineers will have built different types of android.
Since 2012, I’ve been a computer operator for Promoprint.
He’s organizing the paintings into themes now.
Слайд 5

Билет 4 1. Introduce yourself as a professional. Describe your

Билет 4

1. Introduce yourself as a professional. Describe your real or

dream job. What’s your name? What’s your education? Where do you work or do you plan to work? Why? What do you do? What are the duties of this profession? What are your strengths? What are your skills?
2. Complete these sentences with passive form of the verbs in brackets.
In future the whole suite of services ……..(base) on voice processing, allowing a natural voice interface to talk to the computer.
Electronic money doesn’t have to ……….(link) to any national currency, so can be independent of local currency fluctuations.
Microprocessors (make)………………. of silicon
Call centres (use)……….. to deal with telephone enquiries.
In recent years, most mobile phones (equip) ………… with Bluetooth.
Слайд 6

Билет 5 1. What is a computer? What types of

Билет 5

1. What is a computer? What types of computers do

you know? Which one do you prefer and why? What are the components of a computer?
2. Make the sentences passive
Companies are developing products that organize information graphically in more intuitive ways.
We will not soon require keyboards and mice for using personal computers.
Doctors use the system to access a number of databases.
You can download single tracks.
Слайд 7

Билет 6 What is hardware? What are the examples of

Билет 6

What is hardware? What are the examples of it? What

is software? What are the examples of it?
2. Say all tense forms. What tense are they? Translate the sentences into Russian.
They hope that people will interact naturally with hundreds of smart devices at a time.
He’s organizing the paintings into themes now.
She’s added a sound track.
In a few years, doctors will be using expert systems to diagnose illnesses.
Soon, engineers will have built different types of android.
Слайд 8

Билет 7 What do computer peripherals include? What are the

Билет 7

What do computer peripherals include? What are the examples of

storage devices? What are input/output devices?
2. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct tense forms: Present simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Future Simple, Past Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous.
In 2001, The Code Red worm (infect) tens of thousands of machines.
When Kevin Minick (begin) hacking?
I already (scan) in about a third of these photographs.
The best database packages also (include) network facilities, which can make businesses more productive.
In the future, gesture recognition systems (produce) photo-realistic images.
Слайд 9

Билет 8 What is an operating system? What is its

Билет 8

What is an operating system? What is its function
2. Open

the brackets and put the verbs in the correct tense forms: Present simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Future Simple, Past Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous.
My laptop has crashes! Don’t worry. I (lend) you mine.
At the moment I (work) on my project. I (search) the Web for sites on digital cameras.
In 1992 David L. Smith (be) prosecuted for writing the Melissa virus, which was passed in Word files sent via email.
Thanks to ICT, by the year 2030 we (find) cures for the major diseases of our time.
By this time next week, I (work) for IBM.
Слайд 10

Билет 9 What are the most common operating systems? Which

Билет 9

What are the most common operating systems? Which one is

the most and least popular and why?
2. Choose all the examples of passive. What tense are they?
Neural networks looks at the rules of using data, which are based on the connections found or on a sample set of data.
Once the data to be mined is identified, it should be cleansed.
The power of data mining is being used for many purposes, such as analysing Supreme Court decisions, discovering patterns in health care, pulling stories about competitors from newswires, etc.
Слайд 11

Билет 10 What do you think is the main difference

Билет 10

What do you think is the main difference of the

computer from other machines?
2. Choose all the examples of passive. What tense are they?
Virtual reality systems are being developed throughout the world for a range of uses.
Robert T. Morris Jr, the son of a prominent National Security Agency computer consultant, was sentenced for his offence yesterday. As punishment, he was required to contribute 400 hours of community service, and to pay a $10,000 fine.
Telecoms applications will soon be bundled together in much the same way as office application suites are today.
He has been charged with 10 courts of downloading unauthorised information.
Слайд 12

Билет 11 Why is Windows so popular? Give two reasons.

Билет 11

Why is Windows so popular? Give two reasons.
Choose all the

examples of passive. What tense are they?
I’m frequently asked which online service is ‘best, but the answer is there is no best.
Some operating systems are adopted as ‘industry standards’ and these are the ones which should be evaluated because they normally have a good software base.
An operating system is stored on disk and has to be booted into the internal memory (RAM) where it must reside throughout processing so that commands are instantly available.
Слайд 13

Билет 12 1. Сhoose one operating system and gives the

Билет 12
1. Сhoose one operating system and gives the arguments why

it is the best one.
2. Rewrite each of the sentences use gerund.
An important function of the operating system is to manage the computer’s resources.
One task of the supervisor program is to load into memory non-resident programs as required.
The role of operating system is to communicate directly with the hardware.
One of the key function of the the operating system is to establish a ser interface.
Слайд 14

Билет 13 What is GUI? Give your idea. 2. Rewrite

Билет 13

What is GUI? Give your idea.
2. Rewrite each of the

sentences use gerund.
An additional role is to provide services for applications services software.
Part of the work of mainframe operating system is to support multiple programs and users.
The task in most cases is to facilitate interaction between a single user a PC.
One of the most important functions of a computer is to process large amounts of data quickly.
The main reason for installing more memory is to allow the computer to process data faster.
Слайд 15

Билет 14 What are the advantages of GUI that made

Билет 14

What are the advantages of GUI that made it so

popular? Can you name some computer systems that use GUI?
2. Choose the correct variant.
Sun Microsystems …… Java in 1995.
a) has developed b) developed c) was developing d) have developed
By this time next month, I …… that Blackberry that I’ve been wanting to buy for months.
a) will have bought b) will buy c) will be buying d) buy
People in every country …… high speed access to the internet within five years.
a) will be having b) will have had c) will have d) have
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