От большего к меньшему презентация


Слайд 2

от большего к меньшему in the past in the future

от большего к меньшему

in the past
in the future
in the 7th century

in the 5th century A.D.
in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s (decade)
in 76 B.C.
in 1315 A.D.
in spring, summer, autumn, winter
in May


Слайд 3

Future meaning= in in a day in a week in a year in no time in

Future meaning= in
in a day
in a week
in a year

in no time


Слайд 4

a part of a day in the evening in the morning in the afternoon in

a part of a day
in the evening
in the morning
in the afternoon


Слайд 5

prepositions TIME When is John going to leave for the

prepositions TIME
When is John going to leave for the USA?
In a

day or two.
Don’t worry, Mum, I’ll marry him in no time.
Слайд 6

24hours = the whole day on Monday on the 5th

24hours = the whole day
on Monday
on the 5th of May
on a

week day
on a day off
on smb`s birthday
on New Year`s day
on the eve of… (накануне)


Слайд 7

a part of a exact day on Saturday morning on Sunday evening ON

a part of a exact day
on Saturday morning
on Sunday evening


Слайд 8

prepositions TIME What were you doing on your day off?

prepositions TIME

What were you doing on your day off?
I had a

stunning party and burnt the house down on my birthday .
We learnt some carols on last Christmas Eve and we sang them on Christmas day.
Does the train leave on time?
Слайд 9

Compare in time on time embarrassing bad consequences If not

in time on time
embarrassing bad consequences

If not

Слайд 10

Compare on time in time the logical end of a

on time in time
the logical end of a sentence for smth.

to do smth.
Слайд 11

On time = punctual, not late. If something happens on

On time = punctual, not late. If something happens on time,

it happens at the time which was planned:
The 11.45 train left on time. (= it left at 11.45)
‘I’ll meet you at 7.30.’ ‘OK, but please be on time.’ (= don’t be late, be there at 7.30)
The conference was well-organised. Everything began and finished on time.
The opposite of on time is late:
Be on time. Don’t‘ be late.

On time and In time

Слайд 12

In time (for something /to do something) = soon enough:

In time (for something /to do something) = soon enough:
Will you

be home in time for dinner? (= soon enough for dinner)
I’m in a hurry. I want to be home in time to see the game on television.
The opposite of in time is too late:
I got home too late to see the game on television.
You can say just in time (=almost too late):
We got to the station just in time for our train.

On time and In time

Слайд 13

the exact time at the moment at 3 p.m. at

the exact time
at the moment
at 3 p.m.
at half past 10

quarter to 11
at 5 to 7
at 10 sharp
at the appointed time


Слайд 14

prepositions TIME At the moment I’m holding/conducting vitally important talks

prepositions TIME
At the moment I’m holding/conducting vitally important talks on new

The patient will be operated on at the appointed time.
At 5 p.m. I was already on the plane.
Слайд 15

prepositions TIME at the beginning of…(what?) at the end of…

prepositions TIME
at the beginning of…(what?)
at the end of…
period of time
the event\the

party\ the trip …
the road\ the rout …


at the beginning

at the end

Слайд 16

prepositions TIME The professor sneezed at the beginning of the

prepositions TIME
The professor sneezed at the beginning of the lecture.
We saw

a lion at the end of the safari trip.
Слайд 17

prepositions TIME in the beginning = firstly in the end = finally in

prepositions TIME
in the beginning = firstly
in the end = finally


Слайд 18

2 days and more at the weekend at Public holidays:

2 days and more
at the weekend
at Public holidays: at New Year

at Christmas


Слайд 19

prepositions TIME After a long-term business trip, I’m going to

prepositions TIME
After a long-term business trip, I’m going to the country-house

at the weekend.
People usually give presents at Christmas.
Слайд 20

prepositions TIME at meals time: at breakfast at lunch at dinner at supper at

prepositions TIME
at meals time: at breakfast
at lunch
at dinner

at supper


Слайд 21

prepositions TIME At breakfast I read Financial Times as a

prepositions TIME

At breakfast I read Financial Times as a rule.
For breakfast

we had fried eggs.
At lunch I was told off for not eating broccoli.
For lunch she made some disgusting vegetables .
BUT! Don`t burn the supper!
What a delicious dinner, mother! (набор блюд)
Слайд 22

in the sky in the North/the South in Australia in

in the sky
in the North/the South
in Australia

a region
in Russia/ in Minsk in Skoriny street
in the open air


in a large open space

Слайд 23

in the forest in the field in the box in

in the forest
in the field
in the box

the sun
in the shade
in the rain
in the picture
in prison/hospital/church


separate space

Слайд 24

prepositions PLACE The Sun rises in the East and sets

prepositions PLACE

The Sun rises in the East and sets in the

There is a nice pub in Skoriny street.
There is a shooting star in the sky.
People spend a lot of time in the open air in summer.
I saw nothing in the picture.
She was run over by a car and she spent 3 weeks in hospital.
Слайд 25

prepositions PLACE on the map, on the shopping list on

prepositions PLACE

on the map,
on the shopping list

the menu
on the programme


position on a horizontal surface

Слайд 26

prepositions PLACE Can you find Lake Victoria on the map?

prepositions PLACE

Can you find Lake Victoria on the map?
There were

4 items on the shopping list.
What looks good to you on the menu?
How many coffee-breaks are there on the programme of the seminar?
Слайд 27

prepositions PLACE on the third floor on the ceiling on

prepositions PLACE

on the third floor
on the ceiling
on the

on the carpet
on the balcony
on the top,
on the stage (помост; стадия)
on the corner (на углу),


position on a horizontal surface

Слайд 28

prepositions PLACE I saw a fire on the third floor

prepositions PLACE

I saw a fire on the third floor of

the building and called the fire-brigade.
A big fly was sitting on the ceiling.
She came out on the top. — Она оказалась лучше всех.
I know a good curiosity shop on the corner.
Слайд 29

prepositions PLACE on the walls of… on the back of

prepositions PLACE

on the walls of…
on the back of the



position on a vertical surface

Слайд 30

prepositions PLACE It’s high time to change the wall-paper on

prepositions PLACE
It’s high time to change the wall-paper on the walls.

he entered the room he noticed some mold on the back of the house.
Слайд 31

prepositions PLACE on the south coast on the shore on

prepositions PLACE

on the south coast
on the shore
on the

river bank (береговой откос)
on the Russian border
on the way home
on the path


on a kind of a line – coast, river, border

Слайд 32

prepositions PLACE California is located on the west coast. The

prepositions PLACE
California is located on the west coast.
The fishermen with long

rods were sitting on the river bank waiting until the fish bites.
On the way back I came across/ran into an old friend of mine.
A little caterpillar was lying on the path.
Слайд 33

prepositions PLACE on the bus on the 3.15 train on

prepositions PLACE

on the bus
on the 3.15 train
on the

on the plane
on the Queen Elizabeth
(the name of a boat)
on the bike
on the horse


public transport


get on

get off

Слайд 34

prepositions PLACE They were sailing to London on the Queen

prepositions PLACE
They were sailing to London on the Queen Elizabeth.
There was

a cat's eye on the bike that caught my attention.
Слайд 35

prepositions PLACE in a taxi in a car in a

prepositions PLACE

in a taxi
in a car
in a small private plane/boat/canoe





get in

get out off

Слайд 36

prepositions PLACE Somebody left their gloves in the taxi. He’s

prepositions PLACE

Somebody left their gloves in the taxi.
He’s got comfortable seats

in his car.
They served expensive champagne in that small private plane which pleased us a lot.
Слайд 37

Attached to a ring on your finger many apples on

Attached to

a ring on your finger
many apples on the tree

(but: a cat in the tree)
a mole on your cheek
some freckles on her nose
some speckles on her skirt
a hat/glasses on his head
a butterfly on my shoulder


Слайд 38

prepositions PLACE I noticed a engagement ring on her finger

prepositions PLACE

I noticed a engagement ring on her finger which meant

she was engaged.
She’s got a cute mole on her cheek.
He was wearing glasses on his head which he couldn’t find.
The butterfly on my shoulder is tickling my neck.
Слайд 39

prepositions on the sick-list (compare to a shopping-list) on strike


on the sick-list (compare to a shopping-list)
on strike

on business
trip on holiday (compare to at Christmas)
on excursion


Слайд 40

prepositions The workers of this factory were on strike because

The workers of this factory were on strike because of the

She’s going to be on medication for three more weeks.
He went to Chicago on business, so I can’t reach/ get a hold of him.
Слайд 41

We often use AT before the name of a building,

We often use AT before the name of a building, when

we are thinking not of the building itself but of the activity that happens there

at home,
at the cinema, theatre
at the hospital,
at the hotel


Слайд 42

Navigation at the bus stop, at the shop at the


at the bus stop,
at the shop

the traffic lights
at the plant,
at the address
at the top of…, at the bottom


particular point

Слайд 43

Sometimes we use AT with a larger place than just

Sometimes we use AT with a larger place than just a

point, if we just think of this as point: a stage of journey or a meeting place
The plane stops for an hour at Frankfurt (a point of journey)
She lives in Frankfurt (somebody`s home)
Let`s meet at the club (a meeting point)

Слайд 44

We often use AT before the name of a building,

We often use AT before the name of a building, when

we are thinking not of the building itself but of the activity that happens there

Are you at home at the moment? I want to drop in.
The people at the cinema were eating pop-corn and drinking milk-shakes.
The people were queuing at the bus stop.
Two cars crashed at the traffic lights.
Can you write your name at the top of the roll.

Слайд 45

We often use AT before the name of a building,

We often use AT before the name of a building, when

we are thinking not of the building itself but of the activity that happens there

at the same address
at 73 Albert street
(She lives in Albert street.
She lives at 73 Albert street.)



Слайд 46

prepositions PLACE at the party at the lesson at the

prepositions PLACE

at the party
at the lesson
at the exam

at the lecture
at the meeting
at the match
at the concert


the names of group activities

Слайд 47

prepositions PLACE John drank himself under the table at the

prepositions PLACE

John drank himself under the table at the party.
A girl

lost consciousness at the exam.
At the lecture the student asked the question the professor didn’t manage to answer.
Слайд 48

Они приехали в назначенное время. Элвис переехал в Дублин в

Они приехали в назначенное время.
Элвис переехал в Дублин в 1980 году.

этот год семья Браунов жила в Брайтоне.
Завтра в это время мы будем купаться в Средиземном море.
Сейчас никто не верит в чудеса.
Сейчас он работает в каком-то университете.
В то время мы ничего об этом не знали.
Это имя стало знаменитым в начале 30-х годов.
Вот что произошло в день нашего приезда.
Накануне Нового года Все были заняты.
На этот раз мне повезло.

Translate the sentences

Слайд 49

. 1.Приходи завтра в половине второго. 2.Он позвонил ей в


1.Приходи завтра в половине второго.
2.Он позвонил ей в понедельник.
3.На этих выходных

мы будем играть в теннис.
4.Зимой ей всегда хочется спать.
5.Ночью было жарко.
6.Они завтракают на рассвете.
7.Я тебя навещу сегодня ночью.
8.Мой день рождения 5 июня.
9.Не волнуйся, я покормлю собаку в мгновение ока.
10. На пасху люди собираются вместе.
11.Она живет на улице Пушкина. На Пушкина,17.
12.На собрании было тихо.
13. Девочка шла под дождем и плакала.
Слайд 50

14. Адам ждет тебя в такси. 15.Встречаемся в 3:45 на

14. Адам ждет тебя в такси.
15.Встречаемся в 3:45 на углу магазина.

концерте было душно и шумно.
17.Смотри, на дереве сидит обезьянка!
18.Он придет через минуту, я уверен.
19.Увидимся в следующем году!
20. Мы прибыли в Париж в 5 часов утра.
21. Девушка Тома – медсестра. Она работает в больнице.
22. Когда Мари рожает? – Очень скоро, она уже в больнице.
23. Извини, я должен быть в офисе в понедельник.
Слайд 51

24. Я предпочитаю быть в аэропорту по крайней мере за

24. Я предпочитаю быть в аэропорту по крайней мере за 2

часа до отправления.
25. Ты видишь женщину на картинке?
26. Она носит свое обручальное кольцо на указательном пальце, а не на безымянном.
27. Я люблю водить машину ночью.
28. Мою машину ремонтируют в гараже. Она будет готова через два часа.
29. Анна и Питер всегда ходят а ресторан в день годовщины (anniversary) их свадьбы.
30.Воскресной ночью я пошел спать в полночь.
31.Первый семестр начинается 11 сентября и заканчивается в декабре.
32. Фильм должен был начаться в 8.30, но он не начался вовремя.
Слайд 52

33. Обычно мне платят в конце месяца. 34. Я хочу

33. Обычно мне платят в конце месяца.
34. Я хочу встать вовремя,

чтобы позавтракать до работы.
35. К моему удивлению мне предложили новую работу в конце месяца.
36. Листья на этом дереве очень красивого цвета.
37. Он очень часто сидит у окна.
38. У меня много времени занял поиск работы. В конце концов я устроился официантом.
39. Никто не живет на маленьком острове.
40. В конце этого месяца я переезжаю.
Слайд 53

12. Я попытался выучить немецкий, но он оказался слишком сложным.

12. Я попытался выучить немецкий, но он оказался слишком сложным. В

конечном счете я сдался.
13. Майк приезжает через три дня.
14. Выставка открывается двенадцатого Мая.
15. Как здорово быть здесь в такой замечательный день.
16. Большинство людей пятничным вечером ходят гулять, а я должен быть в кровати в 11 часов.
17. Ты должен закончить эту работу в конце этой недели.
18. Присаживайтесь. Мистер Браун присоединится к вам через минутку.
19. Я не могу водить машину зимой.
20. Ты кем-нибудь занят на выходных?
Слайд 54

21. Они надеяться закончить свою работу в четверг на следующей

21. Они надеяться закончить свою работу в четверг на следующей неделе.

Она живет в маленьком городке на севере Англии.
23. Он живет на центральном проспекте не далеко от станции.
24. Лора живет в двухкомнатной квартире на третьем этаже.
25. Очень опасно, когда дети играют в футбол на улице.
26. Что происходит на углу улицы?
27. Меня завтра не будет дома. Я буду у Анны.
28. Эту девушка мы встретили на улице Оксфорд на прошлой неделе.
29. Погода – замечательная. Ни единого облачка на небе.
30. Мой дедушка живет на улице Лоднон 25, в квартире. На верхнем этаже.
Слайд 55

1.The people at the cinema were eating pop-corn and drinking

1.The people at the cinema were eating pop-corn and drinking milk-shakes.

cars crashed at the traffic lights.
3.On the way back I came across/ran into an old friend of mine.
4.What do you have on your shopping list?
5.Does the train leave on time?
6.At the moment I`m talking on the phone.
7. I can see many apples on the tree.
Слайд 56

prepositions TIME summary in - from a millennium to a

prepositions TIME summary

in - from a millennium to a month

part of a day (in the morning etc.)
- Future meaning (in 5 min = через 5 мин)
on – a whole day (on the 5th of May,
on day off, on my birthday)
- on Monday morning (the bigger part wins)
at – exact time (at 5.25 p.m./at dawn,sunset/at night)
- 2days and more (at weekend) + Public holidays
- meals time (at breakfast)
Слайд 57

prepositions PLACE summary in - from huge to a small

prepositions PLACE summary

in - from huge to a small limited space

(in space/in Africa/in a city/in a room)
- finite space (in sun/In shade/in open air.)
on – a whatever sort of surface (on the menu/on the ceiling, on the bottom)
- kind of a line (on the border/on the shore)
at – тусовка(at the exam/at the match/at the concert)
- point on a navigation map (at Rome/at streetlight)
- main purpose of a building(at the cinema/hotel)
- exact address (73,Scoriny street)
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