Pronouns. Verb To be. Questions. lesson 2 презентация


Слайд 2

Приветствия на английском

Hello! Hi! Hey! Привет!
Good morning! Доброе утро!
Good afternoon! Добрый день!
Good evening!

Добрый вечер!
What is your name?
My name is…
My surname is…
Mr Holmes.
Mrs Holmes
Miss Smith
Nice to meet you! Приятно познакомиться!

Слайд 3

Приветствия на английском
How are you? How do you do? How are you doing?

- Как дела?
Fine. Thank you. And you? — Хорошо, спасибо. А ты?
Thank you, so-so – Спасибо, так себе.
How is your family? Как семья?
Not bad, thanks! How about you? — Привет, Аня, неплохо, спасибо! Как насчет тебя?

Слайд 4

I – я
you – ты, вы
he – он
she – она
it – оно
we – мы
they – они

Personal Pronouns
Личные местоимения
I speak English well.
Roombo is a puppy. It is very

He is a student.
I speak English well.
Roombo is a puppy. It is very clever.
He is a student.

Слайд 5

Listen to me!
I don’t believe him.
I love you.

Слайд 6

This-этот, эта, это
These- эти

Указательные местоимения (Demonstrative Pronouns)

That-тот, та,

Those- те

Слайд 7

Possessive pronouns

This is Jane’s car. This is HER car.
This is my book. This

book is mine.
Her bag is red. Red bag is hers.
These are my pencils, and those are yours.

Слайд 8

Verb To be

Значение глагола to be - "быть, находиться". В отличие от других английских глаголов, глагол to

be спрягается (т.е. изменяется по лицам и числам).
фиксированный порядок слов: подлежащее (subject) + сказуемое (verb) + дополнение (object)
I am a doctor.
The weather is bad.
They are from Paris.

Слайд 9

Соотнеси личные местоимения с притяжательными:
1. I her
2. you our
3. he my
4. she their

it your
6. we its
7. they  his

Слайд 10

Вставьте подходящие по смыслу местоимения:
He is a boy. … name is Bill.
She is

a girl. … name is Mary.
We have got a cat. … cat is grey.
What is … name? – My name is Tom.
Her name is Helen. … is nine.
I have got a dog. … name is Rex.
Mike has got two friends. … names are Ben and Bob.
Vanya and Sasha are pupils. … are clever.
How old are you? – … am ten.
I and Billy play in the park. … are happy.

Слайд 11

Reflexive Pronouns

He cut an apple He cut himself
I will play for


Слайд 13

Вставьте is, are, am:
A fox ___________ clever.
Alice __________ my sister.
The dogs _______ brown.
I ______

from Russia.
The tigers_______ orange.
We ______ at home.
He _____ ten.
I ______ clever and brave.
They ______ cunning.
It _______ a red ball.
Напишите соответствующие местоимения:
1) Crocodiles -
2) Mike -
3) a bag -
4) Alice -
5) a fish -
6) Bob and Tricky -
7) my scooter -
8) his mother -

Слайд 14

Am I happy? Я счастлив? Is the book interesting? Книга интересная? Is he our teacher? Он наш учитель?
I am not happy.

Я не счастлив.
The book is not interesting. Книга не интересная.
He is not our teacher. Он не наш учитель.


Слайд 15

Ann is at home now.
Where Ann is now?
Where Ann now?
Where is Ann now?

Am I happy?
Am I'm happy?
I'm happy?
The children are in the gym.
Where the children are?
Where is the children?
Where are the children?
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