Worlds of jobs. Choosing a Career. Урок английского языка. 11 класс презентация

Слайд 2

Important for you

The last two school years are very important for you.

It is quite clear, because you ̒ll get a certificate of secondary education. There is serious task for you – choosing your road of life, your future occupation.
You must think whether you are seriously interested in it: you must realize that , when choosing a trade or profession, not only your wishes and interests must be considered, but your health, abilities, features of character, and knowledge as well.
As you know success comes to those who are prepared to achieve it. Let us hope you will make the right choice and do the best to be good specialists, no matter what sphere you will work.
Today we̒ll continue discussing the importance of choosing your road in life. Let̒s start.

Цели урока:
Образовательные: развивать навыки монологической устной и письменной речи; активизировать ранее изученную лексику по теме «Профессия» в устной и письменной речи; развивать умение общаться на английском языке.
Развивающие: развивать интеллектуальные способности учащихся; развивать коммуникативные компетенции учащихся.
Воспитательные: развивать у учащихся самостоятельность мышления; содействовать профориентации учащихся.
Перед вами стоит серьезная задача, выбор своего пути в жизни, будущей карьеры.
Помните успех приходит только к тем, кто его ждет.

Слайд 3

Audition/ Аудирование

An engineer, a physicist, a mathematician, and a mystic were asked

to name the greatest invention of all times.
The engineer chose the wheel, which gave humanity power over space. The physicist chose fire, which gave humanity power over matter.
The mathematician chose the alphabet, which gave humanity power over symbols. The mystic chose the thermos bottle*.
"Why a thermos bottle?" the others asked. "Because the thermos keeps hot liquids hot in winter and cold liquids cold in summer."
"Yes -- so what?" "Think about it." said the mystic reverently*. "That little bottle -- how does it know?"

Инженера, физика, математика и мистика попросили назвать величайшее изобретение всех времен.
Инженер выбрал колесо, которое дало человеку власть над пространством. Физик выбрал огонь, который дал человеку власть над материей.
Математик выбрал алфавит, который дал человеку власть над символами. Мистик выбрал термос.
- Но почему термос? Спросили остальные.
- Потому что термос сохраняет горячие жидкости горячими зимой и холодные жидкости холодными летом.
- Да, и что?
- Вы только подумайте, сказал мистик почтительно, такой маленький сосуд, откуда он знает?

Слайд 4

The difference between the following words: a job, a work, an occupation,

a profession, a career.

Your job is the work that you do regularly in order to earn money, especially when you work for a company or public organization.
Work is used in a more general way to talk about activities that you do to earn money, either working for a company or for yourself.
We use occupation to talk about the kind of work that someone usually does. Occupation is used mainly on official forms.
A profession is a kind of work for which you need special training and a good education.
Your career is the type of work that you do or hope to do for most of your life

Слайд 5

The difference between the following words: a job, a work, an occupation, a profession,

a career

My last job was with a computer firm.
He finally got a job in a supermarket.
Will you go back to work when you̒ have had the baby?
I started work when I was 18.
State your name, age, occupation in the box below.
The legal profession.
I am interested in a career in television.
His career is more important to him than his family.

Слайд 6

In English you can make the name of a person who does a

job by adding one of the following suffixes.

Farm …
Photograph …
Garden …
Art …

- r







Слайд 7

Match the parts to complete a sentence.

A baker
A barber
A mine
A researcher
A managing

A chef
A carpenter
A guide
A lawyer
An electrician

This person cuts man΄s hair
A person who makes experiments.
This person is the head of the company.
Someone who helps people with the law.
A person who makes bread.
A person who makes wooden things.
Someone who repairs electrical things.
A cook in a restaurant or hotel especially the head cook.
A person who shows places of interest
A man that works in a mine.

Слайд 8

Why you ̒d like to have these jobs/ professions

I’̒d like to become a…


Слайд 9

Why you΄d dislike to have these jobs/ professions

I΄d hate to become a …


Слайд 10

What are you going to do
When you are twenty-two ?
I΄ll write

a story,
I ΄ll make a plane,
I΄ll teach children
I ΄ll make rain.
What are you going to be
When you are twenty - three?
I΄ll be a pilot,
I΄ll be a doctor,
I΄ll be a teacher.
I΄ll be a worker.
What are you going to be
When you are twenty - three?
I΄ll be in london .
I΄ ll be in Rome.
I΄ll be in Africa
I΄ll be home.
What are you going to do
When you are one hundred and two?
I don΄t know
Do you ?

Слайд 11

Vocabulary/ словарная работа Find the jobs in the wordsquare

Слайд 12


1. E-mail Address: mail
2. Full name: Petrov
3. Address: Arbat street
4. City: Moscow
5. Country:

6. Zip:649777
7. Phone:1-11-11
8. Nationality: Russian
9. Date of birth:1.01.1970
10. Sex :male
11. Marital status: married
12. Number of children:2
13. Keyword skills (areas of experience):
14. Education: higher education if fine arts
15. Desired Job Title: lawyer
16. Desired Work Type: full-time
17. Desired Job Location: Moscow
18. Desired Salary per year: 300 000

Резюме---это первая информация, которую о вас получает работодатель.
Учитывая современное международное распространение английского языка и большое количество представительств зарубежных компаний в нашей стране, важно преподнести свою кандидатуру работодателю на соответствующем уровне. Резюме, составленное на родном русском и английском языках, будет выгодно отличать вас на фоне других претендентов.

Слайд 13

William Shakespeare

William Shakespear 1564-1616

Слайд 14

Word building (прямой и обратный порядок слов на примере сонета У. Шекспира)

William Shakespeare:

be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub.
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come.

Б. Пастернак
Быть или не быть, вот в чем вопрос.
Достойно ль
Смиряться под ударами судьбы,
Иль надо оказать сопротивление
И в смертной схватке с целым морем бед
Покончить с ними? Умереть. Забыться. И знать, что этим обрываешь цепь
Сердечных мук и тысяча лишений ,
Присущих телу. Это ли не цель
Желанная? Скончаться. Сном забыться.
Уснуть… И вдеть сны? Вот и ответ.
Какие сны в том смертном сне
Когда покров земного чувства снят?
И вянет ,как цветок, решимость наша
В бесплодье умственного тупика.

Имя файла: Worlds-of-jobs.-Choosing-a-Career.-Урок-английского-языка.-11-класс.pptx
Количество просмотров: 32
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