You are what you wear. Unit 8.2 презентация


Слайд 2

Clothes [klouðz] vocabulary

Clothes [klouðz] vocabulary

Слайд 3

Clo [klou] - thes [ðz] vocabulary

Clo [klou] - thes [ðz] vocabulary

Слайд 4

Exercise 1 Page 82

Exercise 1 Page 82

Слайд 5

Read the text quickly

Read the text quickly

Слайд 6



Слайд 7

Before you read about Simon

Before you read about Simon

Слайд 8

Scruffy [skrʌfi] -потёртый

Scruffy [skrʌfi] -потёртый

Слайд 9

His jeans are scruffy [skrʌfi]

His jeans are scruffy [skrʌfi]

Слайд 10

Tight – обтягивающий

Tight – обтягивающий

Слайд 11

His T-shirt is too tight

His T-shirt is too tight

Слайд 12

Fashion [fæʃən] – мода

Fashion [fæʃən] – мода

Слайд 13

He isn’t interested in fashion

He isn’t interested in fashion

Слайд 14

Wear [weə]- носить

Wear [weə]- носить

Слайд 15

He usually wears [weəz[ jeans

He usually wears [weəz[ jeans

Слайд 16

He is wearing [weəriŋ] jeans now

He is wearing [weəriŋ] jeans now

Слайд 17

Read about Simon

Read about Simon

Слайд 18

This is Simon. He’s wearing scruffy old jeans and a

This is Simon. He’s wearing scruffy old jeans and a tight

T-shirt. Simon says he likes comfortable old clothes – he isn’t interested in fashion
Слайд 19

In the summer he wants to feel cool, so he

In the summer he wants to feel cool, so he wears

thin shirts and he never wears jackets or coats
Слайд 20

Which picture?

Which picture?

Слайд 21

Simon – picture C

Simon – picture C

Слайд 22



Слайд 23

Before you read about Tara

Before you read about Tara

Слайд 24

Fashionable [fæʃənəbl] – модный

Fashionable [fæʃənəbl] – модный

Слайд 25

She can’t wear fashionable [fæʃənəbl] clothes very often

She can’t wear fashionable [fæʃənəbl] clothes very often

Слайд 26

Slim – стройный

Slim – стройный

Слайд 27

She looks slim in formal clothes

She looks slim in formal clothes

Слайд 28

Read about Tara

Read about Tara

Слайд 29

What about Tara? She’s wearing a formal suit. Tara likes

What about Tara? She’s wearing a formal suit. Tara likes fashion

[fæʃən] , but she works in an office, so she can’t wear fashionable [fæʃənəbl] clothes very often
Слайд 30

She likes formal clothes because she looks slim in them

She likes formal clothes because she looks slim in them

Слайд 31

Which picture?

Which picture?

Слайд 32

Tara – picture E

Tara – picture E

Слайд 33



Слайд 34

Before you read about Sunny

Before you read about Sunny

Слайд 35

Silk – щёлк

Silk – щёлк

Слайд 36

She’s wearing a beautiful silk sari

She’s wearing a beautiful silk sari

Слайд 37

Luxurious [lʌk’ zjuriəs] -роскошный

Luxurious [lʌk’ zjuriəs] -роскошный

Слайд 38

Material [mə’tiriəl] - материал

Material [mə’tiriəl] - материал

Слайд 39

She loves luxurious [lʌk’ zjuriəs] materials [mə’tiriəlz]

She loves luxurious [lʌk’ zjuriəs] materials [mə’tiriəlz]

Слайд 40

Read about Sunny

Read about Sunny

Слайд 41

Sunny loves traditional Indian clothes. Here she’s wearing a beautiful silk sari – she looks lovely

Sunny loves traditional Indian clothes. Here she’s wearing a beautiful silk

sari – she looks lovely
Слайд 42

Sunny doesn’t like Western fashion [fæʃən]. She loves bright colors and luxurious [lʌk’ zjuriəs] materials

Sunny doesn’t like Western fashion [fæʃən]. She loves bright colors and

[lʌk’ zjuriəs] materials
Слайд 43

Which picture?

Which picture?

Слайд 44

Sunny – picture B

Sunny – picture B

Слайд 45



Слайд 46

Before you read about Danny

Before you read about Danny

Слайд 47

Smart trousers [trauzəz]- модные брюки

Smart trousers [trauzəz]- модные брюки

Слайд 48

He’s wearing smart trousers [trauzəz]

He’s wearing smart trousers [trauzəz]

Слайд 49

Leather [leðə] shoes - кожаные туфли [trauzəz

Leather [leðə] shoes - кожаные туфли


Слайд 50

He’s wearing leather [leðə] shoes

He’s wearing leather [leðə] shoes

Слайд 51

Read about Danny [lʌk’ zjuriəs]

Read about Danny

[lʌk’ zjuriəs]

Слайд 52

Danny’s from Canada. It’s very cold in the winter in

Danny’s from Canada. It’s very cold in the winter in Canada,

so Danny often wears thick wool pullovers and warm jackets
Слайд 53

He likes fashionable [fæʃənəbl] clothes, but he wants to be comfortable and warm!

He likes fashionable [fæʃənəbl] clothes, but he wants to be comfortable

and warm!
Слайд 54

Today he’s wearing a gray jacket, smart brown trousers [trauzəz]

Today he’s wearing a gray jacket, smart brown trousers [trauzəz] and

leather [leðə] shoes. Danny’s young. But we think he looks middle-aged [eidʒd]
Слайд 55

Which picture?

Which picture?

Слайд 56

Danny – picture A

Danny – picture A

Слайд 57



Слайд 58

Before you read about Karen

Before you read about Karen

Слайд 59

She can’t afford [ə’fo:d] – она не может себе позволить

She can’t afford [ə’fo:d] – она не может себе позволить

Слайд 60

She can’t afford [ə’fo:d] to buy designer clothes

She can’t afford [ə’fo:d] to buy designer clothes

Слайд 61

A leather [leðə] jacket - кожаная куртка

A leather [leðə] jacket - кожаная куртка

Слайд 62

She’s wearing a leather [leðə] jacket

She’s wearing a leather [leðə] jacket

Слайд 63

A cotton skirt [skɜːt] -хлопчатобумажная юбка

A cotton skirt [skɜːt] -хлопчатобумажная юбка

Слайд 64

She’s wearing a cotton skirt

She’s wearing a cotton skirt

Слайд 65

Read about Karen [leðə]

Read about Karen


Слайд 66

Karen thinks fashion [fæʃən] is only for rich people. She

Karen thinks fashion [fæʃən] is only for rich people. She can’t

afford [ə’fo:d] to buy designer clothes because she doesn’t have a lot of money
Слайд 67

She buys a lot of her clothes at second-hand shops. Karen only wears natural materials [mə’tiriəlz]

She buys a lot of her clothes at second-hand shops. Karen

only wears natural materials [mə’tiriəlz]
Слайд 68

Today she’s wearing a second-hand leather [leðə] jacket, a short cotton skirt and brown boots

Today she’s wearing a second-hand leather [leðə] jacket, a short cotton

skirt and brown boots
Слайд 69

Which picture?

Which picture?

Слайд 70

Karen – picture D

Karen – picture D

Слайд 71

Exercise 2A Page 82

Exercise 2A Page 82

Слайд 72

Match the clothes with the people in the pictures

Match the clothes with the people in the pictures

Слайд 73

Boots? Who’s wearing boots?

Boots? Who’s wearing boots?

Слайд 74

Today Karen’s wearing a second-hand leather [leðə] jacket, a shirt cotton skirt and brown boots

Today Karen’s wearing a second-hand leather [leðə] jacket, a shirt cotton

skirt and brown boots
Слайд 75

Boots – Karen (picture D) Karen’s wearing boots

Boots – Karen (picture D) Karen’s wearing boots

Слайд 76

A jacket? Who’s wearing a jacket?

A jacket? Who’s wearing a jacket?

Слайд 77

Today Danny’s wearing a gray jacket, smart brown trousers and

Today Danny’s wearing a gray jacket, smart brown trousers and leather

[leðə] shoes. Danny’s young. But we think he looks middle-aged!
Слайд 78

A jacket – Danny (picture A) Danny’s wearing a jacket

A jacket – Danny (picture A) Danny’s wearing a jacket

Слайд 79

Jeans? Who’s wearing jeans?

Jeans? Who’s wearing jeans?

Слайд 80

This is Simon. He’s wearing scruffy old jeans and a

This is Simon. He’s wearing scruffy old jeans and a tight

T-shirt. Simon says he likes comfortable old clothes – he isn’t interested in fashion
Слайд 81

Jeans – Simon (picture C) Simon is wearing jeans

Jeans – Simon (picture C) Simon is wearing jeans

Слайд 82

A pullover? Who’s wearing a pullover

A pullover? Who’s wearing a pullover

Слайд 83

Danny’s from Canada. It’s very cold in the winter in

Danny’s from Canada. It’s very cold in the winter in Canada,

so Danny often wears thick wool pullovers and warm jackets
Слайд 84

A pullover – Danny (picture A) Danny’s wearing a pullover

A pullover – Danny (picture A) Danny’s wearing a pullover

Слайд 85

Sandals? Who’s wearing sandals?

Sandals? Who’s wearing sandals?

Слайд 86

What about Tara? She’s wearing a formal suit. Tara likes

What about Tara? She’s wearing a formal suit. Tara likes fashion,

but she works in an office, so she can’t wear fashionable clothes very often
Слайд 87

Sandals – Tara (picture D) Tara’s wearing sandals

Sandals – Tara (picture D) Tara’s wearing sandals

Слайд 88

A sari? Who’s wearing a sari?

A sari?
Who’s wearing a sari?

Слайд 89

Sunny loves traditional Indian clothes. Here she’s wearing a beautiful silk sari – she looks lovely

Sunny loves traditional Indian clothes. Here she’s wearing a beautiful silk

sari – she looks lovely
Слайд 90

A sari – Sunny (picture B) Sunny’s wearing a sari

A sari – Sunny (picture B)
Sunny’s wearing a sari

Слайд 91

Shoes? Who’s wearing shoes?

Who’s wearing shoes?

Слайд 92

Today Danny’s wearing a gray jacket, smart brown trousers and

Today Danny’s wearing a gray jacket, smart brown trousers and leather

[leðə] shoes. Danny’s young. But we think he looks middle-aged!
Слайд 93

Shoes – Danny (picture A) Danny’s wearing shoes

Shoes – Danny (picture A)
Danny’s wearing shoes

Слайд 94

A skirt? Who’s wearing a skirt?

A skirt?
Who’s wearing a skirt?

Слайд 95

Today Karen’s wearing a second-hand leather [leðə] jacket, a shirt cotton skirt and brown boots

Today Karen’s wearing a second-hand leather [leðə] jacket, a shirt cotton

skirt and brown boots
Слайд 96

A skirt – Karen (picture D) Karen’s wearing a skirt

A skirt – Karen
(picture D)
Karen’s wearing a skirt

Слайд 97

A suit? Who’s wearing a suit?

A suit?
Who’s wearing a suit?

Слайд 98

What about Tara? She’s wearing a formal suit. Tara likes

What about Tara? She’s wearing a formal suit. Tara likes fashion,

but she works in an office, so she can’t wear fashionable clothes very often
Слайд 99

A suit – Tara (picture E) Tara’s wearing a suit

A suit – Tara
(picture E)
Tara’s wearing a suit

Слайд 100

Trainers? Who’s wearing trainers?

Who’s wearing trainers?

Слайд 101

This is Simon. He’s wearing scruffy old jeans and a

This is Simon. He’s wearing scruffy old jeans and a tight

T-shirt. Simon says he likes comfortable old clothes – he isn’t interested in fashion
Слайд 102

Trainers – Simon (picture C) Simon’s wearing trainers

Trainers – Simon
(picture C) Simon’s wearing trainers

Слайд 103

Trousers [trauzəz] Who’s wearing trousers?

Trousers [trauzəz]
Who’s wearing trousers?

Слайд 104

Today Danny’s wearing a gray jacket, smart brown trousers and leather [leðə] shoes

Today Danny’s wearing a gray jacket, smart brown trousers and leather

[leðə] shoes
Слайд 105

Trousers [trauzəz] - Danny (picture A) Danny’s wearing trousers

Trousers [trauzəz] - Danny
(picture A)
Danny’s wearing trousers

Слайд 106

Exercise 2B Page 82

Exercise 2B Page 82

Слайд 107

Discuss the questions

Discuss the questions

Слайд 108

Do you like the clothes in the picture?

Do you like the clothes in the picture?

Слайд 109

Yes, I do No, I don’t Fifty-fifty

Yes, I do
No, I don’t

Слайд 110

2. Do you think the clothes in the picture are fashionable?

2. Do you think the clothes in the picture are fashionable?

Слайд 111

Yes, I do No, I don’t

Yes, I do
No, I don’t

Слайд 112

Exercise 2C Page 82

Exercise 2C Page 82

Слайд 113

Complete the sentences

Complete the sentences

Слайд 114

1. …. thinks fashionable clothes are expensive

1. …. thinks fashionable clothes are expensive

Слайд 115

1. Who thinks fashionable clothes are expensive?

1. Who thinks fashionable clothes are expensive?

Слайд 116

Слайд 117

1. Karen thinks fashionable clothes are expensive

1. Karen thinks fashionable clothes are expensive

Слайд 118

2. …. doesn’t like cool, thin clothes

2. …. doesn’t like cool, thin clothes

Слайд 119

2. Who doesn’t like cool, thin clothes?

2. Who doesn’t like cool, thin clothes?

Слайд 120

Слайд 121

2. Danny doesn’t like cool, thin clothes

2. Danny doesn’t like cool, thin clothes

Слайд 122

3. …. doesn’t like boring colors

3. …. doesn’t like boring colors

Слайд 123

3. Who doesn’t like boring colors

3. Who doesn’t like boring colors

Слайд 124

Слайд 125

3. Sunny doesn’t like boring colors

3. Sunny doesn’t like boring colors

Слайд 126

4. …. likes clothes for the office

4. …. likes clothes for the office

Слайд 127

4. Who likes clothes for the office?

4. Who likes clothes for the office?

Слайд 128

Слайд 129

4. Tara likes clothes for the office

4. Tara likes clothes for the office

Слайд 130

5. ….. doesn’t like feeling hot

5. ….. doesn’t like feeling hot

Слайд 131

5. Who doesn’t like feeling hot?

5. Who doesn’t like feeling hot?

Слайд 132

Слайд 133

5. Simon doesn’t like feeling hot

5. Simon doesn’t like feeling hot

Слайд 134

Exercise 3 Page 82

Exercise 3 Page 82

Слайд 135

Do you follow fashion or do you like to be comfortable?

Do you follow fashion or do you like to be

Слайд 136

I follow fashion I like to be comfortable

I follow fashion
I like to be comfortable

Слайд 137

Exercise 4A Page 83

Exercise 4A Page 83

Слайд 138

Find the opposites of these words in the text on page 82

Find the opposites of these words in the text on page

Слайд 139

Smart - scruffy

Smart - scruffy

Слайд 140

1. Thin -

1. Thin -

Слайд 141

Danny’s from Canada. It’s very cold in the winter in

Danny’s from Canada. It’s very cold in the winter in Canada,

so Danny often wears thick wool pullovers and warm jackets
Слайд 142

1. Thin - thick

1. Thin - thick

Слайд 143

2. Cold -

2. Cold -

Слайд 144

Danny’s from Canada. It’s very cold in the winter in

Danny’s from Canada. It’s very cold in the winter in Canada,

so Danny often wears thick wool pullovers and warm jackets
Слайд 145

2. Cold - warm

2. Cold - warm

Слайд 146

3. Loose -

3. Loose -

Слайд 147

This is Simon. He’s wearing scruffy old jeans and a

This is Simon. He’s wearing scruffy old jeans and a tight

T-shirt. Simon says he likes comfortable old clothes – he isn’t interested in fashion
Слайд 148

3. Loose - tight

3. Loose - tight

Слайд 149

4. Dark -

4. Dark -

Слайд 150

Sunny doesn’t like Western fashion. She loves bright colors and luxurious [lʌk’ zjuriəs] materials

Sunny doesn’t like Western fashion. She loves bright colors and luxurious

[lʌk’ zjuriəs] materials
Слайд 151

4. Dark - bright

4. Dark - bright

Слайд 152

5. Unfashionable -

5. Unfashionable -

Слайд 153

What about Tara? She’s wearing a formal suit. Tara likes

What about Tara? She’s wearing a formal suit. Tara likes fashion,

but she works in an office, so she can’t wear fashionable clothes very often
Слайд 154

5. Unfashionable - fashionable

5. Unfashionable - fashionable

Слайд 155

6. Man-made -

6. Man-made -

Слайд 156

She buys a lot of her clothes at second-hand shops. Karen only wears natural materials

She buys a lot of her clothes at second-hand shops. Karen

only wears natural materials
Слайд 157

6. Man-made - natural

6. Man-made - natural

Слайд 158

Exercise 4B Page 83

Exercise 4B Page 83

Слайд 159

Match the words with the meaning

Match the words with the meaning

Слайд 160

Слайд 161

1. Cotton –material made from a plant (b)

1. Cotton –material made from a plant (b)

Слайд 162

Слайд 163

2. Wool –material from animal hair (c)

2. Wool –material from animal hair (c)

Слайд 164

Слайд 165

3. Wool –material from animal skin (d)

3. Wool –material from animal skin (d)

Слайд 166

Слайд 167

4. Silk – a soft expensive material (a)

4. Silk – a soft expensive material (a)

Слайд 168

Exercise 5A Page 83

Exercise 5A Page 83

Слайд 169

Look at the sentences from the text and say which

Look at the sentences from the text and say which adjectives

describe facts and which adjectives describe the writer’s opinion
Слайд 170

1. She looks lovely (fact or opinion?)

1. She looks lovely (fact or opinion?)

Слайд 171

1. She looks lovely (the writer’s opinion)

1. She looks lovely (the writer’s opinion)

Слайд 172

2. Danny’s young (fact or opinion?)

2. Danny’s young (fact or opinion?)

Слайд 173

2. Danny’s young (fact)

2. Danny’s young (fact)

Слайд 174

3. She’s wearing a beautiful (fact or opinion?) silk(fact or opinion?) sari

3. She’s wearing a beautiful (fact or opinion?) silk(fact or opinion?)

Слайд 175

3. She’s wearing a beautiful (the writer’s opinion) silk(fact) sari

3. She’s wearing a beautiful (the writer’s opinion) silk(fact) sari

Слайд 176

4. He’s wearing smart (fact or opinion?) brown (fact or opinion?) trousers

4. He’s wearing smart (fact or opinion?) brown (fact or opinion?)

Слайд 177

4. He’s wearing smart (the writer’s opinion) brown (fact) trousers

4. He’s wearing smart (the writer’s opinion) brown (fact) trousers

Слайд 178

Exercise 5B Page 83

Exercise 5B Page 83

Слайд 179

When we have 2 adjectives before a noun we put opinions before facts

When we have 2 adjectives before a noun we put opinions

before facts
Слайд 180

Page 87

Page 87

Слайд 181

We use adjectives after the verbs to be and look

We use adjectives after the verbs to be and look

Слайд 182

That watch is expensive

That watch is expensive

Слайд 183

Her jacket looks lovely

Her jacket looks lovely

Слайд 184

Exercise 6 Page 83

Exercise 6 Page 83

Слайд 185

Use words from the box to write labels for the pictures

Use words from the box to write labels for the pictures

Слайд 186

(boots) (старые чёрные)

(boots) (старые чёрные)

Слайд 187

Слайд 188

Old black boots

Old black boots

Слайд 189

(yellow dress) (красивое хлопковое)

(yellow dress) (красивое хлопковое)

Слайд 190

Слайд 191

A beautiful cotton yellow dress

A beautiful cotton yellow dress

Слайд 192

(watch) (дорогие швейцарские)

(watch) (дорогие швейцарские)

Слайд 193

Слайд 194

An expensive Swiss watch

An expensive Swiss watch

Слайд 195

(shoes) (потёртые коричневые)

(shoes) (потёртые коричневые)

Слайд 196

Слайд 197

Scruffy brown shoes

Scruffy brown shoes

Слайд 198

Exercise 7 Page 83

Exercise 7 Page 83

Слайд 199

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences

Слайд 200

I think designer clothes are expensive

I think designer clothes are expensive

Слайд 201

1. dress/she’s /a/ silk/ wearing/ beautiful/

1. dress/she’s /a/ silk/ wearing/ beautiful/

Слайд 202

1. She’s wearing a beautiful silk dress

1. She’s wearing a beautiful silk dress

Слайд 203

2. looks/that/ smart/ suit

2. looks/that/ smart/ suit

Слайд 204

2. That suit looks smart

2. That suit looks smart

Слайд 205

3. expensive, clothes, second-hand/ aren’t

3. expensive, clothes, second-hand/ aren’t

Слайд 206

3. Second-hand clothes aren’t expensive

3. Second-hand clothes aren’t expensive

Слайд 207

4. love/ my/ wool/ pullover/ comfortable/ I

4. love/ my/ wool/ pullover/ comfortable/ I

Слайд 208

4. I love my comfortable wool pullover

4. I love my comfortable wool pullover

Слайд 209

5. jeans/ fantastic/ look/ your

5. jeans/ fantastic/ look/ your

Слайд 210

5. Your jeans look fantastic

5. Your jeans look fantastic

Слайд 211

6. always/ Mario/ cotton, T-shirts/ wears/ nice

6. always/ Mario/ cotton, T-shirts/ wears/ nice

Слайд 212

6. Mario always wears nice cotton T-shirts

6. Mario always wears nice cotton T-shirts

Слайд 213

Exercise 9 Page 83

Exercise 9 Page 83

Слайд 214

Answer the questions

Answer the questions

Слайд 215

Group A questions

Group A questions

Слайд 216

1. How often do you wear jeans?

1. How often do you wear jeans?

Слайд 217

I (often, usually, seldom, never) wear jeans

I (often, usually, seldom, never) wear jeans

Слайд 218

2. How often do you wear a suit?

2. How often do you wear a suit?

Слайд 219

I (often, usually, seldom, never) wear a suit

I (often, usually, seldom, never) wear a suit

Слайд 220

3. How often do you wear trainers?

3. How often do you wear trainers?

Слайд 221

I (often, usually, seldom, never) wear trainers

I (often, usually, seldom, never) wear trainers

Слайд 222

4. How often do you buy clothes on the Internet

4. How often do you buy clothes on the Internet

Слайд 223

I (often, usually, seldom, never) buy clothes on the Internet

I (often, usually, seldom, never) buy clothes on the Internet

Слайд 224

Group B questions

Group B questions

Слайд 225

Put these in the order of importance (1 –the most important)

Put these in the order of importance (1 –the most important)

Слайд 226

Слайд 227

Why do you wear clothes?

Why do you wear clothes?

Слайд 228

Слайд 229

Group C questions

Group C questions

Слайд 230

What do you usually wear at home? (a dressing gown [gaun]

What do you usually wear at home?
(a dressing gown [gaun]

Слайд 231

2. What do you usually wear at the weekend?

2. What do you usually wear at the weekend?

Слайд 232

3. What do you usually wear to work?

3. What do you usually wear to work?

Слайд 233

4. What do you usually wear to job interviews?

4. What do you usually wear to job interviews?

Слайд 234

5. What do you usually wear to visit your relatives?

5. What do you usually wear to visit your relatives?

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