Презентации по Английскому языку

Cities in the USA
Cities in the USA
New York City New York City or the City of New York - the metropolis of the world values and the largest city in the United States with a population of over 8.3 million people. Is the economic and financial center of the United States of America, as well as one of the most famous cities in the world. New York city is the center of a huge city Metropolitan area called "Greater New York" or Metropolitan New York. The population of the greater new York city more than 19 million people, ranking it second only to Tokyo, Seoul and Mexico city. New York is a global symbol of capitalism, especially clear tourists when , seeing Wall Street or skyscraper Rockefeller center. Statue of liberty The symbol of the United States the Statue of Liberty. Each of the millions of visitors each year to visit a small island on which the statue pays tribute to its beauty and grandeur. Wall Street Chicago Chicago was incorporated as a city in 1837, near a portage between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River watershed, and experienced rapid growth in the mid-nineteenth century. Today, the city is an international hub for finance, commerce, industry, technology, telecommunications, and transportation, with O'Hare International Airport being the busiest airport in the world; it also has the largest number of U.S. highways, and railroad freight entering its region. In 2012, Chicago was listed as an alpha global city by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network, and ranks seventh in the world in the 2014 Global Cities Index As of 2012, Chicago had the third largest gross metropolitan product in the United States, after the New York City and Los Angeles metropolitan areas, at a sum of US$571 billion. In 2012, Chicago hosted 46.37 million international and domestic visitors, an overall visitation record. Chicago's culture includes contributions to the visual arts, novels, film, theater, especially improvisational comedy, and music, particularly jazz, blues, soul, and the creation of house music. The city has many nicknames, which reflect the impressions and opinions about historical and contemporary Chicago. The best-known include the "Windy City" and "Second City." Chicago has professional sports teams in each of the major professional leagues. The Chicago Bulls are an American professional basketball team. They are known to have one of the NBA's greatest dynasties, winning six NBA Championships between 1991 and 1998 . All six championship teams were led by Hall of fame Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and coach Phil Jackson. The bulls are the only team in the NBA championship has never suffered a defeat in the final in the history of the NBA .
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Christmas Word Game
Christmas Word Game
Заметки для учителя Это веселая игра в слова, которая с удовольствием воспринимается как маленькими, так и старшими. В нее можно играть, начиная с 4-5 класса. Презентация рассчитана для демонстрации на большом экране. Слайды 3-4. Поздравляем всех с праздником. Слайды 5-7. Вспоминаем символы. Слайды 8-26. Интерактивная игра. Играют две команды. Цель игры. Прочитать подсказку и отгадать загаданное слово. Ход игры. Нужно нажимать на буквы и составить слово. Если буква выбрана правильно, она «летит» в поле ответа. Неправильная буква закрывается картинкой. Порядок игры. Представитель одной из команд нажимает выбранную букву. Если она правильная, можно продолжить игру, если неправильная– переход хода. За каждую правильно нажатую букву даем 1 очко (одну маленькую карточку). Членам команды разрешается подсказывать игрокам у компьютера. Слайд 27. Подведение итогов. Команды подсчитывают очки. Объявляем победителя. Слайд 28. Поздравляем всех с Рождеством.
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