Презентации по Английскому языку

The Olympic Games
The Olympic Games
Цели урока: – практический аспект – совершенствование умений практического владения учащимися английским языком по теме «Олимпийские игры»; – образовательный аспект – расширение знаний, кругозора учащихся; развитие у них общих и специальных умений; – развивающий аспект – развитие навыков оперирования языковыми единицами в коммуникативных целях; – воспитательный аспект – воспитание интереса к слушанию, чтению, воспитание трудолюбия, самостоятельности, активности. Задачи урока: – тренировать учащихся в употреблении лексики по данной теме; – совершенствование слухопроизносительных и ритмико-интонационных навыков; – совершенствование навыков чтения; – совершенствование навыков понимания незнакомого текста. Try to guess the meaning of these symbols of sports. Here is some clue: figure-skating, football, skiing, tennis, skating, gymnastics, swimming. The first sport is … The second sport is… The third sport is… The forth sport is…
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Breed origin
Breed origin
Breed origin Edilbaevskie sheep, as a breed, there were about two hundred years ago, when we decided to select the best fat-tailed animals and cross them with overall coarse relatives with the Astrakhan land in western Kazakhstan breeders of people. Until the XIX century in the steppes of Kazakhstan people were mostly nomadic. Accordingly, the animals were forced to adapt to the nomadic life. This factor has allowed them to easily adapt to transitions over long distances. Before the mass breeding of sheep edilbaevskih, their fat-tailed ancestors grazed on the pastures scarce, often burn out under the scorching sun in the almost desert conditions. The almost complete absence of water, thermal conditions, and constant search for food tempered animals. In succession edilbaevskim fat-tailed sheep, they gave the ability to endure harsh climatic extremes, and in spite of the scarcity of nutritious diet to fully grow and provide valuable meat and tallow products. Description appearance edilbaevskih sheep As you can see in the photo, edilbaevskaya breed of sheep and the sheep is a fat-tailed. The older the animal, the more he has developed this bag of lard. The increase in sheep is pretty decent, and sometimes up to 85 cm at the withers. The body length - about 80 centimeters. Bust often comes to hundreds of centimeters. Build their different strength. The rounded shape indicates a good nutritional status. Rams edilbaevskoy breed are well fed at a time when, examining them and torso muscles, the farmer is not detectable beneath the ribs. Exterior of sheep and sheep breed Edilbaevskoy Live weight of males exceeds almost twice the weight of the queens. If the sheep on average weigh about 110 kilograms, the sheep eats 60-70 pounds. Most animals can collect up to 160 and 100 kilograms respectively. Thus females grow much faster. Individuals of this breed may differ suit. Basic colors have two - black and red, there are brown representatives. Tellingly, the suit affects the productivity of animals. For example, the black and brown edilbaevskie sheep ahead of their red relatives in terms of wool, which gives on 7,5-11,8% more. And they weigh more than - about 2,2-6,9%. Fur animals in the 52-56% is made up of fluff. From one individual can receive about 19% excellent and 24% of the hair spine. Translated into kilograms - about three kilos of pure wool. Since it does not differ gentleness, it is mainly in the production of carpets. Rams edilbaevskoy breed like sheep, distinguished by the absence of horns.
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Формирование и активизация навыков говорения школьников. Задания устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку
Формирование и активизация навыков говорения школьников. Задания устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку
Типы заданий к устной части экзаменов на 2015 год http://www.fipi.ru/content/otkrytyy-bank-zadaniy-oge ОГЭ Тематическое монологическое высказывание Комбинированный диалог ОГЭ http://opengia.ru/subjects/english-9/topics/1 банк открытых заданий по говорению Тask 1 Speak about important inventions. Remember to say: - what invention you consider the most important - what devices you often use and what for - why it is difficult for people to do without  computers and mobile phones You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions. STUDENT CARD Task 2 (2–3 minutes) You play the part of a student in an international language school. You are going to have a Halloween party this Saturday but you don’t know much about Halloween. You know that your classmate Sophie/Sebastian has a book on Halloween traditions. You come to Sophie’s/Sebastian’s room. ·       Explain the situation and ask if you can borrow the book. ·        Answer your classmate’s questions about holidays. ·        Answer the questions about travelling. ·        Reject your classmate’s invitation. Give an excuse. You begin the conversation. The examiner will play the part of your classmate. Remember to: ·        mention all the four aspects of the task ·        take an active part in the conversation and be polite
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