Endangered Species презентация


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What are endangered species? An endangered species can be defined

What are endangered species?

An endangered species can be defined as species

which is very likely to be extinct in the near future.
The number of endangered species has dramatically risen over time.
According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, while in 1998, 1102 animals and 1197 plants have been categorized as endangered, these numbers increased to 3079 animals and 2655 plants until 2012.
If this trend continues, we will lose many species in the near future.
To prevent this, governments and other institutions all over the world try to save the endangered species by measures like creating protected areas or forbidding hunting.
In the following, reasons, effects, examples and also solutions concerning the endangered species problems are analyzed.
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Causes Destruction of habitats Changes in natural living conditions Hunting


Destruction of habitats
Changes in natural living conditions
Insufficient reproduction rate
Invasive species
Degree of

Conflicts between wildlife and humans
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Destruction of habitats Humanity expands its infrastructure in order to

Destruction of habitats

Humanity expands its infrastructure in order to create more

settlement space and also to extract precious materials from the ground.
However, by doing so, many animals and plants which lived in untouched nature are now adversely influenced by human behavior since their natural environments are altered or even destroyed.
Thus, many animals and plants have to look out for new homes or they will be in danger of becoming extinct.
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Changes in natural living conditions Due to changes in natural

Changes in natural living conditions

Due to changes in natural living conditions,

animals and plants may not be able to adapt to these new conditions in a proper way and therefore become endangered and eventually may even become extinct.
For instance, due to global warming, the water temperature in lakes and rivers is likely to increase.
Thus, oxygen levels are likely to decrease and animals and plants may die off because of a lack of oxygen.
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Hunting Hunting still is a big problem and can cause


Hunting still is a big problem and can cause the extinction

of whole species.
Since people are greedy and often want to make as much money as possible, they kill animals just to get their precious parts like their ivory or fur.
If these animals are not properly protected by governments or other agencies, they will be an easy target and will eventually become extinct.
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Fishing Another cause that can lead to the endangerment of


Another cause that can lead to the endangerment of species is

excessive fishing.
Since our world population consumes large amounts of fish, many fish have to be caught in order to meet this demand.
Especially for fishes people love to consume, this could lead them to become an endangered species.
For example, the Atlantic Cod is on the IUCN red list.
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Pollution The industrial revolution and our increased need for consumption


The industrial revolution and our increased need for consumption has led

to an increase in many different forms of pollution.
Acid rain, water pollution, air pollution and other kinds of pollution can harm many species in an extremely adverse way.
If they are not able to adapt to the higher levels of pollution, they will be in danger to die out.
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Insufficient reproduction rate Some species are quite eager to reproduce,

Insufficient reproduction rate

Some species are quite eager to reproduce, others are

just lazy to do so.
Especially for animals that have a low reproduction rate, this can cause big problem since they may likely not be able to sustain their species.
Moreover, for some species, it takes quite a long time until they are able to reproduce at all.
This can also lead to a species to become endangered or even extinct.
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Invasive species Invasive species can affect local species in an

Invasive species

Invasive species can affect local species in an adverse way

since on the one hand, they can carry diseases that local species are not able to fight.
On the other hand, invasive species may displace the local species and thus the local species may be in danger of becoming extinct.
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Genetics Animals which have a low genetic variation are at


Animals which have a low genetic variation are at greater risk

for extinction than animals with a high genetic variation.
The rationale for this is that animals with low genetic variations could potentially be wiped out by one big epidemic.
Due to low genetic variation, all animals of this species will be hit by the disease and they will likely not be able to fight it at all.
Moreover, also the adaption to new living conditions will be harder if animals have low genetic variation since they will be more sensitive to altered living conditions.
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Diseases Not only people suffer from epidemic diseases, also animals


Not only people suffer from epidemic diseases, also animals can be

adversely affected.
Diseases like Ebola can cause thousands of death among certain species like monkeys and therefore diminish their numbers dramatically.
In the worst case, epidemics can cause whole species to become extinct if the animals only occur in one region and thus can be all affected by the deadly threat.
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Degree of specialization Highly specialized animals or plants are more

Degree of specialization

Highly specialized animals or plants are more likely to

become endangered or extinct since they are not flexible at all in their living conditions.
Changes in living conditions may be due to global warming or further adverse effects which may happen over time.
Small changes in their natural habitats may force animals to move or they may even die since they are likely not able to adopt to the new circumstances.
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Conflicts between wildlife and humans Since our world population is

Conflicts between wildlife and humans

Since our world population is growing, we

need more and more settlement space in order to build houses and other infrastructure.
To gain this settlement space, it is often necessary to cut down forests or invade other habitats which are currently used by animals.
These animals will lose their living space, which may force them to move to other areas.
If they do not find another suitable habitat, chances are that the animal population drops.
Moreover, in areas where animals like wolves or bears live, people are often scared to meet these kind of animals.
They often advocate to shoot these animals since in peoples‘ eyes, they pose a serious threat to humans.
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Effects Biodiversity and chain reactions Diseases Decrease in crop yields Loss of medicine sources Economic effects


Biodiversity and chain reactions
Decrease in crop yields
Loss of medicine sources
Economic effects

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Biodiversity and chain reactions Since nature is a big system

Biodiversity and chain reactions

Since nature is a big system in which

species depend upon each other and function as a whole, the extinction of a small number of animals or plants can cause chain reactions to the whole ecosystem and thus have a big effect on the environment.
For example, if a species A which eats another species B goes extinct, the number of species B would increase dramatically.
Since species B will also eat other species C, species C will now be endangered.
This circle continues and will often have profound effects on the ecosystem.
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Diseases Some animals can serve as buffers between pathogens and


Some animals can serve as buffers between pathogens and humans.

can thus lower the probability that humans get infected by certain diseases.
Thus, if species become extinct, this buffer is lost and humans can be more likely hit by diseases.
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Decrease in crop yields Since insects like bees play an

Decrease in crop yields

Since insects like bees play an important role

in the crop growing process, losing these species would be extremely harmful to the crop yields of farmers and could also cause global famine.
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Loss of medical sources Many components which are contained in

Loss of medical sources

Many components which are contained in drugs are

extracted from plants.
If these plants become endangered or even extinct, we will not be able to use the plant ingredients for medical purposes anymore.
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Economic effects Animals often are popular attractions for tourists. Countries

Economic effects

Animals often are popular attractions for tourists.
Countries which can

provide these animals can often make significant amounts of money with touristic activities.
However, if certain animal species become extinct, these countries will suffer from severe adverse economic effects since tourists may not come to their countries anymore after the animals vanished.
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Solutions Recycling and sustainable products Education Reduction in water consumption


Recycling and sustainable products
Reduction in water consumption
Grow native plants
Reduce your footprint

plastic products
Do not buy products from endangered species
Support companies which protect species
Reduction in the use of fertilizer and pesticides
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Recycling and sustainable products In order to use our natural

Recycling and sustainable products

In order to use our natural resources in

an effective way, we should recycle our products on a regular basis.
Since for an increased production of consumption products, more and more forests and other natural environments have to be infiltrated by humans, reducing consumption will lead to a contribution to the saving of endangered species.
Moreover, we should not buy products for which rainforests or other endangered trees have been used.
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Education A big part of the endangered species problem is


A big part of the endangered species problem is that people

usually are unaware or simply do not care too much in their daily lifes about our animals and plants.
We have to change their attitude in a way that they are ready to reduce their consumption behavior in order to protect animals and plants.
We have to make them clear that their daily behavior has a significant impact on how their children will be able to enjoy the world in the future.
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Reduction in water consumption Since water is essential for life

Reduction in water consumption

Since water is essential for life not only

for humans but also for animals and plants, we should save water whenever we can.
Through the global warming issue, water will become an even more important resource in the future.
If we are not able to reduce our water demand, there will not be enough water left for all animals and plants and the probability for them to extinct will increase.
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Grow native plants By growing native plants, it will be

Grow native plants

By growing native plants, it will be easy for

us to contribute to the preservation of local species.
For example, growing local plants can help bees and other insects to sustain their population while they will also improve your crop yield.
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Reduce your footprint Everyone talks about saving our environment, but

Reduce your footprint

Everyone talks about saving our environment, but many people

lack actions when they have to make actual sacrifices.
Everyone should contribute their part in order to save our native species and thus to ensure a livable future.
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Donations Instead of spending lots of money on beer, you


Instead of spending lots of money on beer, you should consider

giving part of that budget to institutions which have the mission to protect endangered species.
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Avoid plastic products Since large amounts of plastic will end

Avoid plastic products

Since large amounts of plastic will end up in

our oceans which in turn will harm sea animals and plants, you should save plastic by reusing your bags as often as possible.
You should also consider using fabric bags instead of plastic bags.
Moreover, avoiding coffee-to-go cups will also contribute to reduce the amount of plastic produced.
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Do not buy products from endangered species We are often

Do not buy products from endangered species

We are often unaware that

we are able to frequently buy souvenirs from endangered species.
We should avoid this at all costs since endangered animals often have to die because of that.
An example is the killing of elephants just for their ivory.
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Support companies which protect species There is a big difference

Support companies which protect species

There is a big difference on how

companies value environmental standards.
You should support and buy from companies which contribute their part to the protection of animals and plants.
Thus, you should also not buy products from companies which do not care about the environment at all.
You can often see if a product is made from renewable resources.
Moreover, you can research products on the internet to see how they have been produced and make your decision if the company cares enough about the environment.
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Reduction in the use of fertilizer and pesticides A big

Reduction in the use of fertilizer and pesticides

A big concentration of

pesticides or by-products of fertilizers can contaminate plants which in turn are consumed by animals.
These animals will suffer from the contamination and can even die from contaminated plants.
Thus, species may become endangered from an excessive use of pesticides and fertilizer.
This problem can be mitigated by raising the awareness of farmers that their behavior has a significant effect on the population of local species.
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Conclusion Through human intervention, an increasing number of species is


Through human intervention, an increasing number of species is endangered of

becoming extinct in the near future.
In order to stop this process, we have to raise the awareness of industries and also change our daily life consumption behavior.
We have to make sacrifices in order to protect our environment and therefore ensure a livable future for our children.
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