The Nicolaus Copernicus monuments презентация

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The Nicolaus Copernicus monument is a real masterpiece of sculpture

The Nicolaus Copernicus monument is a real masterpiece of sculpture situated

in Warsaw, Poland. It was designed by Bertel Thorvaldsen in 1822.
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The bronze Nicolaus Copernicus is holding a pair of compasses

The bronze Nicolaus Copernicus is holding a pair of compasses and

armillary sphere, or astrolabe, an important astronomical instrument.
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Toruń Olsztyn Kraków




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Copernicus was an astronomer and mathematician who was born in

Copernicus was an astronomer and mathematician who was born in 15th

century. He is known to be the author of heliocentric model of the world.
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This model describes the University with the Sun in the centre of it.

This model describes the University with the Sun in the centre

of it.
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Copernicus made a lot for the science of that time.

Copernicus made a lot for the science of that time. Many

people from all over the world still consider him one of the humanity’s greatest astronomers. He was also a talented mathematician and economist.
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sources Wikipedia, “Nicolaus Copernicus Monument, Warsaw” Wikipedia, “Nicolaus Copernicus”


Wikipedia, “Nicolaus Copernicus Monument, Warsaw”
Wikipedia, “Nicolaus Copernicus”

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