Kazakh mythology презентация

Слайд 2

First - proto. Since the end of the Neolithic and Chalcolithic to 1-3

centuries BC
The second - actually Turkish. C 1-3 centuries BC to 14-15 centuries BC
The third - the actual Kazakh. After the 15th century to the present day.

Слайд 3

Kazakh Scientists on mythology

Serikbol Kondybai:
“We just tried to make a sketch of the

great heritage ... "- noted scholar in the manuscript of the “preface to Mythology”
His discovery-mythological features of legendary ancestor of the Kazakh people Alash-Khan.
Works:«Введение в казахскую мифологию» , «Священные места Мангыстау и Устюрта» (2000), «Казахская степь и германские боги» (2000), «Есен-казак» (2002), «Гиперборея: родословная времени сновидений»

Слайд 4

Tengri is one of the names for the primary chief deity in the

religion of the early Turkic people.

Слайд 5


The legend of the World Tree

Слайд 6

the World Tree connects the three levels of spiritual existence, 

the underworld, or upper middle and lower existences respectively.
Имя файла: Kazakh-mythology.pptx
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