Sila Sveta for Trans Studio. Part 3 презентация


Слайд 2

@silasveta Styleframe Max’s city


Max’s city

Слайд 3

Styleframe Alivia appearing @silasveta

Alivia appearing


Слайд 4

Styleframe Alivia sees Earth on fire @silasveta

Alivia sees Earth on fire


Слайд 5

Styleframe Place of Main Battle @silasveta

Place of Main Battle


Слайд 6

Styleframe Alivia comes to life @silasveta

Alivia comes to life


Слайд 7

Storyboard The door. Appearance of the narrator. @silasveta Scene 1


The door.
of the narrator.


Scene 1

Слайд 8

Storyboard Beautiful panorama of the Galaxy. Close-up on the planets. @silasveta Scene 1


Beautiful panorama of the Galaxy. Close-up on the planets.


Scene 1

Слайд 9

Storyboard We show the Earth Planet. @silasveta (Narrator voice): Narrator


We show
the Earth Planet.


(Narrator voice): Narrator tells a story, that

took place 1000 years ago.

Scene 1

Слайд 10

Storyboard People of Earth with the help of Nebula Kingdom


People of Earth with the help of Nebula Kingdom had won

the great battle with Evil and imprisoned it's life power in ancient magic box.


Scene 1

Слайд 11

Storyboard @silasveta The box was hidden in special storage, which



The box was hidden in special storage, which was protected by

guards possessing the power of earth and air.

Scene 1

Слайд 12

Storyboard And the Earth was safe for 1000 years until this Time… @silasveta Scene 1


And the Earth was safe for 1000 years until this Time…



Слайд 13

Storyboard The hero of the story Max appears. @silasveta Scene 2


The hero of the story Max appears.


Scene 2

Слайд 14

Storyboard He snuck into this strictly guarded storage. @silasveta Scene 2


He snuck into this strictly guarded storage.


Scene 2

Слайд 15

Storyboard Max burns out of curiosity, he is reaching out


Max burns out of curiosity, he is reaching out his arms

to the box.


Scene 2

Слайд 16

Storyboard The image of incredible girl appears in front of


The image of incredible girl appears in front of a hero,

warning him.


Scene 2

Слайд 17

Storyboard Max freezes, at the same time the guards break into the vault. @silasveta Scene 2


Max freezes, at the same time the guards break into the



Scene 2

Слайд 18

Storyboard A fight ensues, the guards try to hold Max,


A fight ensues, the guards try to hold Max, but he

breaks free, opens the box and releases an ancient Evil. A bright red beam breaks out from the box.


Scene 2

Слайд 19

Storyboard Max's hands are covered with red stigmata. (covering with


Max's hands are covered with red stigmata. (covering with shining red



(Narrator voice): Prophecy: the one who opened the box will be damned, and will perish, if evil be not defeated within 24 hours. Crystals will point the way to the Evil.

Scene 2

Слайд 20

Storyboard The building and the whole environment begins to crumble.


The building and the whole environment begins to crumble.
Max and

the guards run through the sewer into the city.


Scene 2

Слайд 21

Storyboard They emerge from a hatch in the ground. @silasveta Scene 2


They emerge from a hatch in the ground.


Scene 2

Слайд 22

Storyboard The city collapses, Max and the guards flee through


The city collapses, Max and the guards flee through the city,

climbing higher and higher.


Scene 2

Слайд 23

Storyboard Max breaks away from the guards and stops, looking


Max breaks away from the guards and stops, looking at the

panorama of the collapsing city.


Scene 2

Слайд 24

Storyboard In the dark little points of light come on,


In the dark little points of light come on, it move.

The courtiers of the castle dance with lights.


(Narrator voice): Nebula planet is the only one, who ever could defeat the great Evil on Earth, thanks to magical revivaling power of it royals.

Scene 3

Слайд 25

Storyboard The courtiers of the castle immerse the light in the water. @silasveta Scene 3


The courtiers of the castle immerse the light in the water.


Scene 3

Слайд 26

Storyboard Princess Alivia wakes up out of the water, she


Princess Alivia wakes up out of the water, she rises above

the stage - behind her is a long volumetric train of shining fabric.


Scene 3

Слайд 27

Storyboard Princess Alivia's maids slowly descends from the ceiling along


Princess Alivia's maids slowly descends from the ceiling along with jellyfish

(on the screen)


Scene 3

Слайд 28

Storyboard The courtiers of the castle in the dance go


The courtiers of the castle in the dance go into the

intervals between the screens and than appear in the graphic on the screen.


Scene 3

Слайд 29

Storyboard The castle is rising from the water. @silasveta Scene 3


The castle is rising from the water.


Scene 3

Слайд 30

Storyboard The courtiers descend from the graphics on the screen


The courtiers descend from the graphics on the screen and appear

on the stage.


Scene 3

Слайд 31

Storyboard The castle of the princess rises above the surface


The castle of the princess rises above the surface of the

Nebula planet.


Scene 3

Слайд 32

Storyboard A few more parts of the princess's city rise


A few more parts of the princess's city rise to the

surface of the planet. The image Earth planet appears in front of the court kingdoms, they are looking at it. The planet is covering with black moving substance.


Scene 3

Слайд 33

Storyboard The picture on the screen splits. In the second


The picture on the screen splits.
In the second part of

the screen there is a large image from the Earth and a flying Max spaceship appears. Max enters it, the guards run in the distance.


Scene 4

Слайд 34

Storyboard The city begins to crumble, the ground destroys under


The city begins to crumble, the ground destroys under the guards

and the guards grab to the edge. Max returns and helps the guards escape. They climb aboard the Max's spaceship.
The army of Alivia rises aboard her spaceship. Princess Alivia's spaceship flies up.


Scene 4

Слайд 35

Storyboard Both ships rise into the air and fly rapidly. @silasveta Scene 4


Both ships rise into the air and fly rapidly.


Scene 4

Слайд 36

Storyboard On one side of the screen, the Alivia's ship


On one side of the screen, the Alivia's ship is moving

in space to Earth. On another, the Max ship is flying over the surface of the Earth.


Scene 4

Слайд 37

Storyboard Both ships land on different parts of the island.


Both ships land on different parts of the island. Alivia with

her army and Max with the guards come out of the spaceships.


Scene 5

Слайд 38

Storyboard Alivia in the left part moves from left to


Alivia in the left part moves from left to the right

(graphics on the screen moves along the coast). She is like flying on the bubbles cloud (graphic beneath Alivia).
Max in the right part moves from right to the left (graphics on the screen moves through the thicket of the jungle). Max jumps on the trampoline, creating a image of fast running through the thicket of the jungle.


Scene 5

Слайд 39

Storyboard Alivia and Max collide in the same place (2


Alivia and Max collide in the same place (2 screens in

the graphic merges).
Max flashback: he remembered Alivia, who appeared in front of Max in storage before he opened the magic box.


Scene 5

Слайд 40

Storyboard Alivia freezes. Max kneels and pulls the box to the Princess @silasveta Scene 5


Alivia freezes. Max kneels and pulls the box to the Princess



Слайд 41

Storyboard Alivia touches the box and the light goes out,


Alivia touches the box and the light goes out, only Alivia

glows in the darkness.


Scene 5

Слайд 42

Storyboard The light inflames - Alivia with her warriors conducts


The light inflames - Alivia with her warriors conducts the rite

of calling Evil into battle. In the dark glow symbols and signs on the bodies of warriors appear.
Max and the guards observe from the side.


Scene 5

Слайд 43

Storyboard All heroes disappear from the stage. Graphic on the


All heroes disappear from the stage.
Graphic on the screen is

moving far from the action place.
The Evil is rising far in the sea.


Scene 6

Слайд 44

Storyboard The Evil moves forward(using treadmill) and behind it is


The Evil moves forward(using treadmill) and behind it is his monster

avatar (on the graphics on the screen)


Scene 6

Слайд 45

Storyboard The monster is thrown onto the beach and instantly


The monster is thrown onto the beach and instantly strikes the

first blow, throwing a couple aside. Max shields Alivia from the blow and takes it upon himself. Max falls.


Scene 6

Слайд 46

Storyboard Alivia fights with the monster. Using runes against dark


Alivia fights with the monster. Using runes against dark matter. The

graphics rotate a bit, creating a parallax motion.


Scene 6

Слайд 47

Storyboard A monster beats a tentacle on the ground. @silasveta Scene 6


A monster beats a tentacle on the ground.


Scene 6

Слайд 48

Storyboard All are falling through the appeared hole in the ground. @silasveta Scene 6


All are falling through the appeared hole in the ground.


Scene 6

Слайд 49

Storyboard Max and Alivia fly down (on the screen, the


Max and Alivia fly down (on the screen, the movement of

the fall in the well, Max and Alivia "fall" back to us. Winches). Max, using his power, forms interference for monster. Monster slows down, but then with a new force it breaks down obstacles. One of the landslides touches Alivia.


Scene 6

Слайд 50

Storyboard Max and Alivia drown in the darkness, moving away


Max and Alivia drown in the darkness, moving away from the

monster. Blackout


Scene 6

Слайд 51

Storyboard Alivia lies on the ground, Max runs up to her. @silasveta Scene 7


Alivia lies on the ground, Max runs up to her.


Scene 7

Слайд 52

Storyboard Monster enters the cave. @silasveta Scene 7


Monster enters the cave.


Scene 7

Слайд 53

Storyboard Max closes Alivia from the monster, forming a power


Max closes Alivia from the monster, forming a power shield. The

tentacles of the monster are trying to penetrate the defense.


Scene 7

Слайд 54

Storyboard The shield is breaking. A bright flash, blinding Monster.


The shield is breaking. A bright flash, blinding Monster. Max and

Alivia disappear under the ground.


Scene 7

Слайд 55

Storyboard Warriors go down on the winches in the cave. @silasveta Scene 7


Warriors go down on the winches in the cave.


Scene 7

Слайд 56

Storyboard They struggle with the monster (trampolines, winches). @silasveta Scene 7


They struggle with the monster (trampolines, winches).


Scene 7

Слайд 57

Storyboard Monster attacks warriors tentacles. @silasveta Scene 7


Monster attacks warriors tentacles.


Scene 7

Слайд 58

Storyboard Tentacles of monsters appear from under the stage, several


Tentacles of monsters appear from under the stage, several warriors fight

with them. But the monster wins the battle, all the warriors are defeated.


Scene 7

Слайд 59

Storyboard With the last blows of a talus, the monster


With the last blows of a talus, the monster splits a

cave. (the camera frame in the graphics moves down below).


Scene 7

Слайд 60

Storyboard Streams of light fly up from the bottom up


Streams of light fly up from the bottom up on the

screen, Max soars in them in zero gravity (on the winch). On the land of Alivia which directs this stream to Max. The light on Alivia is extinguished. She shares her power with Max


Scene 8

Слайд 61

Storyboard Max flies up to the ceiling (on the screen


Max flies up to the ceiling (on the screen it rises

up back where the monster is).


Scene 8

Слайд 62

Storyboard Max fights against the monster with the power of


Max fights against the monster with the power of two elements,

Fire and Water.


Scene 8

Слайд 63

Storyboard Max's forces fade away, he breaks free from the monster and falls. @silasveta Scene 8


Max's forces fade away, he breaks free from the monster and



Scene 8

Слайд 64

Storyboard The guards burst into the cave and give the


The guards burst into the cave and give the power of

the Earth and Air to Max.


Scene 8

Слайд 65

Storyboard Max returns to the monster. His 4 elements power:


Max returns to the monster. His 4 elements power: Water, Earth,

Air and Fire - materialize as Max avatar on the screen.
Evil appears on the scene and fights with Max.


Scene 8

Слайд 66

Storyboard The elements on the screen multiply and fight with


The elements on the screen multiply and fight with the avatar

monster. Meanwhile the Evil fights with Max.


Scene 8

Слайд 67

Storyboard Max delivers the final blow - Evil falls and


Max delivers the final blow - Evil falls and disappears, his

spirit appears on the screen. Evil and his avatar monster are immersing in a magic box.


Scene 8

Слайд 68

Storyboard Max runs up to the place where Alivia lies,


Max runs up to the place where Alivia lies, Casket flies

after him. Max kisses Alivia.Love is the only one power to defeat Evil forever. Red crystals with the hands of Max disappear. The casket explodes into pieces, holes are formed in the cave walls, and water starts flowing from there.


Scene 9

Слайд 69

Storyboard Water fills part of the cave, Max lifts Alivia


Water fills part of the cave, Max lifts Alivia and carries

to the water.


Scene 9

Слайд 70

Storyboard Alivia comes to life. @silasveta Scene 9


Alivia comes to life.


Scene 9

Слайд 71

Storyboard The people of Nebula, the guards, Alivia and Max,


The people of Nebula, the guards, Alivia and Max, at sunset,

celebrate the victory over Evil. Neon flowers and plants sprout around them, lights come on.


Scene 9

Слайд 72

Storyboard Everything freezes - the narrator completes the Happy end story. @silasveta Scene 9


Everything freezes - the narrator completes the Happy end story.


Scene 9

Имя файла: Sila-Sveta-for-Trans-Studio.-Part-3.pptx
Количество просмотров: 35
Количество скачиваний: 0