Alexander Pushkin презентация


Слайд 2

Слайд 3

Poet, novelist, playwright.

Poet, novelist,

Слайд 4

Born: June 6, 1799 Moscow, Russia.

Born: June 6, 1799
Moscow, Russia.

Слайд 5

Died: February 10, 1837 Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Died: February 10, 1837
Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Слайд 6

Education: The Imperial Lyceum In Tsarskoe Selo

The Imperial Lyceum
In Tsarskoe Selo

Слайд 7

First Publication: Poems. 1814

First Publication:
Poems. 1814

Слайд 8

Famous works: Drama Борис Годунов: Boris Godunov Маленькие трагедии: The

Famous works:

Борис Годунов: Boris Godunov
 Маленькие трагедии:  The Little Tragedies
Каменный гость: The

Stone Guest
Моцарт и Сальери: Mozart and Salieri
Скупой рыцарь : The Miserly Knight
Пир во время чумы: A Feast in Time of Plague
Слайд 9

Famous works: Арап Петра Великого: Peter the Great's Negro Повести

Famous works:

Арап Петра Великого: Peter the Great's Negro
Повести покойного Ивана Петровича Белкина: 

Tales of the Late Ivan Petrovich Belkin
Выстрел: The Shot
Метель: The Blizzard
Гробовщик: The Undertaker
Станционный смотритель: The Station mastery
Барышня-крестьянка: The Squire's Daughter
Пиковая дама: The Queen of Spades
Капитанская дочка: The Captain's Daughter
Дубровский: Dubrovsky


Слайд 10

Famous works: Fairy tales in verse Сказка о попе и

Famous works:

Fairy tales in verse
 Сказка о попе и о работнике его

The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda
 Сказка о медведихе: The Tale of the Female Bear 
 Сказка о царе Салтане: 
The Tale of Tsar Saltan
 Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке: 
The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish
Сказка о мертвой царевне: 
The Tale of the Dead Princess
 Сказка о золотом петушке: 
The Tale of the Golden Cockerel
Слайд 11

1.What is Alexander Pushkin famous for? Alexander Pushkin was famous

1.What is
Alexander Pushkin
famous for?

Alexander Pushkin was famous for his

dramas, prose, poems and fairy tales.
Слайд 12

2.When and where was A. Pushkin born? A. Pushkin was born in 1799, in Moscow.

2.When and where
A. Pushkin born?

A. Pushkin was born in

1799, in Moscow.
Слайд 13

3.Where did he get his education? He got his education

3.Where did he get
his education?

He got his education in

Imperial Lyceum
In Tsarskoe Selo.
Слайд 14

4.When did A. Pushkin begin his writing? A. Pushkin began his writing in 1813.

4.When did
A. Pushkin
begin his writing?

A. Pushkin began his writing

in 1813.
Слайд 15

5.When were his first poems published? His first poems were published in 1814.

5.When were his first
poems published?

His first poems were published

in 1814.
Слайд 16

6.What are his most famous works? His most famous works

6.What are his most
famous works?
His most famous works are

Boris Godunov, Dubrovsky,
The Tale of Tsar Saltan.
Слайд 17

7.When and where were his novels set? His novels were

7.When and where
were his novels set?

His novels were set in

the magazines in Moscow and Saint Petersburg.
Слайд 18

8.What did he describe in his poems? He described nature,

8.What did he describe
in his poems?

He described nature, his

motherland, people and life in his poems.
Слайд 19

9.When did A. Pushkin die? Alexander Pushkin died in 1837.

9.When did
A. Pushkin die?

Alexander Pushkin died in 1837.

Слайд 20

10.What was he honoured by his contemporaries for? He was

10.What was
he honoured by
his contemporaries for?

He was honoured by

his contemporaries for his genius talent.
Слайд 21

11.Are his works still popular today? His works are still popular today .

11.Are his works
still popular today?

His works are still popular today

Слайд 22

S. Pushkin’s wife Natalia Goncharova

S. Pushkin’s wife
Natalia Goncharova

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