Pride and Prejudice презентация


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JANE AUSTEN (1775-1817)

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so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humour, reserve, and caprice,that the

experience of three and twenty years had been insufficient to make his wife understand his character.

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MR. Bennet

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“good looking and gentlemanlike; he had a pleasant countenance, and easy, unaffected manners”

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Mr. Bingley

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“she had a lively, playful disposition, which delighted in anything ridiculous”

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Elyzabeth Bennet

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he was discovered to be proud, to be above his company, and above

being pleased

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Mr. Darcy

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They were in fact very fine ladies; not deficient in good humour when

they were pleased, nor in the power of making themselves agreeable when they chose it, but proud and conceited. 

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Bingley’s sisters

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Like her characters, Austen was …

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…rejected for not being rich enough.

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Did the novel come out when it was written or many years later?

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THE NOVEL WAS WRITTEN IN 1797. It was published in 1814. 

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Where did the title come from?

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Austen probably got the title Pride and Prejudice from Cecilia by Fanny Burney, where the phrase is

repeated several times—and in block capitals, no less. “The whole of this unfortunate business,” said Dr. Lyster, “has been the result of PRIDE and PREJUDICE. … If to PRIDE and PREJUDICE you owe your miseries, so wonderfully is good and evil balanced, that to PRIDE and PREJUDICE you will also owe their termination.” 

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Was the novel published anonymously ?

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Yes, it was. Austen didn’t put her name on her novels, and would

only say they were “By a Lady.” The title page of Pride and Prejudice said, “by the author of Sense and Sensibility.” It wasn’t until after her death that her brother revealed her name to the public. 

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Did the financial side of publishing the book meet Austin’s expectations?

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Austen sold the copyright for Pride and Prejudice to her publishers for 110 pounds, even

though she said in a letter that she wanted 150 pounds. 

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How many times has the novel been adapted?

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The adaptations of Pride and Prejudice seem endless (and sometimes bizarre). There have been at

least 11 film and TV versions of the book, including the 1995 TV movie starring Colin Firth as a memorable Darcy. Other adaptations include Bridget Jones Diaries, the Bollywood movie Bride and Prejudice, the mystery novel Death Comes to Pemberley, and the web series “The Lizzie Bennet Diaries.” And Austen fever never stops—the movie version of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is set to come out in February. 

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Watch an excerpt from the series and answer:
Where did it happen?

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 Mr. Darcy‘s estate  

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Who stared in the lead female role in the movie of 2005?

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Keira Knightly

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Who starred in the lead male role in movie of 2005?

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 Matthew Macfadyen

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Who starred the main female role in the series of 1995?

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Jennifer Anne Ehl

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Translate the word properly:

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На самом деле, действительно

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Translate the word properly:

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Translate the word properly:

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Цвет лица

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Translate the word properly:

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Translate the word properly:

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Покровитель, постоянный посетитель.

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To be taken aback

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Быть ошеломлённым

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To come across

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Встречаться, натыкаться

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To get on well

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Хорошо ладить

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To hold on

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Ожидать, поджидать

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To live up

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Быть достойным, соответствовать, оправдывать ожидания

Имя файла: Pride-and-Prejudice.pptx
Количество просмотров: 147
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