Unusual Discoveries of British Scientists презентация


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Scientists are people without whom we would live without everything that we have

now. We would know little about ourselves, our body and the world around us. All over the world, scientists have made, are making and will make discoveries. The UK is known not only for discoveries that we are told about in school lessons or lectures at university. Modern scientists are making more and more interesting, and sometimes slightly unusual and funny discoveries every year. Let's take a look at them.

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Batman's Speed

Scientists have calculated that if Batman jumps from a building 150 meters

high, his maximum speed will be 109 kilometers per hour.
However, in this case, Batman will crash into the ground at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour.

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Total weight of the Earth's population

287 million tons is the weight of the

entire population of the globe. The Americans are the heaviest people.
The average adult weighs 62 kg, in the USA this figure is higher by a third. If the average weight of an adult in the world were the same as in the United States, this would be equivalent to an increase in the population by one billion people.

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Elephants are the only "four-wheel drive" animals in the world

British scientists have found

out that elephants are the only four-legged animals that use all four legs for both acceleration and braking. This conclusion was reached by a group of scientists led by John Hutchinson from the British Royal Veterinary College.

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Elephants are the only "four-wheel drive" animals in the world

As part of the

study, six young Indian elephants were driven at different speeds on a platform with sensors recording the force with which the animals pushed off the ground with each foot. It turned out that both the front and hind limbs of elephants receive the same load when moving at different speeds and with different acceleration.

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Elephants are the only "four-wheel drive" animals in the world

This gave scientists a

reason to liken elephants to four-wheel drive cars. In other four-legged animals, the acceleration and braking functions are distributed between the front and hind limbs: during acceleration, as a rule, the hind legs / paws receive a large load, and when slowing down, the front ones.

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Non-sticky chewing gum

In 2007, the best forces of British science were thrown into

the development of chewing gum that does not stick to anything, including asphalt.

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Non-sticky chewing gum

Scientists have estimated that London utilities annually spend about 100 thousand

pounds to scrape gum from the streets of the capital. Researchers are still struggling to solve this problem.

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Furry bumblebees can help catch maniacs

British scientists have come up with an interesting

initiative. They believe that the bumblebee movement algorithm in search of nectar and pollen will help law enforcement agencies catch serial killers.

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Furry bumblebees can help catch maniacs

Scientists became interested and invited criminologist Kim Rossmo

to help. Together, they came up with such an experiment: tiny beacons were attached to insects and their trajectory was monitored through flower apiaries.

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Furry bumblebees can help catch maniacs

Bumblebees create a kind of "buffer zone" inside

which they do not collect pollen. This is necessary so that predators or parasites do not figure out where the nest of the colony is located. It is very similar to the instinctive behavior of many criminals who try to divert suspicion from their hiding place.

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Furry bumblebees can help catch maniacs

But even the most advanced specialists in the

world do not have all the necessary information on maniacs, and bees or bumblebees can be methodically observed.

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Interaction of ducks and water

300 thousand pounds sterling was spent by British scientists

to study the interaction of ducks with water.

As a result of a long study, they managed to find out that ducks prefer rain to all other ways to spend time in the water, which replaces a shower for them.

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The reason for being overweight

Another shocking discovery by researchers from the Foggy Albion

has finally explained to overweight sufferers what their problem is.
During a scientific experiment, British scientists managed to establish that thin people, as a rule, eat less than full.

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The best people at the University of

Leeds conducted a study designed to calculate the formula for the perfect bacon sandwich. As many as 50 British test subjects helped scientists in this difficult task, trying various samples of sandwiches.

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As a result, it turned out that

the formula for the perfect sandwich looks like this:


N – the biting force of the cooked product
C – the force of biting off an unprepared product
Fb – bacon type function
Fc – a function of the seasoning type
Ts – temperature when serving to the table
tc – time of cooking (toasting)
ta – time of exposure to application
cm – the cooking method

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the types of bread – white, homemade

kind of bacon – from the neck or scapular
the thickness of the bread – 1 to 2 centimeters
the thickness of the bacon – thin
method of preparation – in a pre-heated oven with grill
cooking time – 7 minutes
cooking temperature is 240 degrees
special notes – during the preparation of turn over once
seasoning to taste

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In the UK, bacon is the most

popular meat product. Every year, residents of the United Kingdom spend more than a billion pounds on bacon.

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Pets pollute the planet more than cars

British scientists Brenda and Robert Weil have

published a book under the shocking title "Time to eat a dog?". This phrase came to us from those times when people conquered Antarctica. In those cases, when the provisions ran out, travelers had to eat sled dogs.

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Pets pollute the planet more than cars

The authors address the reader with a

message: at a time when natural resources are being depleted, pets become a luxury that we cannot afford.
According to Weil's calculations, each dog needs 164 kg of meat and 95 kg of grain per year. It takes 0.84 hectares of land to produce these products.

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Pets pollute the planet more than cars

According to scientists, to build and drive

an SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle – "a practical vehicle for sports". A practical car for outdoor enthusiasts) 10 thousand km, energy in the amount of 55.1 gigajoules is needed.

And one hectare of land can produce energy equal to 135 gigajoules per year. In other words, the polluting effect of a car on the environment is two times lower than a dog.

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Pets pollute the planet more than cars

Similar equations apply to other pets. It

turns out that a cat consumes energy (in terms of hectares — 0.15) as much as a large van, a pair of hamsters with 0.28 hectares is comparable to a plasma TV, a red fish (0.00034 hectares) consumes energy like two mobile phones.

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Mobile phones kill bees

Radiation from cell phones has an extremely negative effect on

bees, leading to the collapse of the colony and even to their mass extinction. This conclusion was reached by British experts led by Dr. Daniel Favre.

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Mobile phones kill bees

Scientists set up an experiment by putting a working mobile

phone under the hive. It turned out that bees become very anxious if an incoming call comes to the phone. They gather in a swarm, and after the signal is interrupted, they calm down.

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Mobile phones kill bees

In previous experiments, the phone left near the hive led

to the collapse of the bee colony and to the mass extinction of bee colonies. Radiation from mobile communications kills 43% of bees, whereas, for example, pesticides kill only 3% of these insects. The fact is that cellular networks operate at frequencies from 800 to 1200 Mhz. Bees communicate and navigate at the same frequencies. Cellular networks "clog" the channel, and disoriented bees do not find the place where they live and feed.

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There are also scammers and corrupt officials among the ants

According to Bill Hughes

from the University of Leeds, studying the social structure of the society of ants and bees, it is possible to note their cooperativeness. However, they are also prone to conflicts and fraud.

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There are also scammers and corrupt officials among the ants

The inequality that is

present in anthills, scientists compared with what happens in hives, where drones and ordinary bees live. Ants, like bees, have their own owners of "royal genes".

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There are also scammers and corrupt officials among the ants

Dr. Hughes and Jacobus

Boomsma from the University of Copenhagen found that the daughters of some fathers become "queens" more often than others. In addition, ants carrying special royal genes have the opportunity to fool their relatives and deprive them of the opportunity to leave offspring.

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Let's do an exercise

Слайд 31

How high should the building be so that Batman's jump speed is 109

Average American weight.
What scientific institution discovered that elephants are four-wheel drive animals?
What kind of gum did British scientists want to invent in 2007?
Why did scientists follow bumblebees?
Why did scientists spend 300 thousand pounds on ducks?
What is the reason for being overweight?
The formula of the perfect sandwich (products).
What are dogs/cats/hamsters/fish comparable to in terms of the amount of energy consumed?
Why are mobile phones harmful?
Is it good to be the queen of ants?

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Do crossword

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