for_your_information презентация

Слайд 2

to look to look at- смотреть на to look after-

to look

to look at- смотреть на
to look after- присматривать (заботиться)

look in - навещать, заходить
to look up- искать, посмотреть что-либо в словаре
Look out!- Осторожно!
to look for- искать
Слайд 3

Fill in: Look … ! There is a car coming.

Fill in:

Look … ! There is a car coming.
Could you

look … my dog while I am on vacation?
I’ll look …and see you next week.
If you don’t know the word, look it… in the dictionary.
Have you seen my shirt? I’ve been looking … it everywhere.
Look at this picture, please.
Слайд 4

to put to put off - задерживать, откладывать, переносить на

to put

to put off - задерживать, откладывать, переносить на другое время;
to put

on (a coat) - надевать пальто;
to put away - убирать, прятать;
to put down- записывать;
to put out- тушить огонь;
to put up with- мириться;
to put aside- откладывать в сторону (временно)
Слайд 5

Fill in: Close your books and put them …. Take

Fill in:

Close your books and put them ….
Take your notebooks and

put … all the words that are on the board.
Mr. Garrett put … his trip to Washington until next month.
Alison is not ready yet. She hasn’t put her sneakers ….
Never put … till tomorrow what you can do today.

1) aside; 2) down; 3)off; 4)on; 5) off;

Слайд 6

to come to come across-случайно встретиться to come along- пойти

to come

to come across-случайно встретиться
to come along- пойти с кем-нибудь
to come back- возвращаться

to come off- отлететь, оторваться
Come on!- Пойдем!
Слайд 7

Fill in: Come …or we’ll be late. I came …

Fill in:

Come …or we’ll be late.
I came … this book in

a little store.
Come … here. I want to talk to you.
Come … with us, or you'll miss the bus.
The button has come … my coat.

1) on; 2) across; 3) back; 4) along; 5) off;

Слайд 8

to get To get up- вставать, подниматься; To get together-

to get

To get up- вставать, подниматься;
To get together- собираться, встречаться;
To get

over- оправиться после болезни;
To get off- сойти, выходить;
To get along with somebody-жить(поживать)
Слайд 9

Fill in: He gets … early, he'll come in time.

Fill in:

He gets … early, he'll come in time.
Take this bus

and get … in 15 minutes.
It was too hard for her to get… after that illness.
The more we get … the happier we’ll be.
How do they get…? Pretty well.

1) up; 2) off; 3) over; 4) together; 5) along;

Слайд 10

To give to give away-отдавать, дарить, раздавать to give out-

To give

to give away-отдавать, дарить, раздавать
to give out- раздавать(учебники);
to give in - уступать,

to give up - отказываться, бросать;
Слайд 11

Fill in: He had to give … smoking as he

Fill in:

He had to give … smoking as he got sick.

give …,” Alison said.
Give … the textbooks.
They gave … their food for free.

1) up; 2) in; 3) out; 4) away.

Слайд 12

to go to go in for-увлекаться to go off-гаснуть to

to go

to go in for-увлекаться
to go off-гаснуть
to go on-продолжить, идти дальше;

go without-обходиться без чего- либо
Слайд 13

Fill in: Mike doesn't go … sports. The meeting went

Fill in:

Mike doesn't go … sports.
The meeting went … for two

The lights went … and the film began.
You may take this book. I can easy go … it for a month.

1) In for; 2) on; 3) off; 4) without;

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