Highway construction презентация

Слайд 2

Highway construction. Highways have always been one of the oldest forms of transportation.

Highway construction.

Highways have always been one of the oldest forms of

Слайд 3

The Structure of human society is closely connected with highway

The Structure of human society is closely connected with highway communications.

The highway has always been an important part of the economy, and life in General.
Слайд 4

A highway is a way of communication; a strip of

A highway is a way of communication; a strip of land

for movement; an integral part of the transport infrastructure.

Highway construction is a construction industry that deals with the design, construction, repair, and maintenance of highways.

Слайд 5

Depending on the value: Federal significance. Regional or intermunicipal significance.

Depending on the value:
Federal significance.
Regional or intermunicipal significance.
Highways of local importance.

highways owned by various individuals and legal entities.

Highway around the world are so full of their diversity that they are usually classified into different categories.

Слайд 6

Highway construction. Highways construction is a complex, expensive activity, even

Highway construction.

Highways construction is a complex, expensive activity, even in the

most favorable natural and climatic conditions. The highway must meet a variety of requirements for quality, reliability, durability, throughput, ease of use and maintenance, and much more.
Слайд 7

Highway classes. Highways can be divided into three classes: 1.Motorway.

Highway classes.

Highways can be divided into three classes:
2. Speedway.

A non-high-speed highway or a regular highway.
Слайд 8

At all times, highways have always contributed to the growth

At all times, highways have always contributed to the growth and

formation of States, the development of trade and the economy, and the social structure of society.
Слайд 9

Insufficient density and high level deterioration of highways communication have

Insufficient density and high level deterioration of highways communication have already

become serious problems for the development of export-import relations with other countries.
Слайд 10

A well-developed highway system can turn the geographical features of

A well-developed highway system can turn the geographical features of Russian

into its advantages.

Russian without highways is a territory, and with highway it is a power.

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