Правила. Игровой тест по английскому языку презентация

Слайд 2

What is a tag question?

What is a tag question?

Слайд 3

Слайд 4

1. Присоединяемая вопросительная часть состоит из вспомогательного глагола или модального

1. Присоединяемая вопросительная часть состоит из вспомогательного глагола или модального глагола

и местоимения, относящегося к подлежащему в главном предложении.
He is a good student, isn’t he?
Linda can do this task, can’t she?
Если глагол в предложении стоит в Present Simple, Question Tag образуется при помощи вспомогательных глаголов do/ does. Если в главном предложении используется Past Simple, Question Tag образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола did, если в главном предложении Future Simple, Question Tag образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола will.
The cats don’t like water, do they?
You wrote him an e-mail, didn’t you?
They won’t (will not) be here tomorrow, will they?
Слайд 5

2. Если предложение утвердительное, Question Tag будет в отрицательной форме

2. Если предложение утвердительное,
Question Tag будет в отрицательной форме

и наоборот, если предложение отрицательное,
Question Tag – в утвердительной форме.
Mike is at the circus, isn’t he?
Jim didn’t open the car, did he?
Если главное предложение содержит отрицательные слова, как-то: never, hardly, seldom, rarely,
Question Tag используется в утвердительной форме:
You never play computer games, do you?
Слайд 6

They are busy, do they? aren’t he? aren’t they? didn’t

They are busy,

do they?

aren’t he?

aren’t they?

didn’t they?

are they?

Choose the correct tag

questions form to complete the sentences.
Слайд 7

Her aunt’s son was in Africa, does he? didn’t he? wasn’t she? was he? wasn’t he?

Her aunt’s son was in Africa,

does he?

didn’t he?

wasn’t she?

was he?

wasn’t he?

Слайд 8

He never travels by plane, does he? doesn’t he? is he? did he? don’t he?

He never travels by plane,

does he?

doesn’t he?

is he?

did he?

don’t he?

Слайд 9

Your brother speaks German well, can’t they? are they? wasn’t it? isn’t it? doesn’t he?

Your brother speaks German well,

can’t they?

are they?

wasn’t it?

isn’t it?

doesn’t he?

Слайд 10

She never uses the calculator, don’t she? did she? doesn’t she? does she? is she?

She never uses the calculator,

don’t she?

did she?

doesn’t she?

does she?

is she?

Слайд 11

Your grandparents aren’t busy, can’t they? are they? wasn’t it? isn’t it? doesn’t he?

Your grandparents aren’t busy,

can’t they?

are they?

wasn’t it?

isn’t it?

doesn’t he?

Слайд 12

Your friends can play tennis, can’t they? are they? wasn’t it? can’t you? doesn’t he?

Your friends can play tennis,

can’t they?

are they?

wasn’t it?

can’t you?

doesn’t he?

Слайд 13

Finish the questions. 1. The water was hot, wasn’t ?

Finish the questions.

1. The water was hot, wasn’t ?
2. The sportsman

can speak German, can’t ?
3. The boys can speak English, can’t ?
4 . Your pet doesn’t like to eat fish, does ?
5. The pupils are lazy, aren’t ?
6. The children haven’t got many toys, have ?
7. The girl travels a lot, doesn’t ?








Слайд 14

1. You go there every Friday, you? 2. She speaks

1. You go there every Friday, you?
2. She speaks Russian, she?

isn’t a sportsman, he?
4. We can go, we?
5. Mr Brown doesn’t work here, he?
6. Peter bought a lot of books, he?
7. Your dog can run, it?
8. We are in the park, we?

Complete the question!









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