At the same time. Unit 1.3 презентация


Слайд 2

Exercise 1 Page 14

Exercise 1
Page 14

Слайд 3

Answer some questions

Answer some questions

Слайд 4

1. How often do you use your social networking sites?

1. How often do you use your social networking sites?

Слайд 5

2. How often do you buy things online or bid (торговаться) for things on eBay?

2. How often do you buy things online or bid (торговаться)

for things on eBay?
Слайд 6

Exercise 2 Page 14

Exercise 2
Page 14

Слайд 7

Read the text on page 14. Joe is looking at two things on the Internet

Read the text on page 14. Joe is looking at two

things on the Internet
Слайд 8

Before you read

Before you read

Слайд 9

Present Continuous

Present Continuous

Слайд 10

D. We use Present Continuous to describe things that are happening now at this moment

D. We use Present Continuous to describe things that are happening

now at this moment
Слайд 11

I am reading this at work

I am reading this at work

Слайд 12

E. We use Present Continuous to describe temporary situations that are happening around now

E. We use Present Continuous to describe temporary situations that are

happening around now
Слайд 13

I am studying as well as working

I am studying as well as working

Слайд 14

State verbs Never used in Continuous tenses

State verbs Never used in Continuous tenses

Слайд 15

Слайд 16

Bid – предлагать цену на торгах Bidding

Bid – предлагать цену на торгах

Слайд 17

Top price – максимальная цена, которую Вы готовы заплатить

Top price – максимальная цена, которую Вы готовы заплатить

Слайд 18

4 young people are chatting online. Joe is trying to buy a guitar online

4 young people are chatting online. Joe is trying to buy

a guitar online
Слайд 19

Joe Duley, Rick Ferrell, Paula Schaeffer, Debbie Kirwan

Joe Duley, Rick Ferrell, Paula Schaeffer, Debbie Kirwan

Слайд 20

Joe Duley is looking at a fantastic guitar on eBay

Joe Duley is looking at a fantastic guitar on eBay now.

I really want to buy it
(September,14th at 9.24)
Слайд 21

Rick Ferrell. You don’t need one. You don’t play the guitar. Save your money (at 9.41)

Rick Ferrell.
You don’t need one. You don’t play the guitar.

Save your money
(at 9.41)
Слайд 22

Joe Duley. I am having guitar lessons at the moment

Joe Duley. I am having guitar lessons at the moment –

so I do need one
(at 10.04)
Слайд 23

Paula Schaffer. Really? I can’t believe it – you are

Paula Schaffer. Really? I can’t believe it – you are

not musical at all. Why are you learning the guitar?
(at 10.15)
Слайд 24

J Joe Duley. Hey! Give me a chance! I am

J Joe Duley. Hey! Give me a chance! I am musical!

I love music! I listen to music every day! Ha, ha! Anyway, I’ve got a lot of work these days
Слайд 25

I am working all the time and I want to

I am working all the time and I want to

do something relaxing at the end of he day
(at 10.26)
Слайд 26

Paula Schaffer. Where are you having lessons? (at 10.30)

Paula Schaffer.
Where are you having lessons?
(at 10.30)

Слайд 27

Joe Duley. I am having lessons from someone I work

Joe Duley. I am having lessons from someone I work

with. I have a lesson every Thursday evening and it’s great-but I need a guitar to practice on at home (10.32)
Слайд 28

Rick Ferrell. How much is it? (at 10.33)

Rick Ferrell.
How much is it?
(at 10.33)

Слайд 29

J Joe Duley. There’s a bid for 50 euros now-

J Joe Duley. There’s a bid for 50 euros now- but

lots of people are interested. Every time I look at the computer, the price goes up!
Слайд 30

Rick Ferrell. 50 euros! Don’t do that! Are you bidding for it now? (at 11.01)

Rick Ferrell.
50 euros! Don’t do that! Are you bidding for

it now?
(at 11.01)
Слайд 31

Joe Duley. I am at work so it’s a bit

Joe Duley. I am at work so it’s a bit

difficult. Right now I am doing 2 things at once – I am writing a report and trying to buy a guitar. So I am not writing a very good report!
Слайд 32

It’s mad…but there’s 1 hour 20 minutes left for the bidding (11.15)

It’s mad…but there’s
1 hour 20 minutes left for the

Слайд 33

Joe Duley. OK. I am making my first bid now

Joe Duley. OK. I am making my first bid now

-55 euros. I know it’s a lot of money …but my decision is that 70 euros is my top price.
Слайд 34

So I am Ok at moment (11.44)

So I am Ok at moment

Слайд 35

Joe Duley. Latest update. Someone else is bidding 70 euros!

Joe Duley. Latest update. Someone else is bidding 70 euros!

It’s all happening very quickly now
Слайд 36

Paula Schaffer. That’s your top rice. So you can stop now (at 12.14)

Paula Schaffer.
That’s your top rice. So you can stop

(at 12.14)
Слайд 37

Joe Duley. There’re 5 minutes left and I am bidding 95 euros now (11.30)

Joe Duley. There’re 5 minutes left and I am bidding

95 euros now
Слайд 38

Rick Ferrell. What?! (at 12.32)

Rick Ferrell.
(at 12.32)

Слайд 39

Joe Duley. I got it! I got it! 150 euros

Joe Duley. I got it! I
got it! 150 euros

isn’t bad and it’s a really exciting way of shopping
Слайд 40

Debbie Kirwan. 150 euros? Are you serious? I don’t think shopping on eBay is exciting.

Debbie Kirwan.
150 euros? Are you serious? I don’t think shopping

on eBay is exciting.
Слайд 41

You don’t see what you are buying and you don’t

You don’t see what
you are buying and you don’t

know how much you are paying. You’re crazy! Good luck with the lessons, Joe! (12.38)
Слайд 42

Joe Duley. There’s a pair of ice skates here for

Joe Duley. There’s a
pair of ice skates here for

20 euros…What about ice skating? That’s a relaxing thing to do
Слайд 43

Exercise 3 Page 14

Exercise 3
Page 14

Слайд 44

Answer the questions

Answer the questions

Слайд 45

1. Why does Joe want to buy a guitar?

1. Why does Joe want to buy a guitar?

Слайд 46

Joe Duley. I am having guitar lessons at the moment

Joe Duley. I am having guitar lessons at the moment –

so I do need one
(at 10.04)
Слайд 47

1. He’s having guitar lessons at the moment

1. He’s having guitar lessons at the moment

Слайд 48

2. Who’s teaching him the guitar?

2. Who’s teaching him the guitar?

Слайд 49

Joe Duley. I am having lessons from someone I work

Joe Duley. I am having lessons from someone I work

with. I have a lesson every Thursday evening and it’s great-but I need a guitar to practice on at home (10.32)
Слайд 50

2. Someone he works with

2. Someone he works with

Слайд 51

3. What’s the price of the guitar at 10.47

3. What’s the price of the guitar at 10.47

Слайд 52

J Joe Duley. There’s a bid for 50 euros now-

J Joe Duley. There’s a bid for 50 euros now- but

lots of people are interested. Every time I look at the computer, the price goes up!
Слайд 53

3. It’s 50 euros

3. It’s 50 euros

Слайд 54

4. Where’s Joe at the moment?

4. Where’s Joe at the moment?

Слайд 55

Joe Duley. I am at work so it’s a bit

Joe Duley. I am at work so it’s a bit

difficult. Right now I am doing 2 things at once – I am writing a report and trying to buy a guitar. So I am not writing a very good report!
Слайд 56

4. He’s at work

4. He’s at work

Слайд 57

5. At 11.44 what is Joe’s decision about his top price?

5. At 11.44 what is Joe’s decision about his top price?

Слайд 58

Joe Duley. OK. I am making my first bid now

Joe Duley. OK. I am making my first bid now

-55 euros. I know it’s a lot of money …but my decision is that 70 euros is my top price. (11.44)
Слайд 59

5. It’s 70 euros

5. It’s 70 euros

Слайд 60

6. How much does Joe pay for the guitar?

6. How much does Joe pay for the guitar?

Слайд 61

Joe Duley. I got it! I got it! 150 euros

Joe Duley. I got it! I
got it! 150 euros

isn’t bad and it’s a really exciting way of shopping
Слайд 62

6. 150 euros

6. 150 euros

Слайд 63

Exercise 4 Page 14

Exercise 4
Page 14

Слайд 64

Look at what Debbie writes at 12.38

Look at what Debbie writes at 12.38

Слайд 65

I don’t think shopping on eBay is exciting. You don’t

I don’t think shopping on eBay is exciting. You don’t see

what you’re buying and you don’t know how much you’re paying
Слайд 66

1. Do you agree with Debbie?

1. Do you agree with Debbie?

Слайд 67

Yes, I do No, I don’t

Yes, I do
No, I don’t

Слайд 68

2. Think of 1 good thing and 1 bad thing about social networking sites

2. Think of 1 good thing and 1 bad thing about

social networking sites
Слайд 69

Social networking sites make communication easier and help people keep in touch

Social networking sites make communication easier and help people keep in

Слайд 70

Social networking sites take up a lot of time

Social networking sites take up a lot of time

Слайд 71

Exercise 5 Page 15

Exercise 5
Page 15

Слайд 72

Present Continuous now and around now

Present Continuous now and around now

Слайд 73

Around now

Around now

Слайд 74

I’m having guitar lessons at the moment (around now)

I’m having guitar lessons at the moment (around now)

Слайд 75

Why are you learning the guitar? (around now)

Why are you learning the guitar? (around now)

Слайд 76



Слайд 77

Joe Duley is looking at a fantastic guitar on eBay (now)

Joe Duley is looking at a fantastic guitar on eBay (now)

Слайд 78

I’m not writing a very good report (now)

I’m not writing a very good report (now)

Слайд 79

Are you bidding for it now? (now)

Are you bidding for it now? (now)

Слайд 80

Page 17

Page 17

Слайд 81

Page 17 State verbs (в длительном времени никогда не употребляются)

Page 17
State verbs (в длительном времени никогда не употребляются)

Слайд 82

Believe -верить, считать, полагать

Believe -верить, считать, полагать

Слайд 83

I believe you’re right

I believe you’re right

Слайд 84

Hate -ненавидеть

Hate -ненавидеть

Слайд 85

I hate night clubs

I hate night clubs

Слайд 86

Know [nou] - знать

Know [nou] - знать

Слайд 87

I know it’s expensive

I know it’s expensive

Слайд 88



Слайд 89

I like English

I like English

Слайд 90



Слайд 91

I love English

I love English

Слайд 92

Need - нуждаться

Need - нуждаться

Слайд 93

I need your help

I need your help

Слайд 94

Prefer [pri’fɜː] - предпочитать

Prefer [pri’fɜː] - предпочитать

Слайд 95

I prefer tea

I prefer tea

Слайд 96

Remember [ri’membə] – помнить

Remember [ri’membə] –

Слайд 97

I remember the song

I remember the song

Слайд 98



Слайд 99

I don’t understand it

I don’t understand it

Слайд 100

Want [wont]- хотеть, желать

Want [wont]- хотеть, желать

Слайд 101

I want a new book

I want a new book

Слайд 102

Exercise 6 Page 15

Exercise 6
Page 15

Слайд 103

Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous

Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous

Слайд 104

I (do) a Spanish evening class this term, I (go) once a week

I (do) a Spanish evening class this term, I (go)

once a week
Слайд 105

I am doing a Spanish evening class this term, I go once a week

I am doing a Spanish evening class this term, I

go once a week
Слайд 106

2. I never (buy) things on eBay, I (not like) paying for things online

2. I never (buy) things on eBay, I (not like) paying

for things online
Слайд 107

2. I never buy things on eBay, I don’t like paying for things online

2. I never buy things on eBay, I don’t like paying

for things online
Слайд 108

3. What you (usually do) in the summer holidays? I go to Sicily every summer

3. What you (usually do) in the summer holidays?
I go to

Sicily every summer
Слайд 109

3. What do you usually do in the summer holidays? I go to Sicily every summer

3. What do you usually do in the summer holidays?
I go

to Sicily every summer
Слайд 110

4. She (not/study) at university this year. She (travel) for 6 months

4. She (not/study) at university this year. She (travel) for 6

Слайд 111

4. She isn’t studying at university this year. She’s traveling for 6 months

4. She isn’t studying at university this year. She’s traveling for

6 months
Слайд 112

5. (you know) how to speak French? Yes, I (learn) it at the moment

5. (you know) how to speak French?
Yes, I (learn) it at

the moment
Слайд 113

Слайд 114

5. Do you know how to speak French? Yes, I am learning it at the moment

5. Do you know how to speak French?
Yes, I am learning

it at the moment
Слайд 115

6. What (you/do) these days? I (work) in a restaurant until the end of June

6. What (you/do) these days?
I (work) in a restaurant until the

end of June
Слайд 116

6. What are you doing these days? I am working

6. What are you doing these days?
I am working in a

restaurant until the end of June
Слайд 117

Exercise 7 Page 15

Exercise 7
Page 15

Слайд 118

Match the phrases from the box with the underlined phrases in the sentences

Match the phrases from the box with the underlined phrases in

the sentences
Слайд 119

Слайд 120

1. I am working all the time and I want to do something relaxing sometimes

1. I am working all the time and I want to

do something relaxing sometimes
Слайд 121

Слайд 122

All the time 24 hours a day

All the time
24 hours a day

Слайд 123

2. Every time I look at the computer the price goes up!

2. Every time I look at the computer the price goes

Слайд 124

Слайд 125

2. Every time Each time

2. Every time
Each time

Слайд 126

3. Right now I am doing two things at once

3. Right now I am doing two things at once

Слайд 127

Слайд 128

3. At once At the same time

3. At once
At the same time

Слайд 129

Exercise 8 Page 15

Exercise 8
Page 15

Слайд 130

Choose the correct words in italics

Choose the correct words in italics

Слайд 131

1. I am listening to some music and writing an

1. I am listening to some music and writing an essay

at the same time/ every time
Слайд 132

I am listening to some music and writing an essay at the same time

I am listening to some music and writing an essay

at the same time
Слайд 133

2. 24 hours a day/ Every time I check my emails I’ve got ten more messages

2. 24 hours a day/ Every time I check my emails

I’ve got ten more messages
Слайд 134

2. Every time I check my emails I’ve got ten more messages

2. Every time I check my emails I’ve got ten more

Слайд 135

3. I like multi-tasking. I am good at doing two things each time/ at once

3. I like multi-tasking. I am good at doing two things

each time/ at once
Слайд 136

3. I like multi-tasking. I am good at doing two things at once

3. I like multi-tasking. I am good at doing two things

at once
Слайд 137

4. I play computer games all the time/ at the

4. I play computer games all the time/ at the same

time when I am at home
Слайд 138

4. I play computer games all the time when I am at home

4. I play computer games all the time when I am

at home
Слайд 139

5. Each time / all the time I look at

5. Each time / all the time
I look at Facebook, I

write a comment on someone’s wall
Слайд 140

5. Each time I look at Facebook, I write a comment on someone’s wall

5. Each time I look at Facebook, I write a comment

on someone’s wall
Слайд 141

6. I am chatting on MSN to three people every time/ at the moment

6. I am chatting on MSN to three people every time/

at the moment
Слайд 142

6. I am chatting on MSN to three people at the moment

6. I am chatting on MSN to three people at the

Слайд 143

. It’s very tempting to have your mobile on 24 hours a day/ at once

. It’s very tempting to have your mobile on 24 hours

a day/ at once
Слайд 144

7. It’s very tempting to have your mobile on 24 hours a day

7. It’s very tempting to have your mobile on 24 hours

a day
Слайд 145

Exercise 9 Page 15

Exercise 9
Page 15

Слайд 146

Ask and answer the questions

Ask and answer the questions

Слайд 147

1. What are you studying at the moment?

1. What are you studying at the moment?

Слайд 148

2. Do you like doing your homework and listening to music at the same time?

2. Do you like doing your homework and listening to music

at the same time?
Слайд 149

3. Do you answer your phone every time it rings?

3. Do you answer your phone every time it rings?

Слайд 150

4. Do you like having your mobile phone on all the time?

4. Do you like having your mobile phone on all the

Слайд 151

5. Do you think you are good at doing more than 2 things at once?

5. Do you think you are good at doing more than

2 things at once?
Слайд 152

Exercise 1 Page 16

Exercise 1
Page 16

Слайд 153

Discuss these questions

Discuss these questions

Слайд 154

1. What are 3 common reasons for learning a language?

1. What are 3 common reasons for learning a language?

Слайд 155

2. What do a lot of people find difficult about learning a language?

2. What do a lot of people find difficult about learning

a language?
Слайд 156

Exercise 2A Page 16

Exercise 2A
Page 16

Слайд 157

Listen to two people Stig and Tessie talking about learning a language

Listen to two people Stig and Tessie talking about learning a

Слайд 158

Page 150 Recording 1.7

Page 150
Recording 1.7

Слайд 159



Слайд 160

I am learning Japanese at the moment which is quite

I am learning Japanese at the moment which is quite a

hard language. I want to speak it because my wife’s parents don’t speak English. They speak Japanese
Слайд 161

I am quite good at speaking now and my listening’s

I am quite good at speaking now and my listening’s not

bad. The most difficult thing about learning Japanese is learning to read and write
Слайд 162

There’re so many letters in the Japanese alphabet, so I

There’re so many letters in the Japanese alphabet, so I really

want to improve my reading and writing
Слайд 163

Recording 1.7

Recording 1.7

Слайд 164

Answer the questions

Answer the questions

Слайд 165



Слайд 166

1. What language is Stig learning and why?

1. What language is Stig learning and why?

Слайд 167

I am learning Japanese at the moment which is quite

I am learning Japanese at the moment which is quite a

hard language. I want to speak it because my wife’s parents don’t speak English. They speak Japanese
Слайд 168

1. He’s learning Japanese. His wife’s parents speak only Japanese

1. He’s learning Japanese. His wife’s parents speak only Japanese

Слайд 169

2. What’s he good at?

2. What’s he good at?

Слайд 170

I am quite good at speaking now and my listening’s

I am quite good at speaking now and my listening’s not

bad. The most difficult thing about learning Japanese is learning to read and write
Слайд 171

2. He’s quite good at speaking. And his listening isn’t bad

2. He’s quite good at speaking. And his listening isn’t bad

Слайд 172

3. What does he find difficult?

3. What does he find difficult?

Слайд 173

I am quite good at speaking now and my listening’s

I am quite good at speaking now and my listening’s not

bad. The most difficult thing about learning Japanese is learning to read and write
Слайд 174

3. He finds reading and writing difficult

3. He finds reading and writing difficult

Слайд 175

4. What does he most want to improve?

4. What does he most want to improve?

Слайд 176

There’re so many letters in the Japanese alphabet, so I

There’re so many letters in the Japanese alphabet, so I really

want to improve my reading and writing
Слайд 177

4. He wants to improve his reading and writing

4. He wants to improve his reading and writing

Слайд 178



Слайд 179

Right, well, I am learning Spanish at the moment. I

Right, well, I am learning Spanish at the moment. I have

decided to learn Spanish because I would…I am dreaming of going and living in Latin America
Слайд 180

And I am quite good at understanding what people say

And I am quite good at understanding what people say in

Spanish because I already speak good French, so there’re a lot of similarities
Слайд 181

And I am…I am also pretty good at reading, but

And I am…I am also pretty good at reading, but I

am finding rather difficult to express myself and I would really like to improve my reading skills
Слайд 182

I’d really like to be…to be a little bit more

I’d really like to be…to be a little bit more fluent,

not perfect but just enough to get by when we go to Argentina. Communication is…is the most important thing
Слайд 183

1. What language is Tessie learning and why?

1. What language is Tessie learning and why?

Слайд 184

Right, well, I am leaning Spanish at the moment. I

Right, well, I am leaning Spanish at the moment. I have

decided to learn Spanish because I would…I am dreaming of going and living in Latin America
Слайд 185

1. She’s learning Spanish because she’d like to live in Latin America one day

1. She’s learning Spanish because she’d like to live in Latin

America one day
Слайд 186

2. What’s she good at?

2. What’s she good at?

Слайд 187

And I am quite good at understanding what people say

And I am quite good at understanding what people say in

Spanish because I already speak good French, so there’re a lot of similarities
Слайд 188

2. She’s good at understanding what people say in Spanish

2. She’s good at understanding what people say in Spanish

Слайд 189

3. What does she find difficult?

3. What does she find difficult?

Слайд 190

And I am…I am also pretty good at reading, but

And I am…I am also pretty good at reading, but I

am finding rather difficult to express myself and I would really like to improve my reading skills
Слайд 191

3. She finds difficult to express herself

3. She finds difficult to express herself

Слайд 192

4. What does she most want to improve?

4. What does she most want to improve?

Слайд 193

4. She wants to improve her speaking skills

4. She wants to improve her speaking skills

Слайд 194

And I am…I am also pretty good at reading, but

And I am…I am also pretty good at reading, but I

am finding rather difficult to express myself and I would really like to improve my reading skills
Слайд 195

Exercise 2B Page 16

Exercise 2B Page 16

Слайд 196

Who says it? (Stig or Tessie?)

Who says it? (Stig or Tessie?)

Слайд 197

1. I am quite good at speaking

1. I am quite good at speaking

Слайд 198

I am quite good at speaking now and my listening’s

I am quite good at speaking now and my listening’s not

bad. The most difficult thing about learning Japanese is learning to read and write
Слайд 199

1. I am quite good at speaking (Stig)

1. I am quite good at speaking (Stig)

Слайд 200

2. My listening isn’t bad

2. My listening isn’t bad

Слайд 201

I am quite good at speaking now and my listening’s

I am quite good at speaking now and my listening’s not

bad. The most difficult thing about learning Japanese is learning to read and write
Слайд 202

2. My listening isn’t bad (Stig)

2. My listening isn’t bad (Stig)

Слайд 203

3. I am quite good at understanding what people say

3. I am quite good at understanding what people say

Слайд 204

And I am quite good at understanding what people say

And I am quite good at understanding what people say in

Spanish because I already speak good French, so there’re a lot of similarities
Слайд 205

3. I am quite good at understanding what people say (Tessie)

3. I am quite good at understanding what people say (Tessie)

Слайд 206

4. I am pretty good at reading

4. I am pretty good at reading

Слайд 207

And I am…I am also pretty good at reading, but

And I am…I am also pretty good at reading, but I

am finding rather difficult to express myself and I would really like to improve my reading skills
Слайд 208

4. I am pretty good at reading (Tessie)

4. I am pretty good at reading (Tessie)

Слайд 209

5. The most difficult thing is learning to read and write

5. The most difficult thing is learning to read and write

Слайд 210

I am quite good at speaking now and my listening’s

I am quite good at speaking now and my listening’s not

bad. The most difficult thing about learning Japanese is learning to read and write
Слайд 211

5. The most difficult thing is learning to read and write (Stig)

5. The most difficult thing is learning to read and write

Слайд 212

6. I am finding it difficult to express myself

6. I am finding it difficult to express myself

Слайд 213

And I am…I am also pretty good at reading, but

And I am…I am also pretty good at reading, but I

am finding rather difficult to express myself and I would really like to improve my reading skills
Слайд 214

6. I am finding it difficult to express myself (Tessie)

6. I am finding it difficult to express myself (Tessie)

Слайд 215

7. I am not very good at speaking fluently

7. I am not very good at speaking fluently

Слайд 216

I’d really like to be…to be a little bit more

I’d really like to be…to be a little bit more fluent,

not perfect but just enough to get by when we go to Argentina. Communication is…is the most important thing
Слайд 217

7. I am not very good at sepaking fluently (Tessie)

7. I am not very good at sepaking fluently (Tessie)

Слайд 218

8. I really want to improve my reading and writing

8. I really want to improve my reading and writing

Слайд 219

There’re so many letters in the Japanese alphabet, so I

There’re so many letters in the Japanese alphabet, so I really

want to improve my reading and writing
Слайд 220

8. I really want to improve my reading and writing (Stig)

8. I really want to improve my reading and writing (Stig)

Слайд 221

9. I would really like to improve my speaking skills

9. I would really like to improve my speaking skills

Слайд 222

And I am…I am also pretty good at reading, but

And I am…I am also pretty good at reading, but I

am finding rather difficult to express myself and I would really like to improve my reading skills
Слайд 223

9. I would really like to improve my speaking skills (Tessie)

9. I would really like to improve my speaking skills (Tessie)

Слайд 224

10. Communication is the most important thing

10. Communication is the most important thing

Слайд 225

I’d really like to be…to be a little bit more

I’d really like to be…to be a little bit more fluent,

not perfect but just enough to get by when we go to Argentina. Communication is…is the most important thing
Слайд 226

10. Communication is the most important thing (Tessie)

10. Communication is the most important thing (Tessie)

Слайд 227

Exercise 3 Page 16

Exercise 3 Page 16

Слайд 228

Answer some questions

Answer some questions

Слайд 229

1. Why are you learning English?

1. Why are you learning English?

Слайд 230

2. What do you think you are good at? (listening, reading, writing, speaking)

2. What do you think you are good at? (listening, reading,

writing, speaking)
Слайд 231

3. What do you find difficult about learning English?

3. What do you find difficult about learning English?

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