Born to direct презентация

Слайд 2

Lesson plan Distinguish Present Perfect from past simple. The lives

Lesson plan

Distinguish Present Perfect from past simple. The lives of

famous film directors, Quentin Tarantino, Alfred Hitchcock provide the context for reading, talking, and listening about people’s lives.
Слайд 3

В случае с Present Perfect (настоящее совершенное время), действие, совершенное

В случае с Present Perfect (настоящее совершенное время), действие, совершенное в прошлом, имеет прямую

связь с настоящим моментом.
I have received your letter. Now I have all the necessary information.
Если мы сделаем подстрочный перевод этого предложения, то получим явное проявление логики названия времени:
Я имею письмо полученным. Сейчас у меня есть вся нужная информация.
We have done our homework! We can go to the cinema now! – Мы имеем домашнее задание сделанным. Мы можем сейчас пойти в кино.
Present Perfect употребляется в том случае, когда само действие имеет значение, а не точное время, когда оно произошло. Важен результат в настоящем:
We have already ordered the pizza. It’ll be delivered soon. – Мы уже заказали пиццу. Ее скоро доставят.
Слайд 4

Время Past Simple используется для обозначения действия, которое произошло в

Время Past Simple используется для обозначения действия, которое произошло в определенное время

в прошлом и время совершения которого уже истекло. Для уточнения момента совершения действия в прошлом при использовании времени Past Simple обычно используются такие слова, как five days ago (пять дней назад), last year (в прошлом году), yesterday (вчера), in 1980 (в 1980 году) и т.п.
She never appeared in musicals.
Она никогда не играла в мюзиклах. К сожалению, наша героиня больше не имеет шанса сыграть в мюзикле, потому что ее нет в живых.
My husband worked there for 3 years.
Мой муж проработал там 3 года, но уже там не работает. Этот период его жизни закончился, не имеет связи с настоящим.
Слайд 5

Разницу между этими двумя временами английского языка очень сложно понять,

Разницу между этими двумя временами английского языка очень сложно понять,

так как оба времени обозначают действия, которые произошли в прошлом. Популярное заблуждение: 
Present Perfect  иcпользуется, если действие произошло недавно
Past Simple - если давно.
Слайд 6

I was in the USA last year. (finished) I have

I was in the USA last year.

I have been to USA


Present Perfect

Past Simple

Слайд 7

A: Have you seen this film? B: Yes, I have.

A: Have you seen this film?
B: Yes, I have.
A: When did

you see it? When + Present Perfect
B: I saw it yesterday.
A: Did you like it?
B: No, I did not.

С: Have you read this book?
D: Yes, I have.
C: When did you read it?
D: I read it 2 days ago.
C: Did you like it?
D: Yes, I liked.

Слайд 8

Слайд 9

PRESENT PERFECT OR PAST SIMPLE you to the cinema last

you to the cinema last night?

No, I at home. (stay)
you ever to Mexico? (go)
Yes, I have. I last year. (go)
you any Latin American novels? (read)
Yes, I have. I Spanish when I was at university. (study)
What you for dinner last night? (have)
Nothing. I not hungry.
A. you ever to a famous actors? (speak)
No, I not.
you your homework last night? (do)
No, I not have time.
Слайд 10

•Use the present perfect + how long?, for, and since

•Use the present perfect + how long?, for, and since to

talk about a period of time from the past until now.
How long have you been married? I’ve been married for 10 years. ( = I’m married now. ) Я женат уже 10 лет.
•Use the past simple + how long? and for to talk about a finished period of time in the past.
How long was he married? He was married for two years. ( = He’s not married now. ) Он был женат 2 года.
For, since
I have known her for 5 years.
I have known her since 2008.
Слайд 11

For or since I have been studying English 1993. John

For or since
I have been studying English  1993.
John has helped me 

10:00 this morning.
I have been studying English  4 years.
John has helped me  8 hours.
I have had my player ten weeks.
We have had three tests Tuesday.
Gennaro has been in Milan 2009.
Слайд 12

Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or

Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or in

the Present Perfect.
1.  I ________ (never/ be) to the USA. I ______ (want) to go there last summer but I couldn’t. have never been / wanted
3.  He _______ (live) in this street all his life. has lived
4.  His father _ (come back) to London last Sunday. came back
5.  Yan _______(write) a letter to Nick two days ago wrote
6.  He ________ (send) his letter yesterday. sent
7.  They  ______ (just/ buy) some postcards. have just bought
Слайд 13

1.Underline the stressed syllable in the highlighted words below. go

1.Underline the stressed syllable in the highlighted words below.

go to

university fall in love
be born get divorced
go to primary school have children
start work get married
leave school go to secondary
die school
retire separate
Слайд 14

4.Think about a member of your family (who is alive),

4.Think about a member of your family (who is alive), for

example a parent, uncle, aunt, grandparent. Prepare to answer the questions below about their life.

The Past • The Present
Where / born? Where / live now?
Where / go to school? How long / live there?
What / do after (he/she) left school? Is he / she married?
When / start work? How long / be married?
When / get married? Is he / she retired?
How long has he / she be retired?
How many children / have?

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