Christmas who am I презентация

Слайд 2

I am good.
I have got two wings.
I live in Heaven. Who

am I ?

Слайд 3

I am silver or gold.
I live in a church.
I ring.
I make nice chimes.

What am I?

Слайд 4

I am tall. I smell nice. I am green. I have got pine

needles. Birds live on me. At Christmas, they put baubles on me. What am I?

Слайд 5

I live on a farm or in a barn. I am big. I

have got wings, but I can’t fly.
Unfortunately for me, I am very tasty. What am I?

Слайд 6

I am brown.
I have got a red nose and four legs. I pull

Santa’s sleigh. Who am I?

Слайд 7

I am round. I am small. I can be any colour. I

patterns on me. They hang me on the
Christmas tree. What am I?

Слайд 8

I am always happy. I like good boys and girls. I bring gifts.

Sometimes, I get stuck in the chimney!
Who am I?

Слайд 9

I am cold. I stay outside. I have got a carrot
for a

nose! Sometimes, I have sticks for arms.
Who am I?

Слайд 10

I am bright. I am in the sky. I shine brightly.
What am

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