Halloween презентация


Слайд 2

Пояснения для учителя Слайд 3. Деление на команды. Команд может

Пояснения для учителя

Слайд 3. Деление на команды. Команд может быть 2,

3 или 4.
Слайд 4. Актуализация: вспомните традиции Хэллоуина, которые вы знаете. Учитель дает каждой команде лист бумаги, чтобы написать список традиций.
Слайд 5. Назовите традиции. Команды называют предложения по очереди. За каждый правильный ответ даем 1 очко.
Слайды 6-55. Интерактивная викторина - квест.
В викторине содержатся задания двух типов: «Найди, о какой традиции идет речь» и «Найди запрашиваемое место на рисунке». Команды отвечают по очереди. За каждый правильный ответ начисляется 1 очко.
Сначала дети читают текст и находят, к какой традиции он относится. Нужно выбрать рисунок с этой традицией и щелкнуть на него. Если ответ неверен, программа опять возвращается к заданию, а если верен – появляется красочная иллюстрация с заданиями квеста.
В заданиях «Найди запрашиваемое место на рисунке» игроки должны прочитать информацию, найти запрашиваемый предмет и щелкнуть по нему мышкой. Если ответ верен – программа переход к следующему слайду.
Слайд 56. Рефлексия: составьте список традиций, которые вы запомнили.
Слайд 57.Посмотрите на ответы и сравните с ними свой список. За каждую правильную идею даем 1 очко.
Слайд 58. Подведение итогов. Подсчет очков и выявление победителя.
Слайд 59. Поздравление с праздником.
Слайд 3

Halloween Happy Halloween!


Happy Halloween!

Слайд 4

Make the list of things which people do at Halloween.

Make the list of things
which people do
at Halloween.

Слайд 5

Say what people do at Halloween. You will get 1 point for each idea.

Say what people do
at Halloween.

You will get
1 point
for each idea.

Слайд 6

Do the quiz and learn what people do at Halloween.

Do the quiz and learn
what people do
at Halloween.

You will get

1 point
for each correct
Слайд 7

October When do they celebrate Halloween?


When do they celebrate Halloween?

Слайд 8

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 9

Click on the bear’s left foot.

Click on the bear’s
left foot.

Слайд 10

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 11

October People make Jack-o-lantern. It is a pumpkin with a candle inside.


People make Jack-o-lantern. It is a pumpkin with a candle inside.

Слайд 12

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 13

Jack-o-lantern Click on the knife.


Click on the knife.

Слайд 14

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 15

October Children wear Halloween costumes.


Children wear Halloween costumes.

Слайд 16

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 17

Halloween Costumes Click on the robot's left hand.

Halloween Costumes

Click on the robot's
left hand.

Слайд 18

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 19

October Children make Halloween masks.


Children make Halloween masks.

Слайд 20

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 21

Halloween Masks Click on the cat’s right ear.

Halloween Masks

Click on the cat’s
right ear.

Слайд 22

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 23

October They decorate their houses.


They decorate
their houses.

Слайд 24

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 25

Halloween decorations Click on the candle to the left of the cat .

Halloween decorations

Click on the candle
to the left of the cat .

Слайд 26

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 27

October Children go from house to house and say “Trick or treat”.


Children go from house to house and say “Trick or treat”.

Слайд 28

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 29

Trick or Treat! Trick or Treat! Give me something good

Trick or Treat! Trick or Treat!
Give me something good to

eat. Give me candy. Give me cake. Give me something sweet to take!

Click on the
princess’s crown.

Слайд 30

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 31

Click on the leaf above “k”.

Click on the leaf
above “k”.

Слайд 32

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 33

People give them a treat. Click on the woman’s sweets.

People give them a treat.

Click on the woman’s

Click on the sweet

the boy’s left hand.
Слайд 34

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 35

October Children have Halloween parties.


Children have Halloween parties.

Слайд 36

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 37

Halloween Parties Click on the mice.

Halloween Parties

Click on the mice.

Слайд 38

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 39

October They tell each other scary stories.


They tell each other scary stories.

Слайд 40

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 41

Halloween Stories Click on Mickey’s mouth.

Halloween Stories

Click on Mickey’s

Слайд 42

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 43

October Children play “Apple Bobbing”.


Children play
“Apple Bobbing”.

Слайд 44

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 45

Apple Bobbing Click on the witch’s glasses.

Apple Bobbing

Click on the witch’s

Слайд 46

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 47

October Children play games.


Children play games.

Слайд 48

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 49

Halloween Games Click on the smallest pumpkin’s left eye.

Halloween Games

Click on the smallest
pumpkin’s left eye.

Слайд 50

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 51

October They sing songs.


They sing songs.

Слайд 52

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 53

Halloween Songs Click on the door.

Halloween Songs

Click on the door.

Слайд 54

Sorry, that’s not true.

that’s not true.

Слайд 55



Слайд 56

Make the list of things which people do at Halloween.

Make the list of things
which people do
at Halloween.

What do you remember

from the lesson?

You can earn
up to 10 points.

Слайд 57

Check your answers. They make Jack-o-lanterns. They wear Halloween costumes.

Check your answers.

They make Jack-o-lanterns.
They wear Halloween costumes.
They make masks.
They decorate

their houses.
They go from house to house and say “Trick or Treat”
They have Halloween parties.
They tell each other scary stories.
They play apple bobbing.
They play games.
They sing songs.
Слайд 58

How many points have you got? Now it's time to count your points.

How many points
have you got?

Now it's time to count your points.

Слайд 59

Имя файла: Halloween.pptx
Количество просмотров: 65
Количество скачиваний: 0