Intermediate State Test ПГК – 2015 / 8224 презентация


Слайд 2

1. Закончите предложение: The … of Kazakhstan is strongly continental

1. Закончите предложение: The … of Kazakhstan is strongly continental

a) climate
b) flora

d) environment
e) position
Слайд 3

1. Закончите предложение: The … of Kazakhstan is strongly continental

1. Закончите предложение: The … of Kazakhstan is strongly continental

a) climate -

b) flora – растительный мир
c) fauna – животный мир
d) environment – окружающая среда
e) position – позиция
Слайд 4

2. Закончите предложение: The cheapest way of travelling is ...

2. Закончите предложение: The cheapest way of travelling is ...

a) boating
b) flying

by ship
d) hiking
e) by car
Слайд 5

2. Закончите предложение: The cheapest way of travelling is ...

2. Закончите предложение: The cheapest way of travelling is ...

a) boating
b) flying

by ship
d) hiking
e) by car
Слайд 6

2. Закончите предложение: The cheapest way of travelling is ...

2. Закончите предложение: The cheapest way of travelling is ...

a) boating –

на лодке
b) flying – на самолете
c) by ship – на корабле
d) hiking - автостопом
e) by car – на машине
Слайд 7

3. Образуйте прилагательное «continent»: a) continental b) continentful c) continentless d) continentness e) continently

3. Образуйте прилагательное «continent»:

a) continental
b) continentful
c) continentless
d) continentness
e) continently

Слайд 8

3. Образуйте прилагательное «continent»: a) continental b) continentful c) continentless d) continentness e) continently

3. Образуйте прилагательное «continent»:

a) continental
b) continentful
c) continentless
d) continentness
e) continently

Слайд 9

4. Дополните предложение: The centre of the solar system is…

4. Дополните предложение: The centre of the solar system is…

a) the Sun

the Moon
c) the Star
d) the Earth
e) the Galaxy
Слайд 10

4. Дополните предложение: The centre of the solar (солнечная) system

4. Дополните предложение: The centre of the solar (солнечная) system is…

a) the

Sun - Солнце
b) the Moon - Луна
c) the Star - Звезда
d) the Earth - Земля
e) the Galaxy - Галактика
Слайд 11

5. Закончите предложение: write-wrote … a) wrote b) write c) writed d) written e) wrotten

5. Закончите предложение: write-wrote …

a) wrote
b) write
c) writed
d) written
e) wrotten

Слайд 12

5. Закончите предложение: write-wrote … a) wrote b) write c) writed d) written e) wrotten

5. Закончите предложение: write-wrote …

a) wrote
b) write
c) writed
d) written
e) wrotten

Слайд 13

6. Лишним в данном ряду является a) ability b) chemistry c) music d) geography e) history

6. Лишним в данном ряду является

a) ability
b) chemistry
c) music
d) geography
e) history

Слайд 14

6. Лишним в данном ряду является a) ability - способности

6. Лишним в данном ряду является

a) ability - способности
b) chemistry
c) music

e) history
Слайд 15

7. Лишним в данной группе числительных является a) first b)

7. Лишним в данной группе числительных является

a) first
b) thousand
c) forty
d) sixteen

Слайд 16

7. Лишним в данной группе числительных является a) first –

7. Лишним в данной группе числительных является

a) first – ordinal: the

first/the second/ the third
b) thousand - cardinal
c) forty - cardinal
d) sixteen - cardinal
e) twenty-five - cardinal
Слайд 17

8. Выберите синонимы: lose, destroy, struggle, damage, quarrel a) destroy

8. Выберите синонимы: lose, destroy, struggle, damage, quarrel

a) destroy - damage b)

damage - lose
c) lose - struggle
d) struggle - damage
e) quarrel - destroy
Слайд 18

8. Выберите синонимы: lose - терять, destroy - рушить, struggle

8. Выберите синонимы: lose - терять, destroy - рушить, struggle -

бороться, damage - портить, quarrel - ссориться

a) destroy - damage b) damage - lose
c) lose - struggle
d) struggle - damage
e) quarrel - destroy

Слайд 19

9. Прочитайте числительное: 3,567 a) three thousand five hundreds and

9. Прочитайте числительное: 3,567

a) three thousand five hundreds and sixty seven

three thousand five hundred and sixty seven
c) three thousand five hundreds sixty seven
d) three thousand and five hundred and sixty seven
e) three thousand five hundred and sixty seventh
Слайд 20

9. Прочитайте числительное: 3,5and67 a) three thousand five hundreds and

9. Прочитайте числительное: 3,5and67

a) three thousand five hundreds and sixty seven

three thousand five hundred and sixty seven
c) three thousand five hundreds sixty seven
d) three thousand and five hundred and sixty seven
e) three thousand five hundred and sixty seventh
Слайд 21

10. Выберите правильный вариант косвенной речи: “Do you live in

10. Выберите правильный вариант косвенной речи: “Do you live in Astana?” –

asked Damir

a) Damir wanted to know if I lived in Astana
b) Damir asks if I live in Astana
c) Damir asked if I live in Astana
d) Damir doesn’t know if I lived in Astana
e) Damir wondered who lived in Astana

Слайд 22

10. Выберите правильный вариант косвенной речи: “Do you live in

10. Выберите правильный вариант косвенной речи: “Do you live in Astana?” –

asked Damir

a) Damir wanted to know if I lived in Astana
b) Damir asks if I live in Astana
c) Damir asked if I live in Astana
d) Damir doesn’t know if I lived in Astana
e) Damir wondered who lived in Astana

Слайд 23

a) “I was going to Italy for a holiday” –

a) “I was going to Italy for a holiday” – said

b) “I am going to Italy for a holiday” – asks Ann
c) “I will go to Italy for a holiday” – says Ann
d) “Will you go to Italy for a holiday?” – asks Ann
e) “I am going to Italy for a holiday” – said Ann to Jane

11. Выберите правильный вариант прямой речи:
Ann told Jane that she was going to Italy for a holiday
Direct speech – прямая речь Indirect speech – косвенная речь Rule: если основной глагол “told” в прошедшем времени, то глаголы из прямой речи в косвенную меняются по принципу «шаг вперед» Past Continuous на Present Continuous

Слайд 24

a) “I was going to Italy for a holiday” –

a) “I was going to Italy for a holiday” – said

b) “I am going to Italy for a holiday” – asks Ann
c) “I will go to Italy for a holiday” – says Ann
d) “Will you go to Italy for a holiday?” – asks Ann
e) “I am going to Italy for a holiday” – said Ann to Jane

11. Выберите правильный вариант прямой речи:
Ann told Jane that she was going to Italy for a holiday
Direct speech – прямая речь Indirect speech – косвенная речь Rule: если основной глагол “told” в прошедшем времени, то глаголы из прямой речи в косвенную меняются по принципу «шаг вперед» Past Continuous на Present Continuous

Слайд 25

12. Структуру «There are» нужно вставить в предложение: a) …

12. Структуру «There are» нужно вставить в предложение:

a) … several

classrooms on the ground floor
b) … a sofa near the wall
c) … the gymnasium near the dining room
d) What news … in today’s issue?
e) … a break for lunch in all English schools
Слайд 26

12. Структуру «There are» нужно вставить в предложение: a) …

12. Структуру «There are» нужно вставить в предложение:

a) … several

classrooms on the ground floor
b) … a sofa near the wall
c) … the gymnasium near the dining room
d) What news … in today’s issue?
e) … a break for lunch in all English schools
Слайд 27

13. Выберите правильную форму глагола: If I … to London

13. Выберите правильную форму глагола: If I … to London I will

try to visit many places of interest

a) go
b) will go
c) shall go
d) went
e) would go

Слайд 28

13. Выберите правильную форму глагола: If I … to London

13. Выберите правильную форму глагола: If I … to London I will

try to visit many places of interest

a) go
b) will go
c) shall go
d) went
e) would go

Слайд 29

14. Дополните предложение: I will talk to him if I

14. Дополните предложение: I will talk to him if I …


a) see
b) saw
c) will see
d) will saw
e) would see

Слайд 30

14. Дополните предложение: I will talk to him if I

14. Дополните предложение: I will talk to him if I …


a) see
b) saw
c) will see
d) will saw
e) would see

Слайд 31

15. Дополните предложение We should cry for help to …

15. Дополните предложение We should cry for help to … animals

and birds

a) like
b) forget
c) kill
d) destroy
e) preserve

Слайд 32

15. Дополните предложение We should cry for help to …

15. Дополните предложение We should cry for help to … animals

and birds

a) like - нравиться
b) forget - забыть
c) kill - убивать
d) destroy - разрушать
e) preserve - сохранить

Слайд 33

16. Найдите дефиницию к слову: “environment” means … a) water

16. Найдите дефиницию к слову: “environment” means …

a) water and air

b) seas and oceans
c) parks and gardens in the city
d) all the natural conditions in which man lives
e) all the stars and planets
Слайд 34

16. Найдите дефиницию к слову: “environment” means … a) water

16. Найдите дефиницию к слову: “environment” means …

a) water and air

b) seas and oceans
c) parks and gardens in the city
d) all the natural conditions (природные условия) in which man lives
e) all the stars and planets
Слайд 35

17. Выберите синонимы coast, land, ground, seashore, square a) coast

17. Выберите синонимы coast, land, ground, seashore, square

a) coast - land

square - ground
c) seashore - square
d) ground - coast
e) coast - seashore
Слайд 36

17. Выберите синонимы coast - побережье, land - земля, ground

17. Выберите синонимы coast - побережье, land - земля, ground -земля,

seashore - побережье, square - площадь

a) coast - land
b) square - ground
c) seashore - square
d) ground - coast
e) coast - seashore

Слайд 37

18. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: Are there many private schools

18. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: Are there many private schools in

England or in Kazakhstan?

a) There are many private schools in Kazakhstan
b) There are many private schools in England
c) There aren’t many private schools in England
d) There is many private schools in Kazakhstan
e) There aren’t any private schools in Kazakhstan

Слайд 38

18. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: Are there many private schools

18. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: Are there many private schools in

England or in Kazakhstan?

a) There are many private schools in Kazakhstan
b) There are many private schools in England
c) There aren’t many private schools in England
d) There is many private schools in Kazakhstan
e) There aren’t any private schools in Kazakhstan

Слайд 39

19. Буква «I» читается отлично в слове: a) girl b)

19. Буква «I» читается отлично в слове:

a) girl
b) fish
c) six
d) ship

Слайд 40

19. Буква «I» читается отлично в слове: There are 4

19. Буква «I» читается отлично в слове: There are 4 types of

pronunciation in English language I type – plane; II type – plan; III type – park; IV type - pare

a) girl – III [r+согласная] type of pronunciation
b) fish – II type of pronunciation
c) six - II type of pronunciation
d) ship - II type of pronunciation
e) visit - II type of pronunciation

Слайд 41

a) will be b) was c) were d) would be

a) will be
b) was
c) were
d) would be
e) am

20. Выберите правильную форму

When I … seven I will go to school …
Which Conditionals? I or II?
Слайд 42

a) will be b) was c) were d) would be

a) will be
b) was
c) were
d) would be
e) am

20. Выберите правильную форму

When I … seven I will go to school …
Слайд 43

a) Where does it often rains in this country? b)

a) Where does it often rains in this country?
b) Where it

often rains in this country?
c) Where does it often rain in this country?
d) Where it does often rain in this country?
e) Does it often rain in this country?

21. Выберите специальный вопрос к предложению:
It often rains in autumn in this country

Слайд 44

a) Where does it often rains in this country? b)

a) Where does it often rains in this country?
b) Where it

often rains in this country?
c) Where does it often rain in this country?
d) Where it does often rain in this country?
e) Does it often rain in this country?

21. Выберите специальный вопрос к предложению:
It often rains in autumn in this country

Слайд 45

a) will come b) would come c) comes d) come

a) will come
b) would come
c) comes
d) come
e) came

22. Выберите нужную форму

My mother said she … home from work early the next day
Слайд 46

a) will come b) would come c) comes d) come

a) will come
b) would come
c) comes
d) come
e) came

22. Выберите нужную форму

My mother said she … home from work early the next day (Which Conditionals?)
Слайд 47

a) There hangs a picture on the wall b) There

a) There hangs a picture on the wall
b) There is hanging

a picture in the wall
c) There is a mirror on the wall
d) There is hanging a mirror on the wall
e) There hangs a mirror on the wall

23. Выберите правильный перевод:
На стене висит зеркало

Слайд 48

a) There hangs a picture on the wall b) There

a) There hangs a picture on the wall
b) There is hanging

a picture in the wall
c) There is a mirror on the wall
d) There is hanging a mirror on the wall
e) There hangs a mirror on the wall

23. Выберите правильный перевод:
На стене висит зеркало

Слайд 49

a) came true b) would come c) will come d)

a) came true
b) would come
c) will come
d) will have come
e) would

have come

24. Закончите предложение:
If her dreams … she would be happy

Слайд 50

a) came true b) would come c) will come d)

a) came true
b) would come
c) will come
d) will have come
e) would

have come

24. Закончите предложение:
If her dreams … she would be happy
(Which Conditionals?)

Слайд 51

a) finish b) had finished c) have finished d) had

a) finish
b) had finished
c) have finished
d) had finish
e) will finish

25. Выберите

нужную форму глагола:
After I … my homework I went to the park with my sister
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