Making news. Unit 9.1 презентация


Слайд 2

News [nju:z] – новости, новость A piece of news

News [nju:z] – новости, новость
A piece of news

Слайд 3

Exercise 1 Page 90

Exercise 1 Page 90

Слайд 4

Discuss these questions

Discuss these questions

Слайд 5

1. What’s in the news today?

1. What’s in the news today?

Слайд 6

The American president is in the news today

The American president is in the news today

Слайд 7

A tragedy in China is in the news today

A tragedy in China is in the news today

Слайд 8

2. How do you usually get the news?

2. How do you usually get the news?

Слайд 9

I go online I read the newspaper I watch TV

I go online I read the newspaper I watch TV

Слайд 10

Exercise 2A Page 90

Exercise 2A Page 90

Слайд 11

Match the photos with the names of the news sources in the table

Match the photos with the names of the news sources in

the table
Слайд 12

News sources [so:siz] We have 5 news sources

News sources [so:siz] We have 5 news sources

Слайд 13

1. Newspapers

1. Newspapers

Слайд 14

Which picture?

Which picture?

Слайд 15

Newspapers – Picture 4

Newspapers – Picture 4

Слайд 16

2. The radio

2. The radio

Слайд 17

Which picture?

Which picture?

Слайд 18

The radio – Picture 1

The radio – Picture 1

Слайд 19

3. The TV

3. The TV

Слайд 20

Which picture?

Which picture?

Слайд 21

The TV – Picture 5

The TV – Picture 5

Слайд 22

4. The Internet

4. The Internet

Слайд 23

Which picture?

Which picture?

Слайд 24

The Internet – Picture 2

The Internet – Picture 2

Слайд 25

5. Mobile phone

5. Mobile phone

Слайд 26

Which picture?

Which picture?

Слайд 27

Mobile phone – Picture 3

Mobile phone – Picture 3

Слайд 28

News sources’ descriptions What’s the source like?

News sources’ descriptions What’s the source like?

Слайд 29

Fast - быстрый

Fast - быстрый

Слайд 30

Easy - лёгкий

Easy - лёгкий

Слайд 31

Detailed [di’teild] - детальный

Detailed [di’teild] - детальный

Слайд 32

Exciting [ik’saitiŋ] – будоражащий воображение

Exciting [ik’saitiŋ] – будоражащий воображение

Слайд 33

Cheap -дешёвый

Cheap -дешёвый

Слайд 34

Convenient [kən’viniənt]- удобный

Convenient [kən’viniənt]- удобный

Слайд 35

What are newspapers like?

What are newspapers like?

Слайд 36



Слайд 37

Слайд 38

What’s the radio like?

What’s the radio like?

Слайд 39



Слайд 40

Слайд 41

What’s the TV like?

What’s the TV like?

Слайд 42



Слайд 43

Слайд 44

What’s the Internet like?

What’s the Internet like?

Слайд 45



Слайд 46

Слайд 47

What’s mobile phone like?

What’s mobile phone like?

Слайд 48



Слайд 49

Слайд 50

Exercise 2B Page 90

Exercise 2B Page 90

Слайд 51

Read the text quickly. Which news sources do the people like?

Read the text quickly. Which news sources do the people like?

Слайд 52



Слайд 53



Слайд 54



Слайд 55

Before you read

Before you read

Слайд 56

Comparison of adjectives

Comparison of adjectives

Слайд 57

Page 97

Page 97

Слайд 58

Слайд 59

Слайд 60

Read text 1 about Fuad

Read text 1 about Fuad

Слайд 61

It isn’t the same in my country. We don’t all

It isn’t the same in my country. We don’t all have

computers, so we read newspapers or listen to the radio
Слайд 62

I think they’re great. Newspapers are detailed [di’teild] and give

I think they’re great. Newspapers are detailed [di’teild] and give you

a lot of information. And the radio is convenient [kən’viniənt]
Слайд 63

You can listen to it while you’re driving, in bed,

You can listen to it while you’re driving, in bed, even

in the bath. They’re easy ways to get news- easier than using a computer
Слайд 64

And, of course, they’re cheaper than computers

And, of course, they’re cheaper than computers

Слайд 65

How does Fuad get the news?

How does Fuad get the news?

Слайд 66

It isn’t the same in my country. We don’t all

It isn’t the same in my country. We don’t all have

computers, so we read newspapers or listen to the radio
Слайд 67

Fuad reads newspapers or listens to the radio

Fuad reads newspapers or listens to the radio

Слайд 68

Read text 2 about Katie

Read text 2 about Katie

Слайд 69

I believe the Internet is taking away the TV’s audience [o:diəns] (аудитория)

I believe the Internet is taking away the TV’s audience [o:diəns]

Слайд 70

In my opinion [ə’piniən], the Internet is better than TV

In my opinion [ə’piniən], the Internet is better than TV because

it’s faster, and it’s quite [kwait] detailed [di’teild]
Слайд 71

You can go online to look at news stories or

You can go online to look at news stories or

read a blog. TV is better than the Internet for some things, I agree, and I watch a news program every day
Слайд 72

TV is more exciting [ik’saitiŋ] than some other news sources [so:siz] because it’s visual [viʒuəl]

TV is more exciting [ik’saitiŋ] than some other news sources [so:siz]

because it’s visual [viʒuəl]
Слайд 73

I think TV news feels more realistic than newspapers or radio for that reason [ri:zən]

I think TV news feels more realistic than newspapers or radio

for that reason [ri:zən]
Слайд 74

How does Katie get the news?

How does Katie get the news?

Слайд 75

You can go online to look at news stories or

You can go online to look at news stories or

read a blog. TV is better than the Internet for some things, I agree, and I watch a news program every day
Слайд 76

Katie likes the Internet and the TV She goes online

Katie likes the Internet and the TV She goes online

Слайд 77

Read text 3 about Magnus

Read text 3 about Magnus

Слайд 78

No – this is all wrong! TV, newspapers, computers –

No – this is all wrong! TV, newspapers, computers – they’re

all old-fashioned. I get my news on my mobile phone
Слайд 79

The main news stories, sports news, film news. I also use Twitter a lot –

The main news stories, sports news, film news. I also use

Twitter a lot –
Слайд 80

that’s how I found out about the plane crash on

that’s how I found out about the plane crash on The

Hudson River, before the TV or Internet had the story!
Слайд 81

Mobiles are really fast now, and convenient [kən’viniənt], because I

Mobiles are really fast now, and convenient [kən’viniənt], because I have

my phone with me all the time
Слайд 82

How does Magnus get the news?

How does Magnus get the news?

Слайд 83

No – this is all wrong! TV, newspapers, computers –

No – this is all wrong! TV, newspapers, computers – they’re

all old-fashioned. I get my news on my mobile phone
Слайд 84

Magnus gets his news on his mobile phone

Magnus gets his news on his mobile phone

Слайд 85

Exercise 2C Page 90

Exercise 2C Page 90

Слайд 86

Tick the correct adjectives in the table in exercise 2A

Tick the correct adjectives in the table in exercise 2A

Слайд 87

Слайд 88

According to the table:

According to the table:

Слайд 89

Newspapers are easy, detailed and cheap

Newspapers are easy, detailed and cheap

Слайд 90

The radio is easy, cheap and convenient

The radio is easy, cheap and convenient

Слайд 91

The TV is exciting

The TV is exciting

Слайд 92

The Internet is fast and detailed

The Internet is fast and detailed

Слайд 93

Mobile phones are fast and convenient

Mobile phones are fast and convenient

Слайд 94

Exercise 3A Page 90

Exercise 3A Page 90

Слайд 95

Complete the table with the verbs from the box

Complete the table with the verbs from the box

Слайд 96

Слайд 97

1. a blog?

1. a blog?

Слайд 98

Слайд 99

1. Read a blog

1. Read a blog

Слайд 100

2. a news program?

2. a news program?

Слайд 101

Слайд 102

2. Watch a news program

2. Watch a news program

Слайд 103

3. newspapers?

3. newspapers?

Слайд 104

Слайд 105

3. Read newspapers

3. Read newspapers

Слайд 106

4. online?

4. online?

Слайд 107

Слайд 108

4. Go online

4. Go online

Слайд 109

5. the radio?

5. the radio?

Слайд 110

Слайд 111

5. Listen to the radio

5. Listen to the radio

Слайд 112

6. Twitter?

6. Twitter?

Слайд 113

Слайд 114

6. Use Twitter

6. Use Twitter

Слайд 115

Exercise 3B Page 90

Exercise 3B Page 90

Слайд 116

Discuss the questions

Discuss the questions

Слайд 117

1. Do you read or write a blog?

1. Do you read or write a blog?

Слайд 118

Yes, I do No, I don’t

Yes, I do No, I don’t

Слайд 119

2. How often do you go online?

2. How often do you go online?

Слайд 120

Every day

Every day

Слайд 121

3. Do you use Twitter?

3. Do you use Twitter?

Слайд 122

Yes, I do No, I don’t

Yes, I do No, I don’t

Слайд 123

Exercise 4 Page 91

Exercise 4 Page 91

Слайд 124

Complete the active grammar box

Complete the active grammar box

Слайд 125

Fast – faster than

Fast – faster than

Слайд 126

Easy – easier than

Easy – easier than

Слайд 127

Realistic – more realistic than

Realistic – more realistic than

Слайд 128

Exciting – more exciting than

Exciting – more exciting than

Слайд 129

Good – better than

Good – better than

Слайд 130

Bad – worse than

Bad – worse than

Слайд 131

Exercise 5A Page 91

Exercise 5A Page 91

Слайд 132

Listen to these phrases

Listen to these phrases

Слайд 133



Слайд 134

1. Easier [i:ziə] than

1. Easier [i:ziə] than

Слайд 135

2. Faster [fa:stə] than

2. Faster [fa:stə] than

Слайд 136

3. Colder [kouldə] than

3. Colder [kouldə] than

Слайд 137

4. Healthier [helθiə] than

4. Healthier [helθiə] than

Слайд 138

Track 2.21

Track 2.21

Слайд 139

Exercise 5B Page 91

Exercise 5B Page 91

Слайд 140

Write sentences comparing these things

Write sentences comparing these things

Слайд 141

1. Iceland/ Egypt/ cold

1. Iceland/ Egypt/ cold

Слайд 142

1. Iceland is colder than Egypt

1. Iceland is colder than Egypt

Слайд 143

2. maths/ English/ easy

2. maths/ English/ easy

Слайд 144

2. English is easier than maths

2. English is easier than maths

Слайд 145

3. fruit/ chocolate/ healthy

3. fruit/ chocolate/ healthy

Слайд 146

3. Fruit is healthier than chocolate

3. Fruit is healthier than chocolate

Слайд 147

4. a Ferrari/ a Fiat/ fast

4. a Ferrari/ a Fiat/ fast

Слайд 148

4. A Ferrari is faster than a Fiat

4. A Ferrari is faster than a Fiat

Слайд 149

Exercise 6 Page 91

Exercise 6 Page 91

Слайд 150

Make sentences using the comparative form of these adjectives

Make sentences using the comparative form of these adjectives

Слайд 151

Good, useful, exciting [ik’saitiŋ], interesting, modern

Good, useful, exciting [ik’saitiŋ], interesting, modern

Слайд 152



Слайд 153

Good - better

Good - better

Слайд 154



Слайд 155

Useful – more useful

Useful – more useful

Слайд 156

Exciting [ik’saitiŋ]?

Exciting [ik’saitiŋ]?

Слайд 157

Exciting [ik’saitiŋ] – more exciting [ik’saitiŋ]

Exciting [ik’saitiŋ] – more exciting [ik’saitiŋ]

Слайд 158



Слайд 159

Interesting – more interesting

Interesting – more interesting

Слайд 160



Слайд 161

Modern – more modern

Modern – more modern

Слайд 162

Newspapers Mobile phones The Internet The radio The TV

Newspapers Mobile phones The Internet The radio The TV

Слайд 163

Газеты более возбуждающие, чем интернет

Газеты более возбуждающие, чем интернет

Слайд 164

Exciting [ik’saitiŋ] – more exciting [ik’saitiŋ]

Exciting [ik’saitiŋ] – more exciting [ik’saitiŋ]

Слайд 165

Newspapers are more exciting than the Internet

Newspapers are more exciting than the Internet

Слайд 166

Мобильные телефоны лучше, чем радио

Мобильные телефоны лучше, чем радио

Слайд 167

Good - better

Good - better

Слайд 168

Mobile phones are better than the radio

Mobile phones are better than the radio

Слайд 169

Интернет более полезный, чем радио

Интернет более полезный, чем радио

Слайд 170

Useful – more useful

Useful – more useful

Слайд 171

The Internet is more useful than the radio

The Internet is more useful than the radio

Слайд 172

Телевидение более возбуждающее, чем радио

Телевидение более возбуждающее, чем радио

Слайд 173

Exciting [ik’saitiŋ] – more exciting [ik’saitiŋ]

Exciting [ik’saitiŋ] – more exciting [ik’saitiŋ]

Слайд 174

The TV is more exciting than the radio

The TV is more exciting than the radio

Слайд 175

Интернет более интересный, чем радио

Интернет более интересный, чем радио

Слайд 176

Interesting – more interesting

Interesting – more interesting

Слайд 177

The Internet is more interesting than the radio

The Internet is more interesting than the radio

Слайд 178

Мобильные телефоны более современные, чем радио

Мобильные телефоны более современные, чем радио

Слайд 179

Modern – more modern

Modern – more modern

Слайд 180

Mobile phones are more modern than the radio

Mobile phones are more modern than the radio

Слайд 181

Exercise 7A Page 91

Exercise 7A Page 91

Слайд 182

Listen to Nick and Petra talking about news

Listen to Nick and Petra talking about news

Слайд 183

Page 156 Track 2.22

Page 156 Track 2.22

Слайд 184

Before you read

Before you read

Слайд 185

Election [I’lekʃən]- выборы

Election [I’lekʃən]- выборы

Слайд 186

Amazing [ə’meiziŋ]- удивительный (вызывает восхищение)

Amazing [ə’meiziŋ]- удивительный (вызывает восхищение)

Слайд 187

Surprising [sə’praiziŋ]- удивительный (вызывает удивление)

Surprising [sə’praiziŋ]- удивительный (вызывает удивление)

Слайд 188

There you are – вот видишь

There you are – вот видишь

Слайд 189

The same – одиниковый

The same – одиниковый

Слайд 190

Source [so:s] - источник

Source [so:s] - источник

Слайд 191

News source [so:s] – источник новостей

News source [so:s] – источник новостей

Слайд 192

Read script 2.22 on page 156

Read script 2.22 on page 156

Слайд 193

P – Petra N - Nick

P – Petra N - Nick

Слайд 194

P: It says here that 70% of Americans got news

P: It says here that 70% of Americans got news about

the election on the Internet. I think that’s amazing [ə’meiziŋ]
Слайд 195

N: I don’t find it surprising [sə’praiziŋ] at all. I

N: I don’t find it surprising [sə’praiziŋ] at all. I mean,

with an election [i’lekʃən], people want to find out news very quickly
Слайд 196

N: And it’s faster on the Internet than on TV.

N: And it’s faster on the Internet than on TV. How

many Americans use the Internet for news every day?
P: Well, it says 37% here
Слайд 197

N: Well, there you are, about half [ha:f] of the

N: Well, there you are, about half [ha:f] of the first

P: Do you think the number is the same here?
Слайд 198

N: I think that it’s probably the same I think

N: I think that it’s probably the same I think a

lot of younger people use the Internet for news stories, but older people are more traditional
Слайд 199

N: They read newspapers or watch the news on TV

N: They read newspapers or watch the news on TV
P: I

don’t think that it’s just older people
Слайд 200

P: I believe that newspapers are still better than other

P: I believe that newspapers are still better than other news

sources [so:siz] because you can read them anywhere (где угодно) –
Слайд 201

P: on the train, in a restaurant, even in front

P: on the train, in a restaurant, even in front of

the TV
N: Yes, I suppose so. What do you think of getting news on your mobile phone, then?
Слайд 202

P: Well, it’s OK. But in my opinion [ə’piniən], it’s

P: Well, it’s OK. But in my opinion [ə’piniən], it’s better

to read a newspaper or watch TV for news, to get more information and other people’s opinions
Слайд 203

Track 2.22

Track 2.22

Слайд 204

Who thinks the following: Nick or Petra?

Who thinks the following: Nick or Petra?

Слайд 205

1. The number of Americans using the Internet is amazing [ə’meiziŋ]

1. The number of Americans using the Internet is amazing [ə’meiziŋ]

Слайд 206

P: It says here that 70% of Americans got news

P: It says here that 70% of Americans got news about

the election on the Internet. I think that’s amazing [ə’meiziŋ]
Слайд 207

Petra does

Petra does

Слайд 208

2. The same number of people use the Internet for

2. The same number of people use the Internet for news

in the UK and the US
Слайд 209

N: I think that it’s probably the same I think

N: I think that it’s probably the same I think a

lot of younger people use the Internet for news stories, but older people are more traditional
Слайд 210

Nick does

Nick does

Слайд 211

3. Younger people use the Internet

3. Younger people use the Internet

Слайд 212

N: I think that it’s probably the same I think

N: I think that it’s probably the same I think a

lot of younger people use the Internet for news stories, but older people are more traditional
Слайд 213

Nick does

Nick does

Слайд 214

4. Newspapers are better than other news sources

4. Newspapers are better than other news sources

Слайд 215

P: Well, it’s OK. But in my opinion [ə’piniən], it’s

P: Well, it’s OK. But in my opinion [ə’piniən], it’s better

to read a newspaper or watch TV for news, to get more information and other people’s opinions
Слайд 216

Petra does

Petra does

Слайд 217

Exercise 7B Page 91

Exercise 7B Page 91

Слайд 218

Complete the sentences in the How to box

Complete the sentences in the How to box

Слайд 219

Слайд 220

Exercise 8 Page 91

Exercise 8 Page 91

Слайд 221

Make sentences about the topics in 1-4 below. Use opinion phrases

Make sentences about the topics in 1-4 below. Use opinion phrases

Слайд 222

I think (that)

I think (that)

Слайд 223

I find

I find

Слайд 224

In my opinion

In my opinion

Слайд 225

1. Entertainment [entə’teinmənt] – развлечение: TV, theater, concerts

1. Entertainment [entə’teinmənt] – развлечение: TV, theater, concerts

Слайд 226

I think theater is more exciting than cinema

I think theater is more exciting than cinema

Слайд 227

I find concerts better than TV

I find concerts better than TV

Слайд 228

In my opinion theater is more interesting than concerts

In my opinion theater is more interesting than concerts

Слайд 229

2. Music: pop, classical, rock, opera

2. Music: pop, classical, rock, opera

Слайд 230

I think rock is livelier than opera

I think rock is livelier than opera

Слайд 231

I find classical music more relaxing than rock

I find classical music more relaxing than rock

Слайд 232

In my opinion pop is more popular than rock

In my opinion pop is more popular than rock

Слайд 233

3. Sports: football, tennis, motor racing, athletics

3. Sports: football, tennis, motor racing, athletics

Слайд 234

I think motor racing is more expensive than athletics

I think motor racing is more expensive than athletics

Слайд 235

I find tennis more popular than football

I find tennis more popular than football

Слайд 236

In my opinion tennis is more popular than athletics

In my opinion tennis is more popular than athletics

Слайд 237

4. Books: novel, poetry, plays, history books

4. Books: novel, poetry, plays, history books

Слайд 238

I think novels are more interesting than poetry

I think novels are more interesting than poetry

Слайд 239

I find novels more relaxing than poetry

I find novels more relaxing than poetry

Слайд 240

In my opinion novels are more exciting than plays

In my opinion novels are more exciting than plays

Слайд 241



Слайд 242



Слайд 243

Exciting [ik’saitiŋ?

Exciting [ik’saitiŋ?

Слайд 244



Слайд 245



Слайд 246



Слайд 247



Слайд 248

Lively [laivli]?

Lively [laivli]?

Слайд 249



Слайд 250



Слайд 251



Слайд 252



Слайд 253

Which is more expensive cinema or concerts, in your opinion?

Which is more expensive cinema or concerts, in your opinion?

Слайд 254

In my opinion,……more expensive than……

In my opinion,……more expensive than……

Слайд 255

Which do you think is better cinema or theater?

Which do you think is better cinema or theater?

Слайд 256

I think……is better than…..

I think……is better than…..

Слайд 257

Which is more exciting opera or rock in your opinion?

Which is more exciting opera or rock in your opinion?

Слайд 258

In my opinion… more exciting than…

In my opinion… more exciting than…

Слайд 259

Which do you find more relaxing: pop music or classical music?

Which do you find more relaxing: pop music or classical music?

Слайд 260

I find ……more relaxing than

I find ……more relaxing than

Слайд 261

Which do you think is more dangerous motor racing or football?

Which do you think is more dangerous motor racing or

Слайд 262

I think… more dangerous than…

I think… more dangerous than…

Слайд 263

Which is more popular in your opinion: football or tennis?

Which is more popular in your opinion: football or tennis?

Слайд 264

In my opinion… more popular than

In my opinion… more popular than

Слайд 265

Which do you find livelier: history books or novels?

Which do you find livelier: history books or novels?

Слайд 266

I find…..livelier than……..

I find…..livelier than……..

Слайд 267

Exercise 1A Page 56 (Workbook)

Exercise 1A Page 56 (Workbook)

Слайд 268

Read the text

Read the text

Слайд 269

Before you read

Before you read

Слайд 270

An e-book reader – устройство для чтения электронных книг

An e-book reader – устройство для чтения электронных книг

Слайд 271

Versatile [vɜːsə’tail] – гибкий, многосторонний

Versatile [vɜːsə’tail] – гибкий, многосторонний

Слайд 272

Hard–wearing – прочный

Hard–wearing – прочный

Слайд 273

Read the text on page 56

Read the text on page 56

Слайд 274

Exercise 1B Page 56 (Workbook)

Exercise 1B Page 56 (Workbook)

Слайд 275

Tick the correct boxes

Tick the correct boxes

Слайд 276

Слайд 277

Exercise 2 Page 56 (Workbook)

Exercise 2 Page 56 (Workbook)

Слайд 278

Answer the questions

Answer the questions

Слайд 279

When was the first e-book available In the early 1990s

When was the first e-book available In the early 1990s

Слайд 280

1. What is Kindle?

1. What is Kindle?

Слайд 281

1. An e-book reader

1. An e-book reader

Слайд 282

2. When did Kindle arrive?

2. When did Kindle arrive?

Слайд 283

2. In the late 1990-s

2. In the late 1990-s

Слайд 284

3. How many books can you put on an e-book reader?

3. How many books can you put on an e-book reader?

Слайд 285

3. Thousands of books

3. Thousands of books

Слайд 286

4. What can you do with the language?

4. What can you do with the language?

Слайд 287

4. You can change the language

4. You can change the language

Слайд 288

5. What can happen if an e-book reader falls on the ground?

5. What can happen if an e-book reader falls on the

Слайд 289

5. It can break

5. It can break

Слайд 290

Are you for e-books or for real books? Why?

Are you for e-books or for real books? Why?

Слайд 291

I am for e-books because they’re……..

I am for e-books because they’re……..

Слайд 292

I am for real books because they’re……..

I am for real books because they’re……..

Слайд 293

Exercise 3 Page 56 (Workbook)

Exercise 3 Page 56 (Workbook)

Слайд 294

Correct the verbs in the sentences

Correct the verbs in the sentences

Слайд 295

I often read blogs to find the news

I often read blogs to find the news

Слайд 296

1. Do you go online much for the news

1. Do you go online much for the news

Слайд 297

2. Older people like to listen to the radio

2. Older people like to listen to the radio

Слайд 298

3. I watch news program on TV because they’re more exciting

3. I watch news program on TV because they’re more exciting

Слайд 299

4. On Sunday mornings we have a nice breakfast and read the newspapers

4. On Sunday mornings we have a nice breakfast and read

the newspapers
Слайд 300

5. All my friends use Twitter a lot

5. All my friends use Twitter a lot

Слайд 301

Comparison of adjectives

Comparison of adjectives

Слайд 302

E-books are more versatile than real books

E-books are more versatile than real books

Слайд 303

1. Real books are more attractive than e-books

1. Real books are more attractive than e-books

Слайд 304

2. E-book readers are lighter than several real books

2. E-book readers are lighter than several real books

Слайд 305

3. Coats are warmer than jackets

3. Coats are warmer than jackets

Слайд 306

4. Chicago is windier tham New York

4. Chicago is windier tham New York

Слайд 307

5. Japanese is more difficult than English

5. Japanese is more difficult than English

Имя файла: Making-news.-Unit-9.1.pptx
Количество просмотров: 16
Количество скачиваний: 0