My native city Kovrov презентация


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Данная презентация имеет краеведческую направленность и рекомендована для применения на занятиях по английскому

языку со студентами 1 курса профессиональных образовательных учреждений в рамках изучения темы «Родной город». Актуальность данной разработки заключается в реализации ряда главных задач современного образования: формирования гражданской позиции, чувства патриотизма и решения коммуникативной задачи в рамках заявленной темы. Содержание текста призвано стимулировать познавательный интерес учащихся к истории своего края.
Презентация содержат основные сведения о географическом положении, истории, экономике, образовательных учреждениях, известных людях, достопримечательностях г. Коврова. Они сопровождаются красочными иллюстрациями.
В конце презентации студентам предлагается используемая лексика в алфавитном порядке и вопросы для контроля понимания материала.

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Kovrov is located on both banks of the Klyazma River, 64 km to

the north-east of Vladimir and 250 km to the east of Moscow. The total area of Korov is 57.4 sq. km.

Geographical Position

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The population of Kovrov is about 140, 000. It is the second largest

city in the Vladimir region.

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According to legend, in the winter of 1157 Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky returning from

Suzdal to Starodub lost his way in the local forests and accidentally went out to Elifan-hunter’s hut. In honor of the Prince's miraculous rescue at Christmas the wooden church of the Nativity of Christ was built on the high bank of the Klyazma. The village of Elifanovka located here was called Rozhdestvenskoe village by the name of this temple. 
In the 13th century the village became a part of the Starodub Principality. In 1778 it received the title of a county town.


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Сoat of Arms

Hares were found in large number near Kovrov.
The lion

is the coat of arms of Vladimir.
The golden tower crown with five teeth is an indicator of the status of an urban district.
Crossed swords symbolize the title of the City of Military Glory.
Gold is a symbol of wealth, stability, respect and intelligence.
Silver is the personification of purity, perfection of peace and mutual understanding.
Red colour means work, strength and beauty.
Green colour means nature, health and youth.

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By the beginning of the 20th century Kovrov had become one of the

largest industrial centers of Vladimir region. There were railway workshops, a weaving factory, an iron foundry, brick factories, a steam mill and a sawmill in the city. During the Great Patriotic War V.A. Degtyarev Plant (ZID) became the country's main enterprise for the production of anti-tank and other types of weapons. In 2011 Kovrov was awarded the title of "The City of Military Glory".
Modern Kovrov is a large industrial center of Russia specializing in defense industry, mechanical engineering and metalworking. It is also famous for its textile industry. In 1993 the factory “Kovrov clay toy“ was founded.


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There are 46 kindergartens, 19 schools, six technical colleges and one medical college

in Kovrov. They provide a high-quality base for admission to higher education institutions. Kovrov State Technological Academy named after V.A. Degtyarev is the only technical higher education institution in Vladimir region. It is one of the leading universities in Russia that trains qualified specialists for the high-tech sector of the economy.

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Famous People
S. Nikitin (1926 -1973)
a Soviet writer
A. Kolesov (1834 – 1902)
a Russian

portrait and
icon painter

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V. Degtyarev (1879 - 1949)
a Russian and Soviet small arms designer

Famous People
I. Jacunski

(1916 – 1983)
a soviet scientist, a participant in the creation of the first artificial Earth satellite

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The Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral
The cathedral was built from red brick in Russian romantic style

in 1870-1884.

The Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ
The stone temple in the traditional architecture style was erected instead of the wooden church of the Nativity of Christ in 1778.

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Kovrov Historical and Memorial Museum

The Stele “Kovrov - the City of Military Glory”

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V.A. Degtyarev
Historical and
Memorial park

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Museum-Estate of the Taneyevs
The Estate of the Taneevs located in a picturesque village

of Marinino in 27 km from Kovrov was founded in the 17th century. It is associated with the name of composer Sergey Taneev.
Sports Resort Dobrograd located in 10 km from Kovrov is a center for health, outdoor activities, sports and free time.

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Welcome to our city!

Square of the 200th Anniversary

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anti-tank - противотанковый
artificial – искусственный
brick factory – кирпичный завод
cathedral - собор
church –

clay - глина
сoat of arms – герб
county - уездный
enterprise – предприятие
estate - поместье
glory - слава
higher education institution - вуз
high-tech - высокотехнологичный
industrial – промышленный
iron foundry – чугунолитейный цех
(to) locate- располагать(ся)
mechanical engineering – машиностроение
metalworking – металлообработка
picturesque - живописный
population – население
resort - курорт
satellite - спутник
sawmill – лесопилка
small arms – стрелковое оружие
steam mill – паровая мельница
temple – храм
title – статус
weaving – ткацкий
workshop – мастерская

Слайд 17

1. What is the geographical position of Kovrov?
2. When does the history of

Kovrov as a city begins?
3. What can you see on the coat of arms of Kovrov?
4. What are the chief industries of Kovrov?
5. What educational institutions are there in Kovrov?
6. What famous people of Kovrov can you name?
7. What places of interest of Kovrov do you know?
8. What title was Kovrov awarded in 2011?
Имя файла: My-native-city-Kovrov.pptx
Количество просмотров: 8
Количество скачиваний: 0