Правила пользования симулятором для подготовки к устной части по английскому языку ЕГЭ (задание 2) презентация


Слайд 2

Задание 2. В задании 2 устной части вам предлагается жизненная

Задание 2. В задании 2 устной части вам предлагается
жизненная ситуация,

в которой вы, заинтересовавшись рекламным объявлением, хотите получить дополнительную информацию. Ваша задача – задать пять ПРЯМЫХ вопросов на основе ключевых слов. Соблюдайте интонационный рисунок вопросов.
Подготовка: 1,5 минуты
Выполнение: 1,7 минуты
Количество баллов – 5
Слайд 3

Вы включаете запись на своем компьютере, выбираете любое задание из

Вы включаете запись на своем компьютере, выбираете любое задание из 20,

кликаете по
нужной кнопке и по гиперссылке переходите на слайд с выбранным заданием. Чтобы
приступить к выполнению задания необходимо кликнуть на опции «Task 2/... Click to
start». Раздастся звуковой сигнал, и с этого момента начнется отсчет времени,отведенного
на подготовку. Время на подготовку – 1.5 минуты. В течение этих полутора минут Вам
нужно внимательно прочитать задание. Во время подготовки Вы будете видеть на экране
все пункты плана, по которым нужно получить информацию. Через полторы минуты снова
прозвучит звуковой сигнал, и пункты плана будут появляться поочередно и Вам нужно
будет задать по каждому из них прямой вопрос. Отвечать на вопросы НЕ НАДО! Время
ответа – 20 секунд на каждый вопрос. По истечении отведенного на ответ времени текст
задания исчезнет с экрана и появится окно «Time is over».
Для того чтобы вернуться на страницу с заданиями необходимо кликнуть по , для
перехода к следующему заданию по , к предыдущему заданию – по .
По окончании ответа не забудьте удостовериться, что ваш ответ записался на компьютер.
Постарайтесь полностью выполнить поставленные задачи, говорите ясно и четко, не отхо-
дите от темы и следуйте предложенному плану ответа. Так вы сможете набрать наиболь-
шее количество баллов.
Если вы испытали затруднения в постановке вопросов, вы можете найти некоторые из
них в разделе «Reference Section» (слайд 126), но сделать это желательно после того, как
Вы попробовали выполнить задание самостоятельно. После работы со справочником
задайте вопросы еще раз. Для перехода в «Reference Section» нужно кликнуть по

Правила пользования симулятором для подготовки к устной части по английскому языку ЕГЭ (задание 2)

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Слайд 4

Симулятор позволяет работать с каждым заданием любое количество раз. Главное

Симулятор позволяет работать с каждым заданием любое количество раз. Главное –

безошибочного выполнения и уложиться в отведенное время.
Симулятором можно пользоваться как при самостоятельной подготовке к ЕГЭ, так и под
руководством преподавателя.
Надеемся, что работа по нашему пособию будет полезна и интересна для вас.
Отзывы, замечания и предложения, касающиеся данного пособия, можно присылать по
электронному адресу: sima1@is74.ru
Желаем успеха в подготовке
к экзамену и его сдаче!

Перейти к заданиям

Слайд 5

Task 2/1 Task 2/2 Task 2/3 Task 2/4 Task 2/5

Task 2/1

Task 2/2

Task 2/3

Task 2/4

Task 2/5

Task 2/6

Task 2/7

Task 2/8



Task 2/13

Task 2/17

Task 2/10

Task 2/11

Task 2/12

Task 2/14

Task 2/15

Task 2/16

Task 2/18

Task 2/19

Task 1/20

Слайд 6

Task 2/1. Study the advertisement. You are in London. You

Task 2/1. Study the advertisement. You are in London. You are

considering hiring a bike and now you are calling to find out more information about it.  In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions
to find out the following:


Task 2/1. Click to start

Слайд 7

Question 1 1) choice of bikes Answer Start speaking, please. Ask five direct questions, please.

Question 1
1) choice of bikes


Start speaking, please.
Ask five direct questions, please.

Слайд 8

Answer Question 2 2) number of bike docking stations across London


Question 2
2) number of bike docking
stations across London

Слайд 9

Answer Question 3 3) cycle paths in London’s parks


Question 3
3) cycle paths in London’s

Слайд 10

Answer Question 4 4) if bikes are available to hire


Question 4
4) if bikes are available
to hire at the terminal
with a

bank card
Слайд 11

Answer Question 5 5) if bike hire price includes pumps,


Question 5
5) if bike hire price
includes pumps, locks
and helmets


is over

Main menu

Reference section

Next task

Слайд 12

Task 2/2. Study the advertisement. You are in London. You

Task 2/2. Study the advertisement. You are in London. You are

considering attending Caledonian Language School. Now you are calling to find out more information about it.  In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:


Task 2/2. Click to start

Слайд 13

Question 1 1) if the school is accredited by the

Question 1
1) if the school is accredited
by the English Council


Start speaking, please.
Ask five direct questions, please.

Слайд 14

Answer Question 2 2) languages the school offers


Question 2
2) languages the school

Слайд 15

Answer Question 3 3) ways to establish pupils’ level of English


Question 3
3) ways to establish pupils’
level of English

Слайд 16

Answer Question 4 4) maximum number of students per class


Question 4
4) maximum number of
students per class

Слайд 17

Answer Question 5 5) if flexible start and finish dates


Question 5
5) if flexible start and finish
dates are available

Previous task

Main menu



Next task

Time is over

Слайд 18

Task 2/3. Study the advertisement. You are considering joining the

Task 2/3. Study the advertisement. You are considering joining the gym

and you would like to get more information.  In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:


Task 2/3. Click to start

Слайд 19

Question 1 1) membership fee Answer Start speaking, please. Ask five direct questions, please.

Question 1
1) membership fee


Start speaking, please.
Ask five direct questions, please.

Слайд 20

Answer Question 2 2) length of training session


Question 2
2) length of training session

Слайд 21

Answer Question 3 3) if changing rooms and hot showers are among centre facilities


Question 3
3) if changing rooms and
hot showers are among
centre facilities

Слайд 22

Answer Question 4 4) centre equipment


Question 4
4) centre equipment

Слайд 23

Answer Question 5 5) car parking Time is over Main


Question 5
5) car parking

Time is over

Main menu

Reference section

Next task

Previous task

Слайд 24

Task 2/4. Study the advertisement. You have decided to attend

Task 2/4. Study the advertisement. You have decided to attend the

event and you would like to get more information.  In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:


Task 2/4. Click to start

Слайд 25

Question 1 1) location of event Answer Start speaking, please. Ask five direct questions, please.

Question 1
1) location of event


Start speaking, please.
Ask five direct questions, please.

Слайд 26

Answer Question 2 2) time of event


Question 2
2) time of event

Слайд 27

Answer Question 3 3) the number of days booking need to be made


Question 3
3) the number of days
booking need to be made

Слайд 28

Answer Question 4 4) if photos can be taken


Question 4
4) if photos can be taken

Слайд 29

Answer Question 5 5) autograph signing Time is over Main


Question 5
5) autograph signing

Time is over

Main menu

Reference section

Next task

Previous task

Слайд 30

Task 2/5. Study the advertisement. You are thinking of buying

Task 2/5. Study the advertisement. You are thinking of buying a

car and you would like to get more information.  In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:


Task 2/5. Click to start

Слайд 31

Question 1 1) age of car Answer Start speaking, please. Ask five direct questions, please.

Question 1
1) age of car


Start speaking, please.
Ask five direct

questions, please.
Слайд 32

Answer Question 2 2) condition of car


Question 2
2) condition of car

Слайд 33

Answer Question 3 3) kilometres car has made


Question 3
3) kilometres car has

Слайд 34

Answer Question 4 4) accidents


Question 4
4) accidents

Слайд 35

Answer Question 5 5) price Main menu Reference section Next task Previous task Time is over


Question 5
5) price

Main menu

Reference section

Next task

Previous task

Time is over

Слайд 36

Task 2/6. Study the advertisement. You want to be a

Task 2/6. Study the advertisement. You want to be a volunteer

and you are considering joining this society. Now you are calling to get more information.  In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:


Task 2/6. Click to start

Слайд 37

Question 1 1) where the nearest centre is Answer Start

Question 1
1) where the nearest
centre is


Start speaking, please.
Ask five direct

questions, please.
Слайд 38

Answer Question 2 2) how to make donations


Question 2
2) how to make donations

Слайд 39

Answer Question 3 3) look after sick animals


Question 3
3) look after sick animals

Слайд 40

Answer Question 4 4) take part in charity events


Question 4
4) take part in charity

Слайд 41

Answer Question 5 5) organizing a supporting group at school


Question 5
5) organizing a supporting
group at school

Main menu

Reference section

Next task



Time is over

Слайд 42

Task 2/7. Study the advertisement. You have decided to rent

Task 2/7. Study the advertisement. You have decided to rent a

flat and now you are calling to find out more about it. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:


Task 2/7. Click to start

Слайд 43

Question 1 1) availability of flats for rent Answer Start

Question 1
1) availability of flats for


Start speaking, please.
Ask five

direct questions, please.
Слайд 44

Answer Question 2 2) location of flat


Question 2
2) location of flat

Слайд 45

Answer Question 3 3) what modern conveniences the flat has


Question 3
3) what modern
conveniences the flat has

Слайд 46

Answer Question 4 4) public transport connections


Question 4
4) public transport

Слайд 47

Answer Question 5 5) availability of discounts if paid 6


Question 5
5) availability of discounts
if paid 6 months ahead

Time is


Main menu

Reference section

Next task

Previous task

Слайд 48

Task 2/8. Study the advertisement. You have decided to book

Task 2/8. Study the advertisement. You have decided to book a

table in the restaurant and now you are calling to find out more about it. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:


Task 2/8. Click to start

Слайд 49

Question 1 1) availability of table for two persons for

Question 1
1) availability of table for
two persons for Sunday



speaking, please.
Ask five direct questions, please.
Слайд 50

Answer Question 2 2) if reservation is free


Question 2
2) if reservation is free

Слайд 51

Answer Question 3 3) what dishes, drinks and desserts are on the menu


Question 3
3) what dishes, drinks
and desserts are on the

Слайд 52

Answer Question 4 4) an average price of dinner


Question 4
4) an average price of

Слайд 53

Answer Question 5 5) entertaining programmes Time is over Main


Question 5
5) entertaining programmes

Time is over

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Reference section

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Previous task

Слайд 54

Task 2/9. Study the advertisement. You are calling to the

Task 2/9. Study the advertisement. You are calling to the English

Language Club to find out more information about an English-speaking course. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:


Task 2/9. Click to start

Слайд 55

Question 1 1) timetable Answer Start speaking, please. Ask five direct questions, please.

Question 1
1) timetable


Start speaking, please.
Ask five direct questions, please.

Слайд 56

Answer Question 2 2) when it starts


Question 2
2) when it starts

Слайд 57

Answer Question 3 3) number of lessons per week


Question 3
3) number of lessons
per week

Слайд 58

Answer Question 4 4) lesson duration


Question 4
4) lesson duration

Слайд 59

Answer Question 5 5) availability of discounts if paid ahead


Question 5
5) availability of discounts
if paid ahead

Time is over

Main menu



Next task

Previous task

Слайд 60

Task 2/10. Study the advertisement. You are in London. You

Task 2/10. Study the advertisement. You are in London. You want

to go on an excursion to Buckingham Palace and now you are calling to find out more about it. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:


Task 2/10. Click to start

Слайд 61

Question 1 types of excursions they offer every day Answer

Question 1
types of excursions
they offer every day


Start speaking, please.

five direct questions, please.
Слайд 62

Answer Question 2 2) ticket cost


Question 2
2) ticket cost

Слайд 63

Answer Question 3 3) advance reservation


Question 3
3) advance reservation

Слайд 64

Answer Question 4 4) when the day off it is


Question 4
4) when the day off it is

Слайд 65

Answer Question 5 5) if you can take photos Main


Question 5
5) if you can take photos

Main menu

Reference section

Next task



Time is over

Слайд 66

Task 2/11. Study the advertisement. You are considering joining the

Task 2/11. Study the advertisement. You are considering joining the Swimming

Club and now you are calling to find out more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:


Task 2/11. Click to start

Слайд 67

Question 1 1) location Answer Start speaking, please. Ask five direct questions, please.

Question 1
1) location


Start speaking, please.
Ask five direct questions, please.

Слайд 68

Answer Question 2 2) if they offer personal training programmes


Question 2
2) if they offer personal
training programmes

Слайд 69

Answer Question 3 3) maximum number of swimmers per group


Question 3
3) maximum number
of swimmers per group

Слайд 70

Answer Question 4 4) if one can take part in different competitions


Question 4
4) if one can take part
in different competitions

Слайд 71

Answer Question 5 5) price of the course Time is


Question 5
5) price of the course

Time is over

Main menu

Reference section



Previous task

Слайд 72

Task 2/12. Study the advertisement. You are going to visit

Task 2/12. Study the advertisement. You are going to visit Las

Vegas and now you are calling to find out more information about the hotel you’d like to stay in. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:


Task 2/12. Click to start

Слайд 73

Question 1 if the hotel is conveniently located Answer Start

Question 1
if the hotel is conveniently


Start speaking, please.
Ask five direct

questions, please.
Слайд 74

Answer Question 2 2) the age children can share the


Question 2
2) the age children can
share the room with their

free of charge
Слайд 75

Answer Question 3 3) check-in and check-out time


Question 3
3) check-in and check-out

Слайд 76

Answer Question 4 4) if parking is complimentary for the guests


Question 4
4) if parking is
complimentary for the guests

Слайд 77

Answer Question 5 5) available family oriented attractions in the


Question 5
5) available family oriented
attractions in the hotel

Time is


Main menu

Reference section

Next task

Previous task

Слайд 78

Task 2/13. Study the advertisement. You are in New York

Task 2/13. Study the advertisement. You are in New York and

have decided to go on a guided walk organized by Visitor Information Centre. Now you are calling to find out more information about it. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:

sights included
if guided walks are available daily
Russian-speaking guides availability
place of meeting
ways of booking the tour
You have 20 seconds to
ask each question.


Task 2/13. Click to start

Слайд 79

Question 1 1) sights included Answer Start speaking, please. Ask five direct questions, please.

Question 1
1) sights included


Start speaking, please.
Ask five direct questions, please.

Слайд 80

Answer Question 2 2) if guided walks are available daily


Question 2
2) if guided walks are
available daily

Слайд 81

Answer Question 3 3) Russian-speaking guides availability


Question 3
3) Russian-speaking
guides availability

Слайд 82

Answer Question 4 4) place of meeting


Question 4
4) place of meeting

Слайд 83

Answer Question 5 5) ways of booking the tour Main


Question 5
5) ways of booking the

Main menu

Reference section

Previous task

Next task


is over
Слайд 84

Task 2/14. Study the advertisement. You are going to spend

Task 2/14. Study the advertisement. You are going to spend 10

days in Greece this summer and want to find a hotel you could stay at. You’d like to get more information about this hotel. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:


Task 2/14. Click to start

Слайд 85

Question 1 distance from the hotel to the sea Answer

Question 1
distance from the
hotel to the sea


Start speaking, please.
Ask five

direct questions, please.
Слайд 86

Answer Question 2 2) if the rooms are comfortable


Question 2
2) if the rooms are

Слайд 87

Answer Question 3 3) if the hotel disposes of wireless high-speed internet


Question 3
3) if the hotel
disposes of wireless
high-speed internet

Слайд 88

Answer Question 4 4) price for ten days


Question 4
4) price for ten days

Слайд 89

Answer Question 5 5) discounts for parents with children under


Question 5
5) discounts for
parents with children
under 6

Main menu

Reference section



Previous task

Time is over

Слайд 90

Preparation Task 2/15. Study the advertisement. You are going to


Task 2/15. Study the advertisement. You are going to study English

in a summer school in England. You are calling to the British Educational Language Centre to make some clarifications. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five questions to find out the following:

Task 2/15. Click to start

Слайд 91

Question 1 1) if any basic knowledge of English is

Question 1
1) if any basic knowledge of English is necessary


Start speaking,

Ask five direct questions, please.
Слайд 92

Answer Question 2 2) when the courses begin


Question 2
2) when the courses begin

Слайд 93

Answer Question 3 3) length of courses


Question 3
3) length of courses

Слайд 94

Answer Question 4 4) if pupils study English full-time during the day


Question 4
4) if pupils study English full-time during the day

Слайд 95

Answer Question 5 5) ways of booking the course Main


Question 5
5) ways of booking the

Main menu

Reference section

Next task



Time is over

Слайд 96

Task 2/16. You have decided to celebrate your birthday in

Task 2/16. You have decided to celebrate your birthday in the

swimming pool and now you are calling to get more information about it. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:

1) the number of weeks booking
need to be made
2) if all the safety clothing and
equipment will be provided
3) session times
4) availability of group price
5) if outside food and beverages
are allowed
You have 20 seconds to
ask each question.


Task 2/16. Click to start

Слайд 97

Question 1 the number of weeks booking need to be

Question 1
the number of weeks
booking need to be



speaking, please.
Ask five direct questions, please.
Слайд 98

Answer Question 2 2) if all the safety clothing and equipment will be provided


Question 2
2) if all the safety
clothing and equipment
will be

Слайд 99

Answer Question 3 3) session times


Question 3
3) session times

Слайд 100

Answer Question 4 4) availability of group price reduction


Question 4
4) availability of group price reduction

Слайд 101

Answer Question 5 5) if outside food and beverages are


Question 5
5) if outside food and beverages are allowed

Main menu

Reference section



Next task

Time is over

Слайд 102

Task 2/17. Study the advertisement. You are considering choosing shoes

Task 2/17. Study the advertisement.  You are considering choosing shoes for

dancing and now you are calling to find out more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:


Task 2/17. Click to start

Слайд 103

Question 1 1) shop location Answer Start speaking, please. Ask five direct questions, please.

Question 1
1) shop location


Start speaking, please.
Ask five direct questions, please.

Слайд 104

Answer Question 2 2) if shoes for men and women are offered


Question 2
2) if shoes for men
and women are offered

Слайд 105

Answer Question 3 3) colours available


Question 3
3) colours available

Слайд 106

Answer Question 4 4) sizes available


Question 4
4) sizes available

Слайд 107

Answer Question 5 5) if any sales or discounts are


Question 5
5) if any sales or
discounts are provided

Main menu

Reference section

Next task

Previous task

Time is over

Слайд 108

Task 2/18. Study the advertisement. You are considering renting a

Task 2/18. Study the advertisement.  You are considering renting a flat

and you would like to get more information about the flat you like. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:


Task 2/18. Click to start

Слайд 109

Question 1 1) monthly rent Answer Start speaking, please. Ask five direct questions, please.

Question 1
1) monthly rent


Start speaking, please.
Ask five direct questions, please.

Слайд 110

Answer Question 2 2) number of bedrooms


Question 2
2) number of

Слайд 111

Answer Question 3 3) if there have been recent innovations


Question 3
3) if there have been
recent innovations

Слайд 112

Answer Question 4 4) distance to nearest public transport Flats for rent Your search ends here


Question 4
4) distance to nearest
public transport

Flats for rent

Your search ends

Слайд 113

Answer Question 5 5) move-in date Main menu Reference section


Question 5
5) move-in date

Main menu

Reference section

Next task

Previous task

Time is over

Слайд 114

Task 2/19. You have decided to visit the International Film

Task 2/19. You have decided to visit the International Film Festival

and now you are calling to get more information about it. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:

1) types of films included in
the programme
2) if there are films
recommended for little children
3) dress code
4) access for people with
5) availability of price reduction
for advance reservation
You have 20 seconds to
ask each question.


Task 2/19. Click to start

Слайд 115

Question 1 types of films included in the Festival programme

Question 1
types of films
included in the Festival


Start speaking,

Ask five direct questions, please.
Слайд 116

Answer Question 2 2) if there are films recommended for little children


Question 2
2) if there are films
recommended for little

Слайд 117

Answer Question 3 3) dress code


Question 3
3) dress code

Слайд 118

Answer Question 4 4) access for people with disabilities


Question 4
4) access for people
with disabilities

Слайд 119

Answer Question 5 5) availability of price reduction for advance


Question 5
5) availability of price
reduction for advance

Time is over



Reference section

Previous task

Next task

Слайд 120

Task 2/20. You have decided to make a jump with

Task 2/20. You have decided to make a jump with a

parachute and now you are calling to get more information about it. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:

1) if there are height and
weight restrictions
2) tips to guarantee fun and
3) if any certificate is awarded
4) price per person
5) necessity to book in advance
You have 20 seconds to
ask each question.


Task 2/20. Click to start

Слайд 121

Question 1 if there are height and weight restrictions Answer

Question 1
if there are height
and weight restrictions



speaking, please.
Ask five direct questions, please.
Слайд 122

Answer Question 2 tips to guarantee fun and safety


Question 2
tips to guarantee fun
and safety

Слайд 123

Answer Question 3 3) if any certificate is awarded


Question 3
3) if any certificate is

Слайд 124

Answer Question 4 4) price per person


Question 4
4) price per person

Слайд 125

Answer Question 5 5) necessity to book in advance Main


Question 5
5) necessity to book
in advance

Main menu

Reference section

Previous task

Time is

Слайд 126

Reference Section Location Where is the … ? Where is

Reference Section

Where is the … ?
Where is the … situated/located?
What’s your

How can I get there?
Shower/sauna/swimming pool/…
Is there any sauna/shower/… in your …?
Do you have hot and cold water there?
Ways of payment
How can I pay?
Can I pay in cash?
Do you take credit cards?

Opening hours
What are your opening hours?
When do you open?
Do you have any breaks?
How long do you work on week days/weekends?
What’s the price for a month?
How much must I pay for a month?
How much does a month cost?
Do you have any discounts for students?
I’m a student. Can I have any discount here?
Do you give any discounts to students?

Main menu

Имя файла: Правила-пользования-симулятором-для-подготовки-к-устной-части-по-английскому-языку-ЕГЭ-(задание-2).pptx
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