Rastafari. Subculture презентация

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A subculture is a part of social (public) culture. It is a social

group of people which is different from predominant one.
There are many subcultures in the world.
For example, Rastafari.

subculture [‘sʌb,kʌlʧə] - субкультура
predominant [prɪ’dɔmɪnənt] - доминирующий, численно преобладающий, преимущественный
Rastafari [,ræstə’fɑ:rɪ] - растафари, растафарианство

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Rastafari is a religious instruction. It has appeared among Negroes of the island

Jamaica at the beginning of the XXth century.
The cause of appearance was the struggle for existence, for equal rights of Negroes and white men.

religious [rɪ’lɪʤəs] – религиозный
instruction [ɪn’strʌkʃ(ə)n] – учение, обучение, преподавание
Negro [‘ni:grəu] – темнокожий, негритянский
Jamaica [ʤə’meɪkə] – Ямайка
appearance [ə’pɪərəns] – появление, возникновение
existence [ɪg’zɪst(ə)ns] – существование, наличие

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Rastafarians respect and admire the only God Jah. They think the last Ethiopian

emperor Haile Selassie The First is incarnation of the only God Jah.

Rastafarian [,ræstə’feərɪən] – растафарианец, последователь учения растафари
only [‘əunlɪ] – единственный, единый
Ethiopian [,i:θɪ’əupɪən] – эфиопский
emperor [‘emp(ə)rə] – император
incarnation [,ɪnkɑ:’neɪʃ(ə)n] – воплощение, олицетворение

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Rastafarians of all the world have the main general (common) problem. It’s the

development of Rastafari for people of different colours of skin.


development [dɪ’veləpmənt] – развитие, расширение
skin [skɪn] – кожа, шкура

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convenient [kən’vi:nɪənt] – удобный, подходящей

What do Rastafarians wear?
At first they

wore linen shits like sacks and trousers.
Now they wear convenient jeans, vests with leaves of hemp , berets of three colours: red, yellow and green like Ethiopian flag.

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Every person usually has dreads.
Dreads are long plaiting locks rubbed with wax.

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marijuana [,mærɪ’wɑːnə] – марихуана
idle [‘aɪdl] - бесполезный
philosophize [fɪ’lɔsəfaɪz] - филосовствовать

Rastafarians should like people,

smoke marijuana, (do nothing) idle away their time, philosophize, play drums, have dreads, listen to reggae, tell other persons about Rastafari.

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It can’t be eaten pork, mollusсs, salt, fish without scales, to drink wine

or rum, cow’s milk, to wear clothes of someone else’s (of other person), to eat food cooked by somebody else’s, to play games of chance, to touch (dead persons) corpses, to preach (to advocate) to unworthy persons.

mollusc [‘mɔləsk] – моллюск
scale [skeɪl] – чешуя, шелуха
corpse [kɔ:ps] – труп, мертвец
preach [pri:ʧ] – проповедовать, поучать, читать наставления
unworthy [ʌn’wɜ:ðɪ] – недостойный, низкий, незаслуженный

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Rastafarians have three Rasta-holydays:
* The 6 of February is Bob Marli’s birthday
* The

23 of July is Haile Selassie’s birthday
* The 2 of November is Haile Selassie’s coronation.

coronation [,kɔrə’neɪʃ(ə)n] - коронация

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Now Rasta movement gains strength in our country. The cause for it is

Reggae is cultic music devoted to God Jah.

reggae [‘regeɪ] - регги

Bob Marli

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