Special day. Unit 7.3 презентация


Слайд 2

Exercise 1B Page 74

Exercise 1B Page 74

Слайд 3

Read the text quickly and find the names of three special days

Read the text quickly and find the names of three special

Слайд 4

Before you read

Before you read

Слайд 5

Small red envelopes [enviloups]

Small red envelopes [enviloups]

Слайд 6

A gift- подарок

A gift- подарок

Слайд 7

The same - одинаковый

The same - одинаковый

Слайд 8

On the same day

On the same day

Слайд 9



Слайд 10

New Year’s [jiəz] Day

New Year’s [jiəz] Day

Слайд 11

International [intə’næʃənəl] Women’s [wimənz] Day

International [intə’næʃənəl] Women’s [wimənz] Day

Слайд 12

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

Слайд 13

In many countries [kʌntriz] there’s a tradition of giving gifts

In many countries [kʌntriz] there’s a tradition of giving gifts on

special [speʃəl] days during the year. For example, in China parents give their children money on New Year’s Day
Слайд 14

They put [put] the money in small red envelopes [enviloups]

They put [put] the money in small red envelopes [enviloups] called

[ko:ld] “Lai-See”. Red is the color of good luck
Слайд 15

Russians give presents to their wives, mothers and sisters on

Russians give presents to their wives, mothers and sisters on International

Women’s [wimənz] Day. That’s on the 8th of March.
Слайд 16

They usually give candy, chocolates or beautiful yellow flowers called

They usually give candy, chocolates or beautiful yellow flowers called [ko:ld]

mimosas. People often give flowers [flauəz] to their mothers on Mother’s Day
Слайд 17

That’s a special [speʃəl] day in many countries [kʌntriz] ,

That’s a special [speʃəl] day in many countries [kʌntriz] , but

it isn’t on the same day. In most European [juərə’piən] countries [kʌntriz] it’s on the second Sunday of May
Слайд 18

But in Spain and Portugal [po:tʃugəl] it’s on the first Sunday in May

But in Spain and Portugal [po:tʃugəl] it’s on the first

Sunday in May
Слайд 19

The Japanese have an interesting tradition of giving presents in

The Japanese have an interesting tradition of giving presents in the

middle of the year. The present is called Ochugen
Слайд 20

And people give it on the 15th of July [dʒu’lai]

And people give it on the 15th of July [dʒu’lai] They

usually give gifts of food or sweets to people that help them during the year
Слайд 21

New Year’s Day

New Year’s Day

Слайд 22

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

Слайд 23

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

Слайд 24

Exercise 1C Page 74

Exercise 1C Page 74

Слайд 25

Read the text again and answer the questions

Read the text again and answer the questions

Слайд 26

1. When is Mother’s Day in Spain?

1. When is Mother’s Day in Spain?

Слайд 27

But in Spain and Portugal it’s on the first Sunday in May

But in Spain and Portugal it’s on the first Sunday

in May
Слайд 28

On the first Sunday in May

On the first Sunday in May

Слайд 29

2. What do Japanese people give on the 15th of July?

2. What do Japanese people give on the 15th of July?

Слайд 30

And people give it on the 15th of July. They

And people give it on the 15th of July. They usually

give gifts of food or sweets to people that help them during the year
Слайд 31

They usually give gifts of food or sweets

They usually give gifts of food or sweets

Слайд 32

3. What color are mimosa flowers?

3. What color are mimosa flowers?

Слайд 33

They usually give candy, chocolates or beautiful yellow flowers called

They usually give candy, chocolates or beautiful yellow flowers called mimosas.

People often give flowers to their mothers on Mother’s Day
Слайд 34

They’re yellow

They’re yellow

Слайд 35

4. Why do Chinese people put presents in red envelopes?

4. Why do Chinese people put presents in red envelopes?

Слайд 36

They put the money in small red envelopes called “Lai-See”.

They put the money in small red envelopes called “Lai-See”. Red

is the color of good luck
Слайд 37

Red is the color of good luck

Red is the color of good luck

Слайд 38

Exercise 2 Page 74

Exercise 2 Page 74

Слайд 39

Listen to Heather [heðə] talk about two special [speʃəl] days in Canada

Listen to Heather [heðə] talk about two special [speʃəl] days in

Слайд 40

Page 154 Track 2.03

Page 154 Track 2.03

Слайд 41

Before you read the first part of the script

Before you read the first part of the script

Слайд 42

July the first The first of July

July the first The first of July

Слайд 43

Canada Day

Canada Day

Слайд 44

Unite [ju’nait] - объединять

Unite [ju’nait] - объединять

Слайд 45

A single [siŋgl] country [kʌntri]- единая страна

A single [siŋgl] country [kʌntri]- единая страна

Слайд 46

Eighteen sixty-seven

Eighteen sixty-seven

Слайд 47

General celebration

General celebration

Слайд 48

Read the first part of the script

Read the first part of the script

Слайд 49

In Canada we celebrate Canada Day on July the first.

In Canada we celebrate Canada Day on July the first. This

is basically Canada’s birthday and the day that united [ju’naitid] Canada as a single country
Слайд 50

The first Canada Day was in July 1867. On July

The first Canada Day was in July 1867. On July the

first we celebrate, everyone has the day off work and we have festivals, parties
Слайд 51

There’s usually a parade [pə’reid] – just general celebration for everyone

There’s usually a parade [pə’reid] – just general celebration for everyone

Слайд 52

Before you read the second part of the script

Before you read the second part of the script

Слайд 53

October the thirty-first The thirty first of October

October the thirty-first
The thirty first of October

Слайд 54

Halloween [hælou’wi:n]

Halloween [hælou’wi:n]

Слайд 55

Age [eidʒ] - возраст

Age [eidʒ] - возраст

Слайд 56

Neighborhood [neibəhud]- район проживания

Neighborhood [neibəhud]- район проживания

Слайд 57

Trick or treat? - Розыгрыш или угощение?

Trick or treat? - Розыгрыш или угощение?

Слайд 58

Charity [tʃæriti] box – коробка для пожертвований

Charity [tʃæriti] box – коробка для пожертвований

Слайд 59

Donation [də’neiʃən]- пожертвование

Donation [də’neiʃən]- пожертвование

Слайд 60

Read the second part of the script

Read the second part of the script

Слайд 61

We celebrate Halloween on October the thirty-first and this is

We celebrate Halloween on October the thirty-first and this is a

day when people of all ages [eidʒiz] celebrate, dress up in costumes
Слайд 62

Children go around in their neighborhood [neibəhud] from door to

Children go around in their neighborhood [neibəhud] from door to door

collecting candy and yelling “trick or treat”!
Слайд 63

If you’re at home you have candy and treats by

If you’re at home you have candy and treats by the

door (у двери) to give to everyone that comes by
Слайд 64

They also usually carry a charity box and collect donations

They also usually carry a charity box and collect donations [də’neiʃənz]

from people as well as candy
Слайд 65

Track 2.03

Track 2.03

Слайд 66

Tick the activities Heather talks about for each special day

Tick the activities Heather talks about for each special day

Слайд 67

Canada Day

Canada Day

Слайд 68

Слайд 69

There’s a parade

There’s a parade

Слайд 70

Everyone has the day off work

Everyone has the day off work

Слайд 71



Слайд 72

Слайд 73

People dress up in costumes

People dress up in costumes

Слайд 74

People give children candy

People give children candy

Слайд 75

Children play “trick or treat”

Children play “trick or treat”

Слайд 76

Exercise 3 Page 74

Exercise 3 Page 74

Слайд 77

Fill in the table with ordinal numbers

Fill in the table with ordinal numbers

Слайд 78

The first [fɜːst]

The first [fɜːst]

Слайд 79

The second [sekənd]

The second [sekənd]

Слайд 80

The third [θɜːd]

The third [θɜːd]

Слайд 81

The fourth [fo:θ]

The fourth [fo:θ]

Слайд 82

The fifth [fifθ]

The fifth [fifθ]

Слайд 83

The sixth [sixθ]

The sixth [sixθ]

Слайд 84

The seventh [sevenθ]

The seventh [sevenθ]

Слайд 85

The eighth [eitθ] Ninth [nainθ] Ninth [nainθ]

The eighth [eitθ]

Ninth [nainθ]

Ninth [nainθ]

Слайд 86

The ninth [nainθ]

The ninth [nainθ]

Слайд 87

The tenth [tenθ]

The tenth [tenθ]

Слайд 88

The eleventh [i‘levənθ]

The eleventh [i‘levənθ]

Слайд 89

The twelfth [twelfθ]

The twelfth [twelfθ]

Слайд 90

The thirteenth [θɜː’ti:nθ]

The thirteenth [θɜː’ti:nθ]

Слайд 91

The fourteenth [fo:’ti:nθ]

The fourteenth [fo:’ti:nθ]

Слайд 92

The fifteenth [fif’ti:nθ]

The fifteenth [fif’ti:nθ]

Слайд 93

The twentieth [twentiθ]

The twentieth [twentiθ]

Слайд 94

The twenty-second [twenti sekənd]

The twenty-second
[twenti sekənd]

Слайд 95

The thirtieth [θɜːtiθ]

The thirtieth

Слайд 96

The thirty- first [θɜːti fɜːst]

The thirty- first [θɜːti fɜːst]

Слайд 97

Listen and check your answers

Listen and check your answers

Слайд 98

Track 2.04

Track 2.04

Слайд 99

Exercise 4 Page 75

Exercise 4 Page 75

Слайд 100

Choose the correct words in italics

Choose the correct words in italics

Слайд 101

1. My birthday is on the first/ one of October

1. My birthday is on the first/ one of October

Слайд 102

1. My birthday is on the first of October

1. My birthday is on the first of October

Слайд 103

2. Our new house has got three/ third bedrooms

2. Our new house has got three/ third bedrooms

Слайд 104

2. Our new house has got three bedrooms

2. Our new house has got three bedrooms

Слайд 105

3. In Greece Mother’s Day is on the second/ two of February

3. In Greece Mother’s Day is on the second/ two of

Слайд 106

3. In Greece Mother’s Day is on the second of February

3. In Greece Mother’s Day is on the second of February

Слайд 107

4. This is my three/ third holiday this year

4. This is my three/ third holiday this year

Слайд 108

4. This is my third holiday this year

4. This is my third holiday this year

Слайд 109

5. It’s Lucy’s nine/ ninth birthday on Saturday

5. It’s Lucy’s nine/ ninth birthday on Saturday

Слайд 110

5. It’s Lucy’s ninth birthday on Saturday

5. It’s Lucy’s ninth birthday on Saturday

Слайд 111

Exercise 5B Page 75

Exercise 5B Page 75

Слайд 112

Number the months in the correct order

Number the months in the correct order

Слайд 113

1. January [dʒænuəri]

1. January [dʒænuəri]

Слайд 114

2. February [februəri]

2. February [februəri]

Слайд 115

3. March [ma:tʃ]

3. March [ma:tʃ]

Слайд 116

4. April [eipril]

4. April [eipril]

Слайд 117

5. May [mei]

5. May [mei]

Слайд 118

6. June [dʒu:n]

6. June [dʒu:n]

Слайд 119

7. July [dʒu:‘lai]

7. July [dʒu:‘lai]

Слайд 120

8. August [o:gəst]

8. August [o:gəst]

Слайд 121

9. September [sep‘tembə]

9. September [sep‘tembə]

Слайд 122

10. October [ok‘toubə]

10. October [ok‘toubə]

Слайд 123

11. November [no‘vembə]

11. November [no‘vembə]

Слайд 124

12. December [di‘sembə]

12. December [di‘sembə]

Слайд 125

Exercise 5C Page 75

Exercise 5C Page 75

Слайд 126

Say these dates

Say these dates

Слайд 127

Слайд 128

July the twenty-fifth The twenty fifth of July

July the twenty-fifth The twenty fifth of July

Слайд 129

Слайд 130

August the fourteenth The fourteenth of August

August the fourteenth The fourteenth of August

Слайд 131

Слайд 132

October the eleventh The eleventh of October

October the eleventh The eleventh of October

Слайд 133



Слайд 134

January the third nineteen eleven The third of January nineteen eleven

January the third nineteen eleven The third of January nineteen eleven

Слайд 135



Слайд 136

April the twenty- first nineteen ninety-nine The twenty-first of April nineteen ninety-nine

April the twenty- first nineteen ninety-nine The twenty-first of April nineteen

Слайд 137



Слайд 138

December the thirty-first twenty ten The thirty-first of December twenty ten

December the thirty-first twenty ten The thirty-first of December twenty ten

Слайд 139

Exercise 6A Page 75

Exercise 6A Page 75

Слайд 140

Jane has got some presents for her friends. Match the words with the pictures

Jane has got some presents for her friends. Match the words

with the pictures
Слайд 141

Clock (A)

Clock (A)

Слайд 142

Diary (C)

Diary (C)

Слайд 143

DVDs (B)

DVDs (B)

Слайд 144

Handbag (F)

Handbag (F)

Слайд 145

Trainers (D)

Trainers (D)

Слайд 146

Umbrella (E)

Umbrella (E)

Слайд 147

Exercise 6B Page 75

Exercise 6B Page 75

Слайд 148

Listen and match the presents with the people

Listen and match the presents with the people

Слайд 149

Page 155 Track 2.05

Page 155 Track 2.05

Слайд 150

M – Mike (Jane’s husband) J - Jane

M – Mike (Jane’s husband) J - Jane

Слайд 151

M: Hi, Jane. It’s me J: Oh, hello, Mike. What’s

M: Hi, Jane. It’s me
J: Oh, hello, Mike. What’s the problem?

You didn’t write the names on addresses on those presents
Слайд 152

M: I want to wrap them and take them to

M: I want to wrap them and take them to the

post office. Who are they for?
J: Sorry
Слайд 153

M: The DVDs? Are they for Gordon? J: Yes, they

M: The DVDs? Are they for Gordon?
J: Yes, they are

M: What about the trainers – are they Davy’s?
Слайд 154

J: Yes, the trainers are his M: What about the

J: Yes, the trainers are his
M: What about the clock. Who

is that for?
J: That’s for my mum and dad
Слайд 155

M: OK. So the clock’s theirs. And the handbag? Is

M: OK. So the clock’s theirs. And the handbag? Is that

for Tara?
J: The handbag? Of course not. That’s mine!
Слайд 156

M: It’s yours? Oh, so what did you get for

M: It’s yours? Oh, so what did you get for Tara?

I know it’s her birthday next week
J: The diary, that’s hers
Слайд 157

M: Right. What about the umbrella? J: The umbrella? M:

M: Right. What about the umbrella?
J: The umbrella?
M: Yes, there’s an

umbrella on the table
Слайд 158

J: A black one? M: Yes J: That belongs to

J: A black one?
M: Yes
J: That belongs to us. It’s ours!

Is it? Oh, yea, of course…
Слайд 159

Track 2.05

Track 2.05

Слайд 160



Слайд 161

M: The DVDs? Are they for Gordon? J: Yes, they

M: The DVDs? Are they for Gordon?
J: Yes, they are

M: What about the trainers – are they Davy’s?
Слайд 162

J: Yes, the trainers are his M: What about the

J: Yes, the trainers are his
M: What about the clock. Who

is that for?
J: That’s for my mum and dad
Слайд 163

Davy – the trainers

Davy – the trainers

Слайд 164



Слайд 165

M: It’s yours? Oh, so what did you get for

M: It’s yours? Oh, so what did you get for Tara?

I know it’s her birthday next week
J: The diary, that’s hers
Слайд 166

Tara – the diary

Tara – the diary

Слайд 167

Jane’s parents?

Jane’s parents?

Слайд 168

J: Yes, the trainers are his M: What about the

J: Yes, the trainers are his
M: What about the clock. Who

is that for?
J: That’s for my mum and dad
Слайд 169

Jane’s parents – the clock

Jane’s parents – the clock

Слайд 170



Слайд 171

M: The DVDs? Are they for Gordon? J: Yes, they

M: The DVDs? Are they for Gordon?
J: Yes, they are

M: What about the trainers – are they Davy’s?
Слайд 172

Gordon – the DVDs

Gordon – the DVDs

Слайд 173

Exercise 7B Page 75

Exercise 7B Page 75

Слайд 174

Possessive adjective Possessive pronouns

Possessive adjective Possessive pronouns

Слайд 175

Page 77

Page 77

Слайд 176

Слайд 177

We don’t use nouns after possessive pronouns

We don’t use nouns after possessive pronouns

Слайд 178

This is my coat = This coat is mine

This is my coat = This coat is mine

Слайд 179

Слайд 180

Exercise 8 Page 75

Exercise 8 Page 75

Слайд 181

Use possessive pronouns to replace the phrases in italics

Use possessive pronouns to replace the phrases in italics

Слайд 182

These aren’t my DVDs, they’re hers

These aren’t my DVDs, they’re hers

Слайд 183

1. Excuse me. Is this your bag?

1. Excuse me. Is this your bag?

Слайд 184

1. Excuse me, is this bag yours?

1. Excuse me, is this bag yours?

Слайд 185

2. Use the blue pen, the red one belongs to me

2. Use the blue pen, the red one belongs to me

Слайд 186

2. Use the blue pen, the red one is mine

2. Use the blue pen, the red one is mine

Слайд 187

3 Is this Maria’s watch?

3 Is this Maria’s watch?

Слайд 188

3. Is this watch hers?

3. Is this watch hers?

Слайд 189

4. The house next to the church belongs to them

4. The house next to the church belongs to them

Слайд 190

4. The house next to the church was theirs

4. The house next to the church was theirs

Слайд 191

5. Are these sandwiches for us?

5. Are these sandwiches for us?

Слайд 192

5. Are these sandwiches ours?

5. Are these sandwiches ours?

Слайд 193

6. That wasn’t her phone number, it was John’s

6. That wasn’t her phone number, it was John’s

Слайд 194

6. That wasn’t her phone number, it was his

6. That wasn’t her phone number, it was his

Слайд 195

7. They weren’t our dogs, they were Bob and Jo’s

7. They weren’t our dogs, they were Bob and Jo’s

Слайд 196

7. They weren’t our dogs, they were theirs

7. They weren’t our dogs, they were theirs

Слайд 197

8. Does this belong to your brother?

8. Does this belong to your brother?

Слайд 198

8. Is it his?

8. Is it his?

Слайд 199

Exercise 10 Page 75

Exercise 10 Page 75

Слайд 200

Answer the questions

Answer the questions

Слайд 201

1. When is your birthday?

1. When is your birthday?

Слайд 202

3. Who has a birthday this month?

3. Who has a birthday this month?

Слайд 203

4. Who has a birthday next month?

4. Who has a birthday next month?

Слайд 204

5. Who had a birthday last month?

5. Who had a birthday last month?

Слайд 205

Russell went to Russia

Russell went to Russia

Слайд 206

He went to Saint Petersburg in June

He went to Saint Petersburg in June

Слайд 207

He went for the White Nights

He went for the White Nights

Слайд 208

Interview Russell

Interview Russell

Слайд 209

1. How was your trip? (great, fantastic, so so)

1. How was your trip? (great, fantastic, so so)

Слайд 210

2. How did you travel to Saint Petersburg? (by train, by plane, by bus)

2. How did you travel to Saint Petersburg? (by train, by

plane, by bus)
Слайд 211

3. Where did you stay (at a hotel, with friends, with family, rented an apartment)

3. Where did you stay (at a hotel, with friends, with

family, rented an apartment)
Слайд 212

4. How long were you in Saint Petersburg? ( a week, two weeks)

4. How long were you in Saint Petersburg? ( a week,

two weeks)
Слайд 213

5. What was the weather like? (nice, hot, cold, rainy)

5. What was the weather like? (nice, hot, cold, rainy)

Слайд 214

6. What was the food like? (fantastic, delicious, not so good)

6. What was the food like? (fantastic, delicious, not so good)

Слайд 215

7. What were the people like? (friendly, unfriendly)

7. What were the people like? (friendly, unfriendly)

Слайд 216

8. How was the White Nights festival? (great, fantastic, so so)

8. How was the White Nights festival? (great, fantastic, so so)

Слайд 217

9. Were there any fireworks? ( Yes, there were/ No, there weren’t)

9. Were there any fireworks? ( Yes, there were/ No, there weren’t)

Слайд 218

10. Was it light all through [θru] the night? ( Yes, it was/ No, it wasn’t)

10. Was it light all through [θru] the night? ( Yes, it

was/ No, it wasn’t)
Слайд 219

11. What did you do in the day? ( I went sightseeing, I went to museums)

11. What did you do in the day? ( I went sightseeing,

I went to museums)
Слайд 220

12. Did you sleep during the day? ( Yes, I did/ No, I didn’t)

12. Did you sleep during the day? ( Yes, I did/ No,

I didn’t)
Слайд 221

13. Did you like Saint Petersburg? ( Yes, I did/ No, I didn’t)

13. Did you like Saint Petersburg? ( Yes, I did/ No, I

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