The Passive. The Causative. 9 класс презентация


Слайд 2

Compare and explain: 1. Джон Нэйпер создал костюмы. 2. Костюмы

Compare and explain:

1. Джон Нэйпер создал костюмы.
2. Костюмы были созданы Джоном

John Napier designed the costumes.
(Active voice)
2. The costumes were designed by John Napier.
(Passive voice)
Слайд 3

The structure of the sentence: Active voice: Субъект – действие

The structure of the sentence:

Active voice:
Субъект – действие – объект
Passive voice:

- действие - (by/with) субъект
Слайд 4

Why Passive? Сделать акцент на самом действии, а не на

Why Passive?

Сделать акцент на самом действии, а не на том, кто

его совершает:
The new theatre will be opened tomorrow by the Mayor.
2) Субъект действия неизвестен, неважен или очевиден:
BMW cars are made in Germany.
Слайд 5

“be + V3/ed” V3/ed – смысловой глагол (само действие), всегда

“be + V3/ed”

V3/ed – смысловой глагол (само действие), всегда в этой

be – указывает на время и аспект совершения этого действия
She was seen at the theatre yesterday.
(Её видели в театре вчера /
Она была увидена в театре вчера)
was – Past simple
seen (see) – смысловой глагол в 3 форме
Слайд 6

SB: p. 94 ex. 1

SB: p. 94 ex. 1

Слайд 7

Passive forms Present Simple am/is/are + V3/ed Ex. Dinner is

Passive forms

Present Simple
am/is/are + V3/ed
Ex. Dinner is cooked every

2. Present Continuous
am/is/are being + V3/ed
Ex. Dinner is being cooked now.
Слайд 8

Passive forms 3. Present Perfect have/has been + V3/ed Ex.

Passive forms

3. Present Perfect
have/has been + V3/ed
Ex. Dinner has been cooked

by Pam.
4. Past Simple
was/were + V3/ed
Ex. Dinner was cooked by Pam yesterday.
Слайд 9

Passive forms 5. Past Continuous was/were being + V3/ed Ex.

Passive forms

5. Past Continuous
was/were being + V3/ed
Ex. Dinner was being cooked

by Pam at 12 o’clock yesterday.
6. Past Perfect
had been + V3/ed
Ex. Dinner had been cooked by Pam by 2 o’clock.
Слайд 10

Passive forms 7. Future Simple will be + V3/ed Ex.

Passive forms

7. Future Simple
will be + V3/ed
Ex. Dinner will be cooked

by Pam tomorrow.
8. Modal verbs
can/must/should be + V3/ed
Ex. Dinner must be cooked by Pam.
Слайд 11

Ex. 2 p. 94 “be + V3/ed” 2. was being

Ex. 2 p. 94 “be + V3/ed”

2. was being renovated

Continuous) was/were + Ving
3. will be finished
(Future Simple) will + V
4. have already been sold
(Present Perfect) have/has + V3/ed
Слайд 12

Ex. 2 p. 94 “be + V3/ed” 5. was painted

Ex. 2 p. 94 “be + V3/ed”

5. was painted
(Past Simple) V2

was baked
(Past Simple) V2
7. is being built
(Present Continuous) am/is/are + Ving
Слайд 13

Ex. 2 p. 94 “be + V3/ed” 8. is not

Ex. 2 p. 94 “be + V3/ed”

8. is not allowed
(Present Simple)

9. was built
(Past Simple) V2
Слайд 14

The Causative. have + прямое дополнение (В.п.) + V3/ed Действие

The Causative.

have + прямое дополнение (В.п.) + V3/ed

совершается не лицом, обозначенным подлежащим, а кем-то другим за него или для него.
SB: p. 95 ex. 5, 6
Слайд 15

have + прямое допол. (В.п.) + V3/ed 1. Present perfect:

have + прямое допол. (В.п.) + V3/ed

1. Present perfect: have/has +

has had her nails painted
2. going to + V
going to have his car fixed
3. Past Simple: V2
had his bedroom painted
Слайд 16

have + прямое допол. (В.п.) + V3/ed 4. Future Simple:

have + прямое допол. (В.п.) + V3/ed

4. Future Simple: will +

will have her dress shortened
5. Present perfect: have/has + V3/ed
has had a garden shed built
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