The transportation system in Ottawa презентация

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Ottawa - a city where buses and cars - is

Ottawa - a city where buses and cars - is the

main transport, in addition, the road here simply in excellent condition. Their length is very great, all local roads woven into a dense network, which covers the city and the suburbs.
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Buses in Ottawa Ottawa - it is one of the

Buses in Ottawa

Ottawa - it is one of the rare cities

where buses follow a very precise schedule. Additionally, traffic density varies at different times and reaches its maximum intensity in the rush hour. Typically, at this time buses move with at least one flight of 5 minutes. All buses are modern and comfortable, in addition, they are equipped with air conditioning. Travel mark on the ticket makes the driver, usually one ticket valid for several trips, since it is not issued by one run, and for a certain period of time.
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Ottawa Rail transport In the city, tourists and residents are

Ottawa Rail transport

In the city, tourists and residents are able to

actively use the rail. As a rule, this transport is more comfortable than the bus, however, it has a disadvantage - the train moving at low speed, leading to an increase in travel time. The fare in a suburban, and even long-distance train, went to the capital to be lower than in the bus, which is why this transport demand.
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