The water cycle презентация

Слайд 2

Water constantly takes part in the process which is cold the water cycle.

Water falls to earth as rain, snow or hail.

Слайд 3

Snow and hail melt and then flow into rivers.

Слайд 4

Most water is collected and stored in lakes, seas and oceans.

Слайд 5

After rain, some water is taken in by plants and soil.

Слайд 6

Then the sun shines.

Слайд 7

And the water evaporates from seas and oceans.

Слайд 8

At the same time the sun evaporates it from the soil and from

plants too.

Слайд 9

At this stage the water rises into the air, cools and turns into


Слайд 10

Afterwards, the clouds are blown by the wind and reach the point where

they turn into very small crystals. Some clouds go down where the temperature gets warmer. In fact, small droplets of water fall on earth again to continue the cycle.

Слайд 11

Look at the picture, please. Who can describe the water cycle?

Слайд 12

Источники информации:
1. УМК « New Millennium English» для 8 класса. Авторы: Дворецкая О.Б.,

Казырбаева Н.Ю., Кузеванова Н.И. и др.
2. Рисунки и фото сайта
3. Слайд 11:
Имя файла: The-water-cycle.pptx
Количество просмотров: 80
Количество скачиваний: 0