The World of Travelling (урок английского языка, 9 класс) презентация


Слайд 2

Слайд 3

Ход урока 1.Организационный этап. Начало урока. Приветствие. Введение в урок. Слово учителя Travelling … What for?

Ход урока

1.Организационный этап.
Начало урока. Приветствие.
Введение в урок.
Слово учителя

Travelling … What for?
Слайд 4

Travelling … What for? Every year a lot of people

Travelling … What for?

Every year a lot of people

all over the world spend their holidays travelling. For many of them travelling is the most important event in the year.
People travel the globe to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene. The tourist industry will soon be the largest industry in the world. Many places that once were remote are now part of package tours. Tourism has been industrialized: landscapes , cultures and cuisines are consumer goods display in travel leaflets. In recent years tourism has really taken off. Today people have lots of good reasons to travel. Travelling has always been a part of people’s education. The best way to study geography is to travel and the best way to get to know and understand the traditions and customs of different people is to speak to them. Besides, travelling is a good way to practise foreign languages.
Слайд 5

What is this song about?

What is this song about?

Слайд 6

2.Аудирование Аудирование. Введение в урок. Слушают песню. Отвечают на вопросы


Аудирование. Введение в урок. Слушают песню. Отвечают на вопросы

песня из репертуара Мадонны. Исполняет группа учащихся)
3.Разговорная зарядка.
Отвечают на вопросы учителя
Слайд 7

Answer my questions! 1.Do you like to travel? 2.How do

Answer my questions!

1.Do you like to travel?
2.How do you like

to travel?
3.Whom do you like to travel with?
4.When do you prefer to travel?
5.What can you see travelling by car?
6.What do you take with you when you go by foot?
7.How long do you like to travel?
8.Do you prefer to travel by sea or by plane?
9.Why do we buy tickets beforehand?
10.Who sees you off at the railway station?
Слайд 8

1.Do you like to travel? 2.How do you like to

1.Do you like to travel?
2.How do you like to travel?

3.Whom do you like to travel with?
4.When do you prefer to travel?
5.What can you see travelling by car?
6.What do you take with you when you go by foot?
7.How long do you like to travel?
8.Do you prefer to travel by sea or by plane?
9.Why do we buy tickets beforehand?
10.Who sees you off at the railway station?
Слайд 9

Make up the words! Endekwe (weekend) Geranar (arrange) Tereinsingt (interesting)

Make up the words!
Endekwe (weekend)
Geranar (arrange)
Tereinsingt (interesting)

Dahoysli (holiday)
Maneci (cinema)
Lingreltra (travelling)
Nerrtpa (partner)
Слайд 10

1.You make a voyage if you travel by ….. 2.A

1.You make a voyage if you travel by …..
2.A person

in a hotel,station or airport who carries your luggage is a ….
3.Lost things can be found in the….
4.If a person goes abroad,he has to go through the …
5.The world that has nothing to do with trains is…..
6…… is a world used mostly in British English.
7.At the railway station you can leave you luggage….at the.
8.People usually get travel tickets at he …..
Lost-and-found department, carriage, customs,sea,booking office,cable car,porter,left luggage office.
Слайд 11



Слайд 12

Слайд 13

Give each person a name 1. Someone who studies and

Give each person a name

1. Someone who studies and develops

ideas about the nature and meaning of reality, good an evil.
2. a man who serves food and drinks on a plane or a ship.
3. someone who looks after the school building and does small repairs
4. a daughter of only one of your parents.
5. a man who is supposed to name magic powers
6. a woman who is supposed to name magic powers
7. a doctor who does operation in hospital
8. someone clever who wants everyone to love and admire him
9. someone who buys goods or services from a shop or a company
10. someone whose job is to help customers in a shop.

a) a customer
b) a half sister
c) a surgeon
d) a wizard
e) a show off
f) a philosopher
g) a steward
h) a caretaker
i) a witch
j) a shop assistant

Слайд 14

Explain this word

Explain this word

Слайд 15

Слайд 16

The difference between voyage , travel, trip , journey. By Osinkina Olga and Petrovich Dasha

The difference between voyage , travel, trip , journey.

By Osinkina

and Petrovich Dasha
Слайд 17

Cons of travelling Alexandra Dembovskaya and Jane Nesterova

Cons of travelling

Alexandra Dembovskaya and Jane Nesterova

Слайд 18

Travelling By Osinkina Olga and Petrovich Dasha


By Osinkina Olga
and Petrovich Dasha

Слайд 19

Golden Ring of Russia Work by Sycheva Ekaterina and Ustyuzhanina Natalia.

Golden Ring of Russia

Work by Sycheva Ekaterina and
Ustyuzhanina Natalia.

Слайд 20

Prepared by the Romanovs, ninth class of pupils

Prepared by the Romanovs,
ninth class of pupils

Слайд 21

Different types of using words Prepared by: Victor Filimonov Anna Jurlova

Different types of using words

Prepared by: Victor Filimonov

Anna Jurlova
Слайд 22

LET’S CHECK OUT OUR UNDERSTANDING He dropped ___ of school.


He dropped ___ of school.

I drop you ___ at your house?
Jane dropped ___ on me after supper.
Why drop ___ your younger brother for what he evidently hasn’t done.
Слайд 23

CROSSWORD By Osinkina Olga and Petrovich Dasha


By Osinkina Olga and
Petrovich Dasha

Слайд 24

Interesting and unusual places of the world Щелковский лицей №7

Interesting and unusual places of the world

Щелковский лицей №7

Дембовская Александра;
Сычева Екатерина
Руководитель: Коштурская Елена Ивановна, учитель английского языка высшей категории.
Слайд 25

Put the sentences in the right order to make a

Put the sentences in the right order to make a dialogue

between a customs officer and Joanna Smith.

- Miss Joanna Smith?
- How long are you going to stay in Britain?
- Yes, that’s me.
- I want to learn some more English. I am going to do a full time English language course in Bath.
- And what is the reason for you visit?
- Have you got any documents from your school?
- For three weeks.
- OK. Here is your passport and your school documents.

Слайд 26

«Complete the Sentences» 1.You make a voyage if you travel

«Complete the Sentences»
1.You make a voyage if you travel by…

A person in a hotel, station on airport who carries your luggage is a…
3. Lost things can be founds in the…
4. If a person goes abroad, he has to go through the
5. The word that has noting to do with trains is…
6. …is a word used mostly in Britain English.
7. At the railway station you can leave your luggage at the…
8. People usually get travel tickets at the…

department, carriage, customs, sea, booking office,
cable car, porter, left luggage office.

Слайд 27

xdetiepion rived igsnitiv cxseurion itrp urenoyj lgitfh yvoeag.


Слайд 28

Expedition drive visiting excursion trip journey flight voyage.


Слайд 29

Odd one out. 1. backpack, suitcase, trunk, shoulder bag, luggage

Odd one out.
1. backpack, suitcase, trunk, shoulder bag, luggage carrier.

station, tube, airport, port, stop.
3. liner, sleeper, smoker, dining car, compartment.
4. deck, flight, crew, vessel, voyage.
5. hotel, hostel, quest house, motel.
6. taxi, trip, motorbike, liner, plane.
7. journey, trip, motorbike, liner, plane.
8. nightmare, good luck, disaster, catastrophe.
9. couple, two, both, none, pair.
Слайд 30

Learn the following dialogue. There are many different kinds of

Learn the following dialogue.

There are many different kinds of

trains, aren't there?
Well, yes, of course. There are, for instance, passenger trains and goods trains.
Passenger trains are for passengers and goods trains are for goods, aren't they?
That’s right.
And what are mail trains?
Mail trains carry mail, or post. But usually ,ail trains and passenger trains are combined: they have carriages for passengers and carriages for mail.
Thank you very much.
Слайд 31

Learn the following dialogue What are slow trains and fast

Learn the following dialogue

What are slow trains and fast trains?

Well, that’s clear. Slow trains move slowly. It’s because they stop at all the stations. Fast trains pass many station without stopping. They only stop at very large stations.
I see. And that’s why they move faster, don’t they?
Of course. They are also called non-stopping trains.
And slow trains are stopping trains, aren’t they?
That’s right.
Слайд 32

Fill in prepositions where necessary. You needn’t go …… the

Fill in prepositions where necessary.  

You needn’t go …… the

booking office: it is possible to book …… phone …… advance.
Please, I want two lower berths …… the Sevastopol express …. Saturday, the second …. May.
I was looking …. The porthole and saw how our plane tool ….. .
I can give you one upper berth …..a separate compartment.
The train …. Sochi leaves …..eleven-twenty-three ….. platform three, track five.
When did you last travel … railway?
Planes fly …..a speed … over eight hundredkilometres …. An hour.
She bought two tickets …. a through train …. Kiev.
Fast trains only stop …. Large stations, while slow trains stop …. All stations.
The eleven-fifteen is a fast train … sleeping accommodation.
The train … Minsk is …..platform three.
When does the plane …. Warsaw take …… ?
Our train leaves …. eight-twenty-five ….. platform three.
We got tickets …. The fast train …. Ekaterinburg.
Why is there no train … Portsmouth today?
Слайд 33

Заключительный этап Заключительное слово учителя Подведение итогов

Заключительный этап

Заключительное слово учителя
Подведение итогов

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