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Literature of renaissance period in Italy
Literature of renaissance period in Italy
Literature of the Renaissance (mid XV - early XVII century., For Italy - from the XIV century.) One of the most brilliant pages in the history of the artistic and spiritual development of mankind is inscribed. Difference between periods The literature of the Renaissance is distinguished by a new humanistic worldview, the main thing in which is the nomination of a person (homo) with his liberated mind and sphere of emotions, freed from medieval dogmas, recognized as worthy of the closest attention. Struggle for that the person became more humane, i.e. more reasonable and kinder, became the main theme in the works of the Titans of the Renaissance literature. A great help in this noble struggle was their appeal to the poetic creativity of their peoples, where the ideal of man had long been developed, and to the ancient culture of the time of its heyday, which also gave examples of high humanity. The literature of the Renaissance is characterized by realism, which overcomes the medieval allegorism, which was not completely exhausted in the urban literature. At the same time, Renaissance (revivalist) realism has such features as the titanic character of the heroes, the breadth of the reality show with the reproduction of its contradictions, the introduction into the picture of reality of elements of fantasy and adventure, having a folklore basis, optimism generated by faith in man. All the above-mentioned features of Renaissance realism were manifested with great force in the work of the Titans of the artistic thought of Shakespeare, Cervantes, Rabelais and others.
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