Презентации по Английскому языку

Correction of the essay
Correction of the essay
THE ORIGINAL ESSAY #1 Hi Alice! How are you? What’s new? How you know I’m in Ukraine now. I like ti live in this country. I’m studying in the Yaroslav the Wise National Law University of Ukraine in Kharkov. I have shorter hours of learning and more time for relax than in England. Also we have longer holidays thus we often go walking with my friends. My Ukrainian friends friendlier and funnier. They have better sense of humor than our people. People there more reserved. I like local food. We very often eat cousine dishes. It’s very tasty. Winter in Kharkov is more colder than England but the summer is hotter. I really like this city and my new friends. How about you? I look forward your answer. With love, Jane. HIGHLIGHTED MISTAKES Hi Alice! How are you? What’s new? How you know I’m in Ukraine now. I like ti live in this country. I’m studying in the Yaroslav the Wise National Law University of Ukraine in Kharkov. I have shorter hours of learning and more time for relax than in England. Also we have longer holidays thus we often go walking with my friends. My Ukrainian friends friendlier and funnier. They have better sense of humor than our people. People there more reserved. I like local food. We very often eat cousine dishes. It’s very tasty. Winter in Kharkov is more colder than England but the summer is hotter. I really like this city and my new friends. How about you? I look forward your answer. With love, Jane.
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