Cell structure. Cell Theory презентация


Слайд 2

Организационные моменты Задавайте вопросы На полях оставьте место для science

Организационные моменты

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Слайд 3

Cell structure Строение клетки Anton Van Leeuwenhoek Robert Hooke

Cell structure Строение клетки

Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

Robert Hooke

Слайд 4

Клеточная теория Cell Theory The cell theory In 1838 M.J.

Клеточная теория Cell Theory

The cell theory In 1838 M.J. Schleiden and Theodore

Schwann formulated the “cell theory.”
Which maintains that:
1. all organisms are composed of cells.
2. cell is the structural and functional unit of life, and
3. cells arise from pre-existing cells.
Слайд 5

Клетки могут отличаться друг от друга по своему внутреннему строению

Клетки могут отличаться друг от друга по своему внутреннему строению

But every

cell has three major components:
plasma membrane
DNA (naked in bacteria) and enclosed by a nuclear membrane in all other organisms
Слайд 6

Cell Size

Cell Size

Слайд 7

Cells Have Large Surface Area-to-Volume Ratio

Cells Have Large Surface Area-to-Volume Ratio

Слайд 8

Cell Types Prokaryotic Eukaryotic

Cell Types


Слайд 9

Prokaryotic Cells First cell type on earth Cell type of Bacteria and Archaea

Prokaryotic Cells

First cell type on earth
Cell type of Bacteria and Archaea

Слайд 10

Prokaryotic Cells No membrane bound nucleus Nucleoid = region of

Prokaryotic Cells

No membrane bound nucleus
Nucleoid = region of DNA concentration
Organelles not

bound by membranes
Слайд 11

Eukaryotic Cells Nucleus bound by membrane Include fungi, protists, plant,

Eukaryotic Cells

Nucleus bound by membrane
Include fungi, protists, plant, and animal cells

many organelles


Слайд 12

Representative Animal Cell

Representative Animal Cell

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Representative Plant Cell

Representative Plant Cell

Слайд 14

Plasma Membrane Double layer of phospholipids & proteins

Plasma Membrane

Double layer of phospholipids & proteins

Слайд 15

Phospholipids Polar Hydrophilic head Hydrophobic tail Interacts with water


Hydrophilic head
Hydrophobic tail
Interacts with water

Слайд 16

Слайд 17

Membrane Proteins 1. Channels or transporters Move molecules in one direction 2. Receptors Recognize certain chemicals

Membrane Proteins

1. Channels or transporters
Move molecules in one direction
2. Receptors

certain chemicals
Слайд 18

Membrane Proteins 3. Glycoproteins Identify cell type 4. Enzymes Catalyze production of substances

Membrane Proteins

3. Glycoproteins
Identify cell type
4. Enzymes
Catalyze production of substances

Слайд 19

Cell Walls Found in plants, fungi, & many protists Surrounds plasma membrane

Cell Walls

Found in plants, fungi, & many protists
Surrounds plasma membrane

Слайд 20

Cell Wall Differences Plants – mostly cellulose Fungi – contain chitin

Cell Wall Differences

Plants – mostly cellulose
Fungi – contain chitin

Слайд 21

Cytoplasm Viscous fluid containing organelles components of cytoplasm Interconnected filaments


Viscous fluid containing organelles
components of cytoplasm
Interconnected filaments & fibers

= cytosol
Organelles (not nucleus)
storage substances
Слайд 22

Cytoskeleton Filaments & fibers Made of 3 fiber types Microfilaments


Filaments & fibers
Made of 3 fiber types
Intermediate filaments
3 functions:

anchor organelles
help move substances
Слайд 23

A = actin, IF = intermediate filament, MT = microtubule

A = actin, IF = intermediate filament, MT = microtubule

Слайд 24

Cilia & Flagella Provide motility Cilia Short Used to move

Cilia & Flagella

Provide motility
Used to move substances outside human cells

Whip-like extensions
Found on sperm cells
Basal bodies like centrioles
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Cilia & Flagella Structure Bundles of microtubules With plasma membrane

Cilia & Flagella Structure

Bundles of microtubules
With plasma membrane

Слайд 26

Centrioles Pairs of microtubular structures Play a role in cell division


Pairs of microtubular structures
Play a role in cell division

Слайд 27

Nucleus Control center of cell Double membrane Contains Chromosomes Nucleolus


Control center of cell
Double membrane

Слайд 28

Nuclear Envelope Separates nucleus from rest of cell Double membrane Has pores

Nuclear Envelope

Separates nucleus from rest of cell
Double membrane
Has pores

Слайд 29

DNA Hereditary material Chromosomes DNA Protiens Form for cell division Chromatin


Hereditary material
Form for cell division

Слайд 30

Nucleolus Most cells have 2 or more Directs synthesis of RNA Forms ribosomes


Most cells have 2 or more
Directs synthesis of RNA
Forms ribosomes

Слайд 31

Endoplasmic Reticulum Helps move substances within cells Network of interconnected

Endoplasmic Reticulum

Helps move substances within cells
Network of interconnected membranes
Two types
Rough endoplasmic

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Слайд 32

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Ribosomes attached to surface Manufacture protiens Not

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

Ribosomes attached to surface
Manufacture protiens
Not all ribosomes attached to

rough ER
May modify proteins from ribosomes
Слайд 33

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum No attached ribosomes Has enzymes that help build molecules Carbohydrates Lipids

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

No attached ribosomes
Has enzymes that help build molecules

Слайд 34

Golgi Apparatus Involved in synthesis of plant cell wall Packaging & shipping station of cell

Golgi Apparatus

Involved in synthesis of plant cell wall
Packaging & shipping station

of cell
Слайд 35

Golgi Apparatus Function 1. Molecules come in vesicles 2. Vesicles

Golgi Apparatus Function

1. Molecules come in vesicles
2. Vesicles fuse with Golgi

3. Molecules may be modified by Golgi
Слайд 36

Golgi Apparatus Function (Continued) 4. Molecules pinched-off in separate vesicle

Golgi Apparatus Function (Continued)

4. Molecules pinched-off in separate vesicle
5. Vesicle leaves

Golgi apparatus
6. Vesicles may combine with plasma membrane to secrete contents
Слайд 37

Lysosomes Contain digestive enzymes Functions Aid in cell renewal Break down old cell parts Digests invaders


Contain digestive enzymes
Aid in cell renewal
Break down old cell parts

Digests invaders
Слайд 38

Vacuoles Membrane bound storage sacs More common in plants than animals Contents Water Food wastes


Membrane bound storage sacs
More common in plants than animals

Слайд 39

Bacteria-Like Organelles Release & store energy Types Mitochondria (release energy) Chloroplasts (store energy)

Bacteria-Like Organelles

Release & store energy
(release energy)

(store energy)
Слайд 40

Mitochondria Have their own DNA Bound by double membrane


Have their own DNA
Bound by double membrane

Слайд 41

Mitochondria Break down fuel molecules (cellular respiration) Glucose Fatty acids Release energy ATP


Break down fuel molecules (cellular respiration)
Fatty acids
Release energy

Слайд 42

Chloroplasts Derived form photosynthetic bacteria Solar energy capturing organelle


Derived form photosynthetic bacteria
Solar energy capturing organelle

Слайд 43

Photosynthesis Takes place in the chloroplast Makes cellular food – glucose


Takes place in the chloroplast
Makes cellular food – glucose

Слайд 44

Review of Eukaryotic Cells

Review of Eukaryotic Cells

Слайд 45

Review of Eukaryotic Cells

Review of Eukaryotic Cells

Слайд 46

Слайд 47

Практика 1 2




Слайд 48

3 4



Слайд 49

5 6



Слайд 50

7 8



Слайд 51

Большое спасибо каждому из вас за урок Вся последующая информация будет выложенна в группе в ВК

Большое спасибо каждому из вас за урок

Вся последующая информация будет выложенна

в группе в ВК
Слайд 52

Molecule Movement & Cells Passive Transport Active Transport Endocytosis (phagocytosis & pinocytosis) Exocytosis

Molecule Movement & Cells

Passive Transport
Active Transport
(phagocytosis & pinocytosis)

Слайд 53

Molecule Movement & Cells Passive Transport Active Transport Endocytosis (phagocytosis & pinocytosis) Exocytosis

Molecule Movement & Cells

Passive Transport
Active Transport
(phagocytosis & pinocytosis)

Слайд 54

Passive Transport No energy required Move due to gradient differences

Passive Transport

No energy required
Move due to gradient
differences in concentration, pressure, charge

to equalize gradient
High moves toward low
Слайд 55

Types of Passive Transport 1. Diffusion 2. Osmosis 3. Facilitated diffusion

Types of Passive Transport

1. Diffusion
2. Osmosis
3. Facilitated diffusion

Слайд 56

Diffusion Molecules move to equalize concentration


Molecules move to equalize concentration

Слайд 57

Osmosis Special form of diffusion Fluid flows from lower solute


Special form of diffusion
Fluid flows from lower solute concentration
Often involves movement

of water
Into cell
Out of cell
Слайд 58

Solution Differences & Cells solvent + solute = solution Hypotonic

Solution Differences & Cells

solvent + solute = solution
Solutes in cell

more than outside
Outside solvent will flow into cell
Solutes equal inside & out of cell
Solutes greater outside cell
Fluid will flow out of cell
Слайд 59

Слайд 60

Facilitated Diffusion Differentially permeable membrane Channels (are specific) help molecule

Facilitated Diffusion

Differentially permeable membrane
Channels (are specific) help molecule or ions enter

or leave the cell
Channels usually are transport proteins
(aquaporins facilitate the movement of water)
No energy is used
Слайд 61

Process of Facilitated Transport Protein binds with molecule Shape of protein changes Molecule moves across membrane

Process of Facilitated Transport

Protein binds with molecule
Shape of protein changes
Molecule moves

across membrane
Слайд 62

Active Transport Molecular movement Requires energy (against gradient) Example is sodium-potassium pump

Active Transport

Molecular movement
Requires energy (against gradient)
Example is sodium-potassium pump

Слайд 63

Endocytosis Movement of large material Particles Organisms Large molecules Movement


Movement of large material
Large molecules
Movement is into cells
Types of

bulk-phase (nonspecific)
receptor-mediated (specific)
Слайд 64

Process of Endocytosis Plasma membrane surrounds material Edges of membrane meet Membranes fuse to form vesicle

Process of Endocytosis

Plasma membrane surrounds material
Edges of membrane meet
Membranes fuse to

form vesicle
Слайд 65

Forms of Endocytosis Phagocytosis – cell eating Pinocytosis – cell drinking

Forms of Endocytosis

Phagocytosis – cell eating
Pinocytosis – cell drinking

Слайд 66

Exocytosis Reverse of endocytosis Cell discharges material


Reverse of endocytosis
Cell discharges material

Слайд 67

Exocytosis Vesicle moves to cell surface Membrane of vesicle fuses Materials expelled


Vesicle moves to cell surface
Membrane of vesicle fuses
Materials expelled

Имя файла: Cell-structure.-Cell-Theory.pptx
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