Аncient States in the territory of Kazakhstan презентация

Слайд 2

Hanga countries - China, under the name record data kanczyuy,

Hanga countries - China, under the name record data kanczyuy, BC

2 c. said. Syrdarya, Talas is located along the rivers. 600 thousand people, 120 thousand troops from Central Asia. Bïtyan the capital city.
Слайд 3

B.h.b.II in the second half of the "Great Migration" has

B.h.b.II in the second half of the "Great Migration" has been

referred to as the historical events in Central Asia nätïjesiñde new state associations, including of Usuns Yancay, Hanga governments. The latter played a significant role in the history of Kazakhstan.
Слайд 4

Agriculture and fishing: Ceramics, glassware, pots, pans found. Hanga molten

Agriculture and fishing: Ceramics, glassware, pots, pans found. Hanga molten iron sickles,

knives and arrowheads. Agriculture, animal husbandry, hunting and other pursuits.
Слайд 5

The remains of the first humans.

The remains of the first humans.

Слайд 6

Слайд 7

Слайд 8

Saks to create a state on the territory of Kazakhstan

Saks to create a state on the territory of Kazakhstan and

neighboring regions Rapid population Huns. BC IV century China, the Huns their "enemy of a powerful competitor to the north-west," he believes. This is the beginning of the Turkic Huns, which proved söylegendigi in tribal alliance, and created a strong state.
Слайд 9

Hun sufficient number of records on the history of the

Hun sufficient number of records on the history of the state.

Their social and political construction of the stored data has mainly Chinese chronicles. BC statehood on the basis of the Huns III centuries.
Слайд 10

The founder of the state of Mode HUN.

The founder of the state of Mode HUN.

Слайд 11

Слайд 12

Built to protect the Great Wall of China, the Huns Chinese.

Built to protect the Great Wall of China, the Huns Chinese.

Слайд 13

Mentioned by Herodotus in the ancient Persian inscriptions of the

Mentioned by Herodotus in the ancient Persian inscriptions of the four

groups of Saks. saki-haomavarga, "cooking haomu - intoxicating drink" who inhabited the valley of the Murghab River (Herodotus and ancient authors - amyurgii) saki-tigrahauda, "in pointed hats" (in the Behistun inscription of Darius I, who lived in the foothills of the Tien Shan (often identified with the ancient authors Massagets) saki-paradarayya, "beyond the sea (across the river)," and saki-parasugudam, for "Sogdiana", who lived in the Aral Sea Basin in the lower reaches of the Amu Darya and Syr Darya.
Слайд 14

Слайд 15

Prince SaKS

Prince SaKS

Слайд 16

We live in an area where there are many historical

We live in an area where there are many historical events.

We are the descendants of a great nation. Only here in the territory of Kazakhstan for the first time on the orders of the governor of Kultegin it was written alphabet Fleece first horses accustomed to man, but we know how to use things. But we are very simple people, and many use it. Because of this we almost lost our dignity. I want to carp at the end, "we do not appreciate what we have."
Слайд 17

Слайд 18

Слайд 19

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