The Great Britain презентация


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The British Isles are a group of islands off the

The British Isles are a group of islands off the northwest

coast of continental Europe.

They are bounded on the west by the Atlantic Ocean, the Celtic Sea, St. George’s Channel, the Irish Sea and Ireland.
to the north . . . the North Sea,
to the south, the English Channel

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The British Isles comprise
Great Britain,

Ireland, and
a number of smaller islands (Isle of Man & Channel Islands).
Two sovereign states located in the islands:
The United Kingdom
of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland
+ The
Republic of Ireland
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The United Kingdom

is a constitutional monarchy composed of 4 constituent countries
Wales &
Northern Ireland.
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British Isles / UK / Britain / England

British Isles / UK / Britain / England

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THE UNION JACK The Union Flag (also known as the


The Union Flag (also known as the Union Jack)

is the national flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Its design includes the flags of England

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ENGLAND England the largest & most populous constituent country of


the largest & most populous constituent country of the United

Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Capital: London.
Flag: St. George’s cross.
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SCOTLAND Scotland is one of the four constituent countries of


Scotland is one of the four constituent countries of the United

Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Capital: Edinburgh.
Flag: Cross of Saint Andrew.
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WALES Wales is one of four constituent countries of the


Wales is one of four constituent countries of the United Kingdom

of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Capital: Cardiff.
Flag: the red dragon of Prince
Cadwalader plus the Tudor colours .
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THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND The Republic of Ireland is a


The Republic of Ireland is a member of

the European Union.
Capital: Dublin.
Flag: Green, white, orange.
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NORTHERN IRELAND Northern Ireland – The Irish province of Ulster


Northern Ireland –
The Irish province of Ulster remains occupied

as Northern Ireland, still a part of the United Kingdom and 1 of 4 constituent countries of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Capital: Belfast.
Flag: the Union Flag is the
official flag
. . . Wanna fight about it?
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Britannia Insulae Est

Britannia Insulae Est

Слайд 14

From Shakespeare’s Richard III : This other Eden, demi-paradise, This

From Shakespeare’s Richard III :

This other Eden, demi-paradise,
This fortress built

by Nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war,
This happy breed of men, this little world,
This precious stone set in the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall,
Or as a moat defensive to a house,
Against the envy of less happier lands,
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm,
this England,
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Geographic Providence - England is an island Insularity Relative peace

Geographic Providence - England is an island

Relative peace & security
Ethnic, linguistic,

religious . . . Cultural Homogeneity
Less need for a standing army
Navy . . . Navigation . . . Necessity of Trade
Far distant from papal authority
Greater independence and self governance
We’ll return to these points later
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The Opening of Parliament –
Black Rod & the

Slammed Door
Pageantry, drama, history, & legitimacy
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Members of House of Commons are each year summoned to

Members of House of Commons are each year summoned to Lord’s

Chamber to dutifully hear the Queen’s commands to Parliament for the next year’s session
in the “Queen’s Speech from the Throne”
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“Queen’s Speech from the Throne” NOT her speech! She did

“Queen’s Speech from the Throne”
NOT her speech!
She did not write it

She may not even agree with it . . .
But she MUST read it to Parliament
Who’s in charge?
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Parliament vs. the Monarch A bit of background . . . .

Parliament vs. the Monarch

A bit of background . . . .

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House of Commons, 1642 King Charles I led troops into

House of Commons, 1642

King Charles I led troops into Commons to

arrest 5 leading dissident Members of Parliament (MPs).
the five received warning, escaped. Avoided bloodshed on the floor of House of Commons.
Finding the five had flown, the King angrily threatened the Speaker, Lenthall, whose reply has become legendary, -

“May it please your Majesty, I have neither eyes to see, nor tongue to speak in this place, but as this House is pleased to direct me, whose servant I am.” - Speaker Lenthall

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A yearly drama reminding Britons of where Power resides . . . King ? or Commons?

A yearly drama reminding Britons of where
resides . . .

? or Commons?
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What’s the symbolism?

What’s the symbolism?

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Traditions, Rituals, Ceremony, and Pageantry reinforce the dignity of government

Traditions, Rituals, Ceremony, and Pageantry
reinforce the dignity of government
legitimize government by evoking

historical memories
impress upon Govt officers weight of office - dignity, responsibility, duty
provide continuity w/ past
engender legitimacy & patriotism through pageantry
promote national unity
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Prehistoric to 1000 yrs ago Earliest Britain Celtic Britain (arrive

Prehistoric to 1000 yrs ago

Earliest Britain
Celtic Britain (arrive 500 BC)
Romano-Celtic Britannia

(43 AD to 410).
(Romans 1st arrived 55 BC)
Roman law, peace, trade, Christianity
Hadrian’s Wall
Withdrawal of Roman power in 5th Century AD
Angles, Saxons, Jutes 5th Century
Norman England
The Danelaw
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Celtic Britain: Britons Scots Welsh Irish Cornish

Celtic Britain:

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Celtic tribes of Britain

Celtic tribes of Britain

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Celtic Britain

Celtic Britain

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Anglo-Saxon Britain feudal aristocracy - weak kings Post Roman reality

Anglo-Saxon Britain

feudal aristocracy - weak kings
Post Roman reality - memory

of central govt and its desirability but
feudal fractionalization
Anglo-Saxon Witan
King's council of nobles
tribal, clannish, scattered power
Related to Scandinavian / Viking system
eg. Icelandic ALTHING
lacked focus / centralization / power too dispersed
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The Lord's Prayer in Olde English Matthew 6:9-13 Fæder ure

The Lord's Prayer in Olde English Matthew 6:9-13

Fæder ure þu

þe eart on heofonum; Father our thou that
art in heavens
Si þin nama gehalgod be thy name hallowed
to becume þin rice come thy kingdom
gewurþe ðin willa be-done thy will
on eorðan swa swa on heofonum. on earth as in heavens
urne gedæghwamlican hlaf syle us todæg our dailybread give us today
and forgyf us ure gyltas and forgive us our sins
swa swa we forgyfað urum gyltendum as we forgive those- who have-sinned-against-us
and ne gelæd þu us on costnunge and not lead thou us into temptation
ac alys us of yfele. soþlice but deliver us from evil. truly.
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Norman England Norman Conquest William the . . . .

Norman England

Norman Conquest
William the . . . . unofficial heir
1066 battle

of Hastings
William… the Conqueror
Centralization of power
Domesday Book
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Norman England Norman Conquest brought Wm's own nobility & a

Norman England

Norman Conquest
brought Wm's own nobility & a plan to organize

& govern England
* William replaced the entire English ruling class w/Norman nobles
and his rule was backed by brutal military power and much better administration plan
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Norman England and so political stability & centralization were brought

Norman England

and so political stability & centralization were brought to England

relatively early: earlier than in continental Europe
* however, while sovereign power resided in the Monarch,
British Kings were still expected to consult w/the earls, barons, and leading clergymen (i.e., nobility) in order to declare laws and levy taxes
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Norman Reforms Magna Carta 1215 – explicit protection of feudal

Norman Reforms

Magna Carta 1215 – explicit protection of
feudal customs, rights,

and law
Rule of law – the LAW is the King
Limited monarchy
implies individual rights
power sharing
King rules w/ Lord’s advice & consent – parliament
Mixed monarchy
Common Law
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Common Law Prior to Norman Conquest,1066, justice was administered primarily

Common Law

Prior to Norman Conquest,1066, justice was administered primarily by county

Courts were presided over by diocesan bishop or by county sheriff
both ecclesiastical & civil
Trial by Jury began in
these courts.
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Common Law By 1150s Henry II began sending judges from

Common Law

By 1150s Henry II began sending judges from his own

central court to hear disputes throughout England,
resolving cases on an ad hoc basis.
Judge-made law, legal precedent, jury trial, - Supremacy of Law
Stare Decisis - Precedent
curbed power of canonical (church) courts and manoral courts (feudal)
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Magna Carta of 1215 King John recognized it as a

Magna Carta of 1215

King John recognized it as a right of

his subjects “to have common council of the kingdom” for the assessment of extraordinary aids
crafting law
military conscription
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Consequences of Common Law conflict of King w/ church most

Consequences of Common Law

conflict of King w/ church
most famously with Thomas

á Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury
Writ of Right - Royal order for a feudal lord to provide justice to plaintiff or the King would intercede through the Sheriff
)Writ of Praecipe - ignored manoral courts, ordered disputed lands to be restored to plaintiff or have defendant appear in King’s Court to explain
)in effect an automatic presumption against the feudal lord
)encouraged and empowered the rising middle class
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Wales Edward I brings Wales under British sovereignty in 1283 Prince of Wales


Edward I brings Wales under British sovereignty in 1283
Prince of

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Sovereignty power was still largely in the hands of the


power was still largely in the hands of the Monarchy who

ruled by divine right
Kings and Queens of Britain were practicalities nonetheless required to consult Parliament before levying taxes or making law
tensions b/n Crown and Parliament grew.
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* Parliament’s power got a major boost during the reign

* Parliament’s power got a major boost during the reign of

Henry VIII (1509-1547) when Henry formed a partnership w/ the Parliament in his struggle w/ Rome
Henry VIII wanted a divorce because Catherine couldn’t bear him a male child,
Pope wouldn’t grant it
so Henry (w/Parliament’s consent) bolted Catholic Church and
created Church of England :
Henry’s new church, with Henry as its head, granted the divorce
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Protestant Reformation Henry VIII Break w/ Rome Elizabeth I 1588

Protestant Reformation

Henry VIII
Break w/ Rome
Elizabeth I
1588 Defeat of the
Spanish Armada

Commercial Culture
James I and the Stuart dynasty stew
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Good Queen Bess Elizabeth I

Good Queen Bess Elizabeth I

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Eventually the tensions b/n the institutions boiled over, as the

Eventually the tensions b/n the institutions boiled over, as the efforts

of the Stuarts (Charles I & James II) to centralize authority in the 1600s led to all out war b/n Crown & Parliament * Charles I took England to unsuccessful wars w/Spain and France which increased his desperation for $ and Charles tried to levy taxes w/o consent of the Parliament
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Charles I (1625-1649) English Civil War (1642-48) "who should rule the country?" Parliamentarians vs. Royalists

Charles I (1625-1649)

English Civil War
"who should rule the country?"

vs. Royalists
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Parliamentarians Puritans – Roundheads House of Commons Merchant class Oliver


Puritans – Roundheads
House of Commons
Merchant class
Oliver Cromwell
New Model Army


Aristocratic, supported

called Cavaliers
House of Lords & the Court
Roman Catholics or High
Church of
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Charles I beheaded by Parliament

Charles I beheaded by Parliament

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The Glorious Revolution 1689 James II ousted Parliament invites William

The Glorious Revolution 1689

James II ousted
Parliament invites William & Mary to

the throne
Bill of Rights – relationship between Parliament and Crown – shared rule
1714, Anne w/out heir, Parliament invites George of Hanover
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The English Bill of Rights To prevent abuse of power

The English Bill of Rights

To prevent abuse of power by William

& Mary
and all future monarchs, Parliament, in 1689, drew up a list of provisions to which Wm & Mary had to agree.
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This document, the English Bill of Rights, prohibited a standing

This document, the English Bill of Rights,
prohibited a standing army in

except with the consent of Parliament
required that all parliamentary elections be free.
Monarch's authority, only with consent of Parliament
guarantees right to a fair trial, freedom from excessive bail and protection from cruel and unusual punishment.

Our nation has built on, changed, & added to those ideas and institutions that settlers brought here from England.

Слайд 58

Political Reform 19th Century Industrialization Population shifts Inequities exploitation Dickens’

Political Reform 19th Century

Population shifts
Dickens’ Novels

riots in 1819 led the

Reform Act of 1832
Chartist Movement in the 1830s and 1840s
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Representation of the People Act 1832, commonly known as the Reform Act 1832 ,

Representation of the People Act 1832, commonly known as the Reform

Act 1832


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The Great Reform Act of 1832 Began 1760 as reaction

The Great Reform Act of 1832

Began 1760 as reaction to supposed

autocratic policies of the new young King George III
began The early liberal or radical tradition in Britain
culminated with the Great Reform Act of 1832.
Masterminded by liberal Whig Earl Grey
abolished the so called “Rotten Boroughs” in England
led to complete overhaul of the entirely venal electoral system in Scotland
Extension of the franchise across Britain.
early beginnings of modern mass democracy in the UK
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Industrial Era start of the modern party-political system Liberally-minded Whigs

Industrial Era
start of the modern party-political system
Liberally-minded Whigs gradually organised

themselves into the Liberal Party
those holding more conservative views – nicknamed
“Tories” by their liberal opponents
(Tory was a term of abuse by the late 18th century)
– organised themselves into the Conservative Party
and gradually adopted term “Tory” for themselves
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In The Tree of Corruption from 1831, caricaturist H. H.

In The Tree of Corruption from 1831, caricaturist H. H. Heath

depicts hacking away the old Rotten Borough System,
to the strenuous protests
from those whose livelihood depend on it.
© the Library of Congress.
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The Great Reform Act of 1832 Removed Rotten Burroughs /

The Great Reform Act of 1832

Removed Rotten Burroughs / Pocket Burroughs

56 boroughs in England & Wales and reduced another 31 to only one MP
created 67 new constituencies
broadened the franchise's property qualification in the counties, to include small landowners, tenant farmers, and shopkeepers
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The Great Reform Act of 1832 created a uniform franchise

The Great Reform Act of 1832

created a uniform franchise in the

boroughs, giving the vote to all householders who paid a yearly rental of £10 or more and some lodgers
Expanded franchise among middle class
7% of adult Brits could vote
House of Commons to represent masses
2nd Reform Act 1867
2X electorate to 16%
3rd Reform Act 1884
nearly universal male suffrage
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2nd Reform Act 1867 2X electorate to 16% of pop.

2nd Reform Act 1867
2X electorate to 16% of pop.

Reform Act 1884
nearly universal male suffrage
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When the Houses of Parliament burnt down in 1834, Queen

When the Houses of Parliament burnt down in 1834, Queen Adelaide

openly spoke of it being God's just punishment for passing the Great Reform Act
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Political Reform 20th Century 1900 – Labour Party speaks for

Political Reform 20th Century

1900 – Labour Party speaks for the working

class & socialist reforms
Parliamentary Acts in 1911 stripped all the remaining significant powers away from the aristocratic House of Lords
reform of the system made Britain a more substantive and expansive democracy was complete
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Women’s suffrage Emmiline Pankhurst, suffragette leader, used arson and window

Women’s suffrage Emmiline Pankhurst, suffragette leader, used arson and window smashing

to further their cause - “breaking glass is the most eloquent argument in politics.”
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Emmeline Pankhurst being arrested in 1914

Emmeline Pankhurst being arrested in 1914

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1918 the Representation of the People Act gave women over

1918 the Representation of the People Act

gave women over 30 yrs

old the vote if they
were householders, or wives of householders
occupiers of property w/ an annual rent of £5
or if they were graduates of British universities.
enfranchised only about 8.5 million women
Ten years later, in 1928, women won the right to vote on the same terms as men.
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WWII & Churchill

WWII & Churchill

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WWII & Post-War Britain 1939-45 World War II 1945 –

WWII & Post-War Britain

1939-45 World War II
1945 – Labour takes power

the beginning of the British Welfare State
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PM Margaret Thatcher - Conservative Prime Minister of the UK from 1979 to 1990

PM Margaret Thatcher - Conservative Prime Minister of the UK from

1979 to 1990

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PM Tony Blair – New Labour Prime Minister 1990 - 2007

PM Tony Blair – New Labour Prime Minister 1990 - 2007

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