Слайд 2

When Australia's discoverers 1_______GO ashore, what was 2________THEY surprise when

When Australia's discoverers 1_______GO ashore, what was
2________THEY surprise when they saw

a strange-looking animal with a large tail jumping around on 3_______IT strong hind legs.
"What is it?" they asked a friendly aboriginal who 4_______ REPLY "Kangaroo," which in 5________HE language was "I don't understand you." The Europeans 6________TAKE it for the name of the animal and it 7 _________COME to stay.

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Слайд 3

Charlie Chaplin This is a story that Chaplin 1__________LIKE to

Charlie Chaplin
This is a story that Chaplin 1__________LIKE to tell about

It happened after the great actor 2__________BECOME world famous.
A theatre announced that a competition would be held to see who could act like Charlie Chaplin. Those taking part had to dress like Chaplin, walk like Chaplin and act one of the roles of a Chaplin films.
When Charlie Chaplin 3________HEAR about the competition
he decided, as a joke, to take part in the competition 4________HE.
Naturally, he kept his plan a secret from everybody.
When the results of the competition 5__________ANNOUNCE Chaplin said:
"I didn't know whether to feel angry or only surprised. I didn't win
the 6_________ONE prize. But after thinking about it, I decided that it would be 7_________GOOD to laugh."
Слайд 4

An American and a Frenchman, who knew only their own

An American and a Frenchman, who knew only their own languages,

1___________HAVE dinner at the same table on board a ship.
On the 2__________ONE day the Frenchman, who was at the table when the American came, got up, made a low bow and said, "Bon appetit!"
The American 3__________THINK he introduced himself, so he also bowed and said "Watson".
This 4__________HAPPEN several times, and the American, who could not understand why the Frenchman should introduce 5__________HE so many times, asked his friend about it. The friend explained that "Bon appetit!" 6__________MEAN "Good appetite", and the American decided to correct the mistake. The next time he was first at the table, and when
the Frenchman 7_________COME, he got up, bowed and said, "Bon appetit!" The Frenchman immediately returned the bow and said, "Watson".
Слайд 5

Australia is situated on the fifth and the 1 ________SMALL

Australia is situated on the fifth and the 1 ________SMALL of

the continents.
It is the 2________LARGE island in the world. It is smaller than the United States and much bigger than the British Isles. Besides the continent Australia consists of a number of small islands. The official name of the country is the Commonwealth of Australia. It 3__________ROUND by the seas from all sides. The climate in Australia 4___________ VARY from tropical and cool to temperate. The official language of the country is English. The capital of Australia 5_________BE , Canberra, not Sydney.
Australia is a federation of six states. The Parliament 6________ MAKE laws. The government 7 ________HEAD by the Prime Minister.
Слайд 6

A young man 1_________BE in love with a beautiful girl.

A young man 1_________BE in love with a beautiful girl. One

day when they 2________WALK in the park near the 3________GIRL house, she said to him, "Tomorrow is my birthday, will you come to have dinner with me?" "Of course," said the young man, "and I'll send you red roses, one rose for each year of your life."
The same evening the young man 4 _______GO to a florist's. As the girl would be twenty years old, he 5_________PAY for twenty roses and asked the florist to send 6_________THEY to the girl the next day. He 7________ LEAVE her address and a letter full of love.
The florist knew the young man well because he often 8________ BUY flowers in his shop. The florist 9________ THINK, "The young man is a good customer, my price for the roses 10_________BE too high, I'll send thirty roses instead of twenty." And he 11______DO so.
«In the afternoon when the young man 12_________ COME to see his girlfriend, she 13_________WANT to speak to him. He was very unhappy and went back home. But he never knew why she was so angry with him.
Слайд 7

Bessie is a little girl. She 1________BE only five. She

Bessie is a little girl. She 1________BE only five. She does

not go to school, and she does not know how to read or write. Her sister Mary is a schoolgirl. She is ten. One day Mary 2_________SEE her little sister
at the table with a pen in her hand and a big sheet of paper in front of her. "What are you doing, Bessie?" she says.
“I 3_________ WRITE a letter to my friend Kitty," says Bessie.
"But how can you? You don't know how to write!" says her sister. "Well, it doesn't matter, as Kitty doesn't know how to read" says Bessie.
Слайд 8

One day two men, who 1_______TRAVEL in a wild part

One day two men, who 1_______TRAVEL in a wild part of

America, 2_______MEET an old Indian who was a hunter. He was very clever and knew everything about the forest and animals living in it and many other things. He 3_______CAN also speak English quite well.
"Do you know what the weather will be like during the next few days?" one of the two travelers asked him.
"Oh, yes," he answered. "Rain is coming, and wind. Then there will be snow for a day or two, but then the sunshine will come again, and the weather will be even 4______GOOD than now."
"5_______THAT old Indians seem to know more about nature than we with all our science," said the man to his friend. Then he turned to the old Indian.
"Tell me how you know all that?" he asked.
The Indian answered the man, “I 6 _______ HEAR the weather forecast on the radio".
Слайд 9

Two elderly Englishmen 1_______TALK about young people in 2_______WE day.

Two elderly Englishmen 1_______TALK about young people in 2_______WE day. One

of them said, "Young people now are different from what we 3________BE thirty years ago. Look at that young person with short hair, smoking a cigarette and wearing jeans. What is it - a boy or a girl? It is impossible to say!"
"It is a girl," said a middle-aged person sitting near 4________ THEY on a bench.
"I'm sorry, sir," said the 5 _______ONE Englishman. "I suppose you are 6________SHE father.“
"I'm not," was the answer. "I'm her mother."
Слайд 10

A man had a speaking parrot. But the parrot could

A man had a speaking parrot. But the parrot could only

say one phrase. The phrase was, "There is no doubt about it". The man 1 _______ GET tired of the parrot and decided to sell it. He 2_______TAKE the parrot to the market in a cage and shouted, "Who 3_______WANT my speaking parrot? Twenty pounds for my parrot!"
A man who 4________WALK by and heard these word came up and asked, "Parrot, are you really so clever that you cost twenty pounds?" "There is no doubt about it!" said the parrot.
The man liked the answer so much that he 5________PAY for the parrot and 6_______BRING him home. But time passed and the parrot never 7 _______SAY anything else. The man came up to the cage one day and said, "What a fool I was when I 8_______BUY you once at twenty pounds!" "There is no doubt about it," said the parrot.
Слайд 11

Once an Englishman went to Japan. He 1________HAVE a Japanese

Once an Englishman went to Japan. He 1________HAVE a Japanese servant

who was very polite. The Englishmen wanted to get up early one morning and asked 2_____ HE servant to wake him up at six o'clock.
At 6 o'clock the servant 3_________COME into the room very quietly. When he saw that the Englishman 4________SLEEP, he 5________TAKE a piece of paper and wrote some words on it.
Then he quietly 6________LEAVE the room.
The Englishman 7_________WAKE up at eleven o'clock, jumped out of bed, looked at his watch and then 8______SEE the piece of paper on the table. It said, "Dear Sir, it is six o'clock now. Please get up."
Слайд 12

Three 1_______ MAN came to New York for the first

Three 1_______ MAN came to New York for the first time.

They took a room in a hotel. In the evening they 2_______GO out sightseeing, and did not come back till nearly three in the morning. 3 THEY room was on the 43th floor. "I am terribly sorry, gentlemen," said the porter, "but the elevator does not work, there is something wrong with it. You will have to walk up to your room." This was too bad. But the men agreed to tell stories on the way up in order to while away the time.
When the 4_______ONE man finished his story they climbed up to the 14th floor. The next story kept them amused till they reached the 31th floor.
At last it was time for the 5 _______THREE man to tell his story, but he refused. He said that his story was so terrible that he simply could not tell it. They continued climbing and all the time the two asked 6_______ HE to begin. At last they stopped and refused to go unless he told them his terrible story. "The story I have to tell you is a short one," he said, "we 7______ LEAVE the key to our room downstairs with the porter."
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