The story “Princess Mary” can be used as a guidebook to travel around Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk презентация

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The story “Princess Mary” can be used as a guidebook

The story “Princess Mary” can be used as a guidebook to

travel around Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk.

CMW and the story
«Princess Mary» by
M. Lermontov

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AEOLIAN HARP In any town or city there are popular


In any town or city there are popular places

and vivid symbols. “Aeolian Harp” can be called one of the Pyatigorsk symbols
Pechorin writes in his diary "On a steep cliff where a pavilion called the Aeolian Harp is built, lovers of spectacular views were spending time and directing a telescope toward Mount Elbrus ..."
The music pavilion not only treated but also inspired many famous writers and poets, and since 1961 this place has been officially recognized as a place associated with M. Lermontov, famous Russian poet . And if you open works of M. Lermontov, be sure to find there lines dedicated to the pavilion "Aeolian Harp".
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This unusual, even surprising sight was described by Mikhail Lermontov

This unusual, even surprising sight was described by Mikhail Lermontov in

his book "A Hero of Our Time". Since then and to the present time this place of Borgustan mountain range attracts many curious tourists. This natural monument is now a part of the Museum-Reserve named after the poet who created the image of Pechorin and Princess Mary, who loved to observe local sunsets.

Ring Mountain

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“According to the opinion of local scientists, this gap is

“According to the opinion of local scientists, this gap is an

extinct crater; it is located on a slope of mount Mashuk, less than a mile away from the town. There is a narrow path between the bushes and the rocks; climbing the mountain, I offered a helping hand to the princess, and she did not leave it during the whole walk "- said Pechorin about the Gap .
   V. Manuilov in the comments to the novel explained : "This geological place of interest of Pyatigorsk (located almost 2 km away from the city) represents the crivasse with steep walls with the height of about 30 m, at the bottom of which there is a pool 13 meters deep, filled with warm muddy blue water with hydrogen sulfide. "


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Nature of CMW The main natural wealth of the CMW

Nature of CMW

The main natural wealth of the CMW is widely

known Kislovodsk narzan, carbonated water, hot and cold Pyatigorsk carbonated water, Zheleznovodsk thermal carbon-hydrated sulphurous water, bitter salty with iodine-bromine, boron and radon water.
    The lush nature and the natural resources of the CMW is the gift of God.
Our main task is to save them carefully so they will serve long for the prosperity of our country.
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