Selling Techniques Making It Happen презентация


Слайд 2

Individual Purchase Process Love Consideration Shopping Intention Buying Awareness

Individual Purchase Process







Слайд 3

What Is Selling? The face to face meeting with your

What Is Selling?

The face to face meeting with your prospect at

the Intention or Buying level
Getting there—right place, right time, right person
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What Do Customers Care About? THEMSELVES!! Wants, Needs, Desires

What Do Customers Care About?
Wants, Needs, Desires

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What Do They Buy? SOLUTIONS!!

What Do They Buy?

Слайд 6

What You Should Know About Your Customers Target – Who

What You Should Know About Your Customers
Target – Who are they

– decision maker?
Needs, Wants – What do you need to solve?
Value Perception – Their perceived value equation.
Слайд 7

The Value Equation Value = Benefit/Cost

The Value Equation
Value = Benefit/Cost

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Before You Do Anything Else… Sell yourself Know your product

Before You Do Anything Else…

Sell yourself
Know your product
Know the value equation

your competition
Know why your customer should buy from you instead of your competition
Слайд 9

Getting In Position to Sell Target your customer Know who

Getting In Position to Sell

Target your customer
Know who is the decision

Execute your plan consistently
If you can’t/won’t do it, hire it done
Слайд 10

Prepare for the Sales Call Package yourself No negatives Research client Be on time Be observant

Prepare for the Sales Call

Package yourself
No negatives
Research client
Be on time
Be observant

Слайд 11

The Sales Presentation Approach Present Objections Negotiations Close

The Sales Presentation


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The Approach Eliminate possible distractions Lead with a question to

The Approach

Eliminate possible distractions
Lead with a question to involve client-and don’t

say “how are you?”
State the purpose of call in terms of your customers need
Get agreement on the need
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The Body of the Presentation Use all senses possible Be

The Body of the Presentation

Use all senses possible
Be aware of clues—body

language, questions, etc
Sell benefits not features
Make it logical and end by filling the need
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Objections-Your Best Friend Objections are the client telling you how

Objections-Your Best Friend

Objections are the client telling you how to sell

Restate the objection
Answer in terms of your product’s benefits
Move on
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Negotiation End body of presentation with trial close If you


End body of presentation with trial close
If you get a “yes”--stop

selling and start writing
If you get a “no” ask “why not”
Answer objection, negotiate, and trial close again
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Close Either/or— ”would you like delivery on Friday or next


Either/or— ”would you like delivery on Friday or next Monday”?
“Is that

the only thing that is stopping you from buying”?
Always, always ask for the order
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Important Tips Listen—listen more than you talk Never, never talk

Important Tips

Listen—listen more than you talk
Never, never talk over the

client-listen to what he says
Control the flow
Always ask for the order - if you do nothing else ask for the order
Ask for referrals
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Follow-up Sold: Thank Restate terms etc You’ll stay in the


Restate terms etc
You’ll stay in the loop

Didn’t sell:
Restate need and feature/benefit

a way back in
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Keep Records Follow-up consistently Keep a tickler file Keep your

Keep Records

Follow-up consistently
Keep a tickler file
Keep your promised dates
Send correspondence about

solutions to their problems
Follow-up, follow-up, follow-up
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Keeping Your Customers Never take them for granted Stay in

Keeping Your Customers

Never take them for granted
Stay in touch
Stress benefits of

your product
Ask them if they are happy—if not, FIX IT NOW
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Customer Service Answer the phone No voice menus--no lengthy holds

Customer Service

Answer the phone
No voice menus--no lengthy holds
Resolve problems now
Honor your

time frames
Complaints are your friend—you get to show how good you really are
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Handling Complaints Don’t argue Apologize even if you’re not wrong

Handling Complaints

Don’t argue
Apologize even if you’re not wrong
Restate problem
Give time frame

to resolution
If you can’t meet time, call and extend
Let them know you care and that you are involved
Слайд 23

The Three Most Common Sales Mistakes Not listening to the

The Three Most Common Sales Mistakes

Not listening to the buyer
Not asking

for the order
Forgetting to sell existing customers
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