The Functional Histology of Respiratory System презентация


Слайд 2

The Respiratory System Function of the respiratory system 1.Replinish blood

The Respiratory System

Function of the respiratory system
1.Replinish blood oxygen levels which

is needed for tissue metabolism.
2.Remove the carbon dioxide from the blood which produced as a by product of metabolic activity.
3.To assist the body in maintaining a near constant PH
Слайд 3

The Respiratory System consist of 1.Conducting portion, which consists of

The Respiratory System consist of

1.Conducting portion, which consists of the nasal cavities,

nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi ,bronchioles, and terminal bronchioles

2.Respiratory portion (where gas exchange takes place), consisting of respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs and alveoli.

Слайд 4

Conducting portion ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium

Conducting portion

ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium

Слайд 5

Cells of respiratory epithelium 1.Ciliated columnar cells are the most

Cells of respiratory epithelium

1.Ciliated columnar cells are the most abundant, each

with about 300 cilia on its apical surface .
2.Goblet cell. filled with granules of mucin
3.Brush cells. Columnar have afferent nerve endings on their basal surfaces and are considered to be chemosensory receptors
4.Small granule :3% and are part of the diffuse neuroendocrine system
5.Basal cells, small rounded cells on the basement, are stem cells that give rise to the other cell types.




Brush cells

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Слайд 7

The nasal cavities (respiratory area) lie within the skull as

The nasal cavities (respiratory area)

lie within the skull as

two cavernous chambers separated by the osseous nasal septum. Extending from each lateral wall are three bony shelflike projections called conchae. The middle and inferior conchae are covered with respiratory epithelium; the superior concha is covered with a specialized olfactory epithelium.

(The narrow passages between the conchae improve the conditioning of the inspired air by increasing the surface area of moist, warm respiratory epithelium and by slowing and increasing turbulence in (the airflow.

Слайд 8

Swell bodies(cavernous bodies) Within the lamina propria of the conchae

Swell bodies(cavernous bodies)

Within the lamina propria of the conchae are large

venous plexuses known as Swell bodies. Every 20–30 minutes, the swell bodies on one side become temporarily engorged with blood, resulting in distension of the conchal mucosa and a concomitant decrease in the flow of air. During this time, most of the air is directed through the other nasal fossa, allowing the engorged respiratory mucosa to recover from dehydration
Слайд 9

cells of olfactory epithelium 1.Basal cells are small, spherical. They

cells of olfactory epithelium
1.Basal cells are small, spherical. They are

the stem cells for the other two types.        
2.Supporting cells are columnar, with broad, cylindrical apexes and narrower bases..
3.Olfactory neurons are bipolar neurons present throughout this epithelium. They are distinguished from supporting cells by the position of their nuclei, which lie between those of the supporting cells and basal cells. neurons are replaced regularly.

Smell (Olfaction)

Слайд 10

bilateral cavities in the frontal, maxillary, ethmoid, and sphenoid bones of the skull

bilateral cavities in the frontal, maxillary, ethmoid, and sphenoid bones of

the skull
Слайд 11

the thyroid, cricoid, and the inferior arytenoid epiglottis, cuneiform, corniculate, and the superior arytenoid cartilages

the thyroid, cricoid, and the inferior arytenoid

epiglottis, cuneiform, corniculate, and

the superior arytenoid cartilages
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Слайд 18

The trachea divides into two primary bronchi that enter the

The trachea divides into two primary bronchi that enter the lungs

at the hilum, the primary bronchi course downward and outward, giving rise to three secondary (lobar) bronchi in the right lung and two in the left lung ,each of which supplies a pulmonary lobe. These lobar bronchi again divide, forming tertiary (segmental) bronchi. Each of these tertiary bronchi, together with the smaller branches it supplies, constitutes a bronchopulmonary segment .

Bronchial Tree & Lung

Слайд 19

BRONCHI 1.The walls of bronchi contain irregular plates of cartilage


1.The walls of bronchi contain irregular plates of cartilage and circular

smooth-muscle fascicles bound together by elastic fibers.
2.The number of goblet cells and sub mucosa glands decreases from
the trachea to the small bronchi.
Слайд 20

Bronchioles 1.Bronchioles are the intralobular airways with diameters of 5


1.Bronchioles are the intralobular airways with diameters of 5 mm or

less, formed after about the tenth generation of branching, and have neither cartilage nor glands in their mucosa .
2.ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium, decreases in height and complexity to become ciliated simple columnar or cuboidal epithelium in the smaller terminal bronchioles.
3.Goblet cells disappear during this transition, replaced by Clara cells .
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Слайд 22

Clara cells 1.These mitotically active cells 2.secrete surfactant components 3.and

Clara cells

1.These mitotically active cells
2.secrete surfactant components
3.and have various

important defensive roles.
4.are most abundant in the terminal bronchioles, where
they make up about 80 % of the epithelial cell lining.
Слайд 23

Function of conducting portion 1.Dry air: moisten it by goblet

Function of conducting portion

1.Dry air: moisten it by goblet cells

and mucous.
2. Particles: trap them hairs, goblet cells and mucous.
3.Particles:remove them cilia.
4.Cold air: warm it blood vessels near epithelium.
5.Bacteria:destroy them lymphoid cells under the epithelium

A combination of cartilage, elastic and collagen fibers, and smooth muscle provides the conducting portion with rigid structural support and the necessary flexibility and extensibility. To ensure an uninterrupted supply of air

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Respiratory portion The respiratory bronchioles mucosa is structurally identical to

Respiratory portion

The respiratory bronchioles mucosa is structurally identical to that of

the terminal bronchioles, except that their walls are interrupted by the openings to alveoli
Слайд 25

Alveolar Ducts and sacs 1.Respiratory bronchioles branch into tubes called

Alveolar Ducts and sacs

1.Respiratory bronchioles branch into tubes called alveolar ducts

that are completely lined by the openings of alveoli.
2.Alveolar ducts open into atria of two or more alveolar sacs. Elastic and reticular fibers form a network encircling the openings of atria, alveolar sacs, and alveoli.
Слайд 26

Alveoli 1.Alveoli are saclike evaginations (about 200 µm in diameter)


1.Alveoli are saclike evaginations (about 200 µm in diameter) of the

respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveolar sacs.
2.Structurally, alveoli resemble small pockets that are open on one side. The structure of alveolar walls is specialized to enhance diffusion between the external and internal environments.
3.Interalveolar septum is wall lies between two neighboring alveoli. These septa is vascularized with the richest capillary network in the body.
Слайд 27

The cells of alveoli 1.Type I alveolar cells are extremely

The cells of alveoli

1.Type I alveolar cells are extremely attenuated cells

that line the alveolar surfaces. Type I cells cover 97% of the alveolar surface .The main role of these cells is to provide a barrier of minimal thickness that is readily permeable to gases.
2.Type II alveolar cells are rounded cells that often occur at points where the alveolar walls unite. give rise to the pulmonary surfactant that lowers surface tension
3.Alveolar macrophages .They phagocytose erythrocytes lost from damaged capillaries and air-borne particulate matter that has entered alveoli.
Слайд 28



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