Death by PowerPoint (and how to fight it) презентация


Слайд 2

There are 300 million PowerPoint users in the world* * estimate

There are 300 million PowerPoint users in the world*

* estimate

Слайд 3

They do 30 million presentations each day* * estimate

They do 30 million presentations each day*

* estimate

Слайд 4

About a million presentations are going on right now* * estimate

About a million presentations are going on right now*

* estimate

Слайд 5

50% of them are unbearable* * conservative estimate

50% of them are unbearable*

* conservative estimate

Слайд 6

LOTS of people are killing each other with bad presentations. NOW.

LOTS of people
are killing each other with bad presentations.

Слайд 7

They are all DEAD! Well, almost.

They are all DEAD! Well, almost.

Слайд 8

Bad presentations Bad communication Bad relations Less sales Less money Less training A vicious circle

Bad presentations

Bad communication





A vicious circle

Слайд 9

Let’s make the world a better place.

Let’s make the world a better place.

Слайд 10

Why are they doing it?!

Why are they doing it?!

Слайд 11

❶Bullets don’t kill people ❷People kill people ❸Unintentionally ❹Yet regularly Research shows:

❶Bullets don’t kill people
❷People kill people
❹Yet regularly

Research shows:

Слайд 12

Mainly due to lack of... ❶Significance ❷Structure ❸Simplicity ❹Rehearsal

Mainly due to lack of...


Слайд 13

Significance ❶❷❸❹



Слайд 14

To “pass the information”? Your boss told you to? Or

To “pass the information”?
Your boss told you to?

to make meaning?

Why do you present?

Слайд 15

What’s the subject and why it matters to you?

What’s the subject and why it matters to you?

Слайд 16

❶Significance creates passion ❷Passion attracts attention ❸Attention leads to action How presentations work

❶Significance creates passion
❷Passion attracts attention
❸Attention leads to action

How presentations work

Слайд 17

Are you passionate? Check yourself.

Are you passionate? Check yourself.

Слайд 18

This is passion.

This is passion.

Слайд 19

This is passion.

This is passion.

Слайд 20

This is passion.

This is passion.

Слайд 21

This is not.

This is not.

Слайд 22

Can’t find the meaning? Don’t present.

Can’t find the meaning? Don’t present.

Слайд 23

Structure ❶❷❸❹



Слайд 24

Structure is how you place the building blocks of your story.

Structure is how you place the building blocks of your story.

Слайд 25

❶Convincing ❷Memorable ❸Scalable Q: What structure to use? A: Any – as long as it is:


Q: What structure to use?

A: Any – as long as it

Слайд 26

❶Problem – Pathway – Solution ❷Problem – Solution – Reasoning

❶Problem – Pathway – Solution
❷Problem – Solution – Reasoning
❸Fancy stuff (if

it makes sense)

Structure choices

Слайд 27

Give 3-4 reasons supporting your point. They will not remember more anyway.

Give 3-4 reasons supporting your point.
They will not remember more anyway.

Слайд 28

} 45 minutes 1 argument 2 argument 3 argument Memorable



1 argument

2 argument

3 argument

Memorable opening

Memorable closing

1 More details...

2 More details...


More details...

1 More details...

2 More details...

3 More details...

1 More details...

2 More details...

3 More details...

Слайд 29

You can tell this in... 5 minutes 15 minutes 45 minutes It is scalable.

You can tell this in...

5 minutes
15 minutes
45 minutes


is scalable.
Слайд 30

Simplicity ❶❷❸❹



Слайд 31

Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler. “ ”

Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.

Слайд 32

Apparently, being simple is not that simple. Will give you some examples.

Apparently, being simple is not that simple.
Will give you some examples.

Слайд 33

Don’t worry: knowing the language doesn’t really help.

Don’t worry: knowing the language doesn’t really help.

Слайд 34

Notice cool background.

Notice cool background.

Слайд 35

Hey, we’ve got DATA!

Hey, we’ve got DATA!

Слайд 36

This one’s my favorite.

This one’s my favorite.

Слайд 37

Fundamental problem?

Fundamental problem?

Слайд 38

❶Visualize ideas ❷Create key points ❸Impress PowerPoint helps to:

❶Visualize ideas
❷Create key points

PowerPoint helps to:

Слайд 39

❶ Prompter ❷ Handouts ❸ Data dumps They use it as:

❶ Prompter
❷ Handouts
❸ Data dumps

They use it as:

Слайд 40

People read faster than you speak. This means you are useless.

People read faster than you speak.
This means you are useless.

Слайд 41

How much is an extra slide? $0.00. Zero Dollars. Break it in several. It’s free.

How much is an extra slide?
$0.00. Zero Dollars.
Break it in several.

It’s free.
Слайд 42

What’s the point? One simple point? Remove everything else.

What’s the point? One simple point?
Remove everything else.

Слайд 43

Well, some are just hopeless.

Well, some are just hopeless.

Слайд 44

Do you remember the rule: 7 lines per slide or

Do you remember the rule:
7 lines per slide or

7 words per line or less?
Well, it is just plain stupid
If you follow this “rule”
You get a slide like this

Ditch stupid “rules”

Слайд 45

Ditch stupid “rules” Do you remember the rule: 7 lines

Ditch stupid “rules”

Do you remember the rule:
7 lines per

slide or less
7 words per line or less?
Well, it is just plain stupid
If you follow this “rule”
You get a slide like this


Слайд 46

Simple design rules* ❶One point per slide ❷Few matching colours

Simple design rules*

❶One point per slide
❷Few matching colours
❸Very few fonts
❹Photos, not


* pun intended

Слайд 47

Less text. More imagery. Wild imagery.

Less text.
More imagery.
Wild imagery.

Слайд 48

But what if I need to send or print the slides?

But what if I need to send or print the slides?

Слайд 49

Write a document

Write a document

Слайд 50

Make 2 sets of slides

Make 2 sets of slides

Слайд 51

Print with notes

Print with notes

Слайд 52

Inform with little text* * yes you can

Inform with little text*

* yes you can

Слайд 53

Rehearsal ❶❷❸❹



Слайд 54

It will never work completely for the first time. Trust me.

It will never work completely for the first time. Trust me.

Слайд 55

Feedback. Go get some.

Feedback. Go get some.

Слайд 56

No audience? Present to the furniture. But aloud. Try it.

No audience? Present to the furniture. But aloud. Try it.

Слайд 57

Check the room and equipment.

Check the room and equipment.

Слайд 58

Presentation checklist

Presentation checklist

Слайд 59

All this leads to...

All this leads to...

Слайд 60

Wow* * great presentations


* great presentations

Имя файла: Death-by-PowerPoint-(and-how-to-fight-it).pptx
Количество просмотров: 51
Количество скачиваний: 0