Своя игра. 6 класс презентация


Слайд 2

Слайд 3

Who are you waiting ...? for

Who are you waiting ...?


Слайд 4

Little Boris is not afraid … dogs. of

Little Boris is not afraid … dogs.


Слайд 5

We celebrate a special holiday … the 8th of March. on

We celebrate a special holiday … the 8th of March.


Слайд 6

At 6 o'clock yesterday Hue was preparing … a party. for

At 6 o'clock yesterday Hue was preparing … a party.


Слайд 7

Let's meet … Thursday … 7 p.m. on … at

Let's meet … Thursday … 7 p.m.

on … at

Слайд 8

Праздновать Пасху celebrate Easter

Праздновать Пасху

celebrate Easter

Слайд 9

Ждать друзей wait for friends

Ждать друзей

wait for friends

Слайд 10

Обнимать родителей Hug parents

Обнимать родителей

Hug parents

Слайд 11

украшать Новогоднюю елку разноцветными шарами decorate a New Year tree with colourful balls

украшать Новогоднюю елку разноцветными шарами

decorate a New Year tree with

colourful balls
Слайд 12

Люди желают друг другу Счастливого Нового года! People wish each other Happy New Year!

Люди желают друг другу Счастливого Нового года!

People wish each other

Happy New Year!
Слайд 13

Nina asks her friend: Help me to put the lights

Nina asks her friend: Help me to put the lights on

the tree.

Nina asks her friend to help her to put the
lights on the tree.

Слайд 14

Sofia tells her friend: Don't hang the picture so high,

Sofia tells her friend: Don't hang the picture so high, please.


tells/asks her friend not to hang the picture so high.
Слайд 15

Steve: Where did you buy your Christmas tree? Steve asks

Steve: Where did you buy your Christmas tree? Steve asks …

Steve asks

where I bought my Christmas tree.
Слайд 16

Polly: How often do your family come together? Polly asks

Polly: How often do your family come together? Polly asks …

Polly asks

how often my family come together.
Слайд 17

Mary: Were you happy to get this gift? Mary asks

Mary: Were you happy to get this gift? Mary asks …

Mary asks

if I was happy to get this gift.
Слайд 18

Andrew is the boy (which / that) everybody knows. that

Andrew is the boy (which / that) everybody knows.


Слайд 19

This is the writer (whose / which) books I enjoy most of all. whose

This is the writer (whose / which) books I enjoy most

of all.


Слайд 20

Hob says he doesn't have (many / much) money. much

Hob says he doesn't have (many / much) money.


Слайд 21

What do you usually do (on / at) Easter? at

What do you usually do (on / at) Easter?


Слайд 22

Where (is / are) the money for the gifts? I

Where (is / are) the money for the gifts? I can't

see (it / them).

is … it ...

Слайд 23

At Easter people usually go to ... church.

At Easter people usually go to ...


Слайд 24

Popular gifts at Easter are ... chocolate eggs.

Popular gifts at Easter are ...

chocolate eggs.

Слайд 25

On Halloween night a lot of children go to their neighbours' doors and say ...

On Halloween night a lot of children go to their neighbours'

doors and say ...
Слайд 26

People in the UK and in the USA celebrate Christmas on ... the 25th of December.

People in the UK and in the USA celebrate Christmas on


the 25th of December.

Слайд 27

On the 26th of December children open their Christmas presents. This day is called …

On the 26th of December children open their Christmas presents. This

day is called …
Имя файла: Своя-игра.-6-класс.pptx
Количество просмотров: 70
Количество скачиваний: 0