Английский язык. ВПР 7. Задание 3. Описание фото презентация

Слайд 2

План и клише

1) Вводное предложение
I’d like to describe picture № 1/2/3. Или I

have chosen photo № 1/2/3 and now I’d like to describe it.
2) Описание места
The picture shows… Или In the picture/photo I can see …Или In the picture/photo there is/are a lot of…

Слайд 3

3) Описание действия
In the foreground you can see a family/group of people/boy/girl..

having a family dinner/working on computer/doing sport activities/having a rest after work. That is how he/she/they usually spends/spend weekends/free time/day at work. He/she/they is/are smiling/talking to/sitting/lying/standing next to/holding smth/cooking/reading/listening to smth or smb/driving/riding a bike.
4) Описание внешности человека/людей на картинке
The man looks happy/unhappy. He/she is beautiful. They are beautiful/ugly. He/she has big brown/green eyes. His/her/their face is pretty. He/she/they is/are tall, short, fat, slim. He/she/they is/are wearing light/warm simple/fashionable blue/yellow/dark/red/orange/white/green/black clothes:/skirt/trousers/suit/t-shirt/shirt.

План и клише

Слайд 4

5) Описание реакции на фото: нравится ли фото и почему
As for me (что

касается меня), I really like this photo because the atmosphere in this photo is amazing/friendly/great. It makes me think (заставляет меня подумать о) about my summer vacations/family/last holiday.
6) Заключительная фраза
That is all I wanted to say

План и клише

Слайд 5


I’d like to describe picture number 1.
The picture shows a girl sitting on

her chair in the classroom.
I think the girl is at school now.
She is drawing something in her copybook during the lesson.
She looks happy. We can see that she is smiling.
The girl is well-dressed, she is wearing a school uniform.
As for me, I like this picture because it makes me think about my school days.
That is all I wanted to say.

Слайд 6

Предлоги для описания фотографии на английском языке

above — над ( = over)
The woman is

holding an umbrella above her head.
under — под ( = below)
The people are sitting under the tree.
near — около
The children are playing near the river.
next to — рядом с
The girl is sitting next to the boy. — Девочка сидит рядом с мальчиком.

Слайд 7

Предлоги для описания фотографии на английском языке

far — далеко, далекий
In the far distance I could

hardly see a woman. — Вдалеке я едва вижу женщину.
behind — позади
Somebody is hiding behind the house.
in front of — перед
In front of the building there is a fountain. — Перед зданием есть фонтан.

Слайд 8

Предлоги для описания фотографии на английском языке

around — вокруг
There are a lot of

stones around. Вокруг много камней.
between — между
The woman is standing between two men.
on — на (поверхности)
The boats are sailing on the lake. — На озере плавают лодки.

Слайд 9

Обрати внимание и запомни!
  in the sky — на небе
  in the rain — под

  in the sun — под солнцем

Предлоги для описания фотографии на английском языке

Имя файла: Английский-язык.-ВПР-7.-Задание-3.-Описание-фото.pptx
Количество просмотров: 8
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