English lesson презентация


Слайд 2



Слайд 3

Слайд 4

Слайд 5

either or

either or

Слайд 6

either or Neither nor

either or

Neither nor

Слайд 7

either or Neither nor Neither nor

either or

Neither nor

Neither nor

Слайд 8

either or Neither nor Neither nor either or

either or

Neither nor

Neither nor

either or

Слайд 9

either or Neither nor Neither nor either or Neither nor

either or

Neither nor

Neither nor

either or

Neither nor

Слайд 10

either or Neither nor Neither nor either or Neither nor either or

either or

Neither nor

Neither nor

either or

Neither nor

either or

Слайд 11

either or Neither nor Neither nor either or Neither nor either or either or

either or

Neither nor

Neither nor

either or

Neither nor

either or

either or

Слайд 12

either or Neither nor Neither nor either or Neither nor either or either or Neither nor

either or

Neither nor

Neither nor

either or

Neither nor

either or

either or

Neither nor

Слайд 13

either or Neither nor Neither nor either or Neither nor

either or

Neither nor

Neither nor

either or

Neither nor

either or

either or

Neither nor

Where can we

also use
Слайд 14

Who is this man? Do you know anything about him?

Who is this man? Do you know anything about him?

Слайд 15

Before we watch a video about Benjamin… PROLIFIC [prəˈlɪfɪk] прелифик ILLUSTRIOUS [ɪˈlʌstrɪəs] иластриес RENOWNED [rɪˈnaʊnd] ринаунд

Before we watch a video about Benjamin…

PROLIFIC [prəˈlɪfɪk] прелифик ILLUSTRIOUS [ɪˈlʌstrɪəs] иластриес

Слайд 16

Before we watch a video about Benjamin… PROLIFIC - плодовитый,

Before we watch a video about Benjamin…

PROLIFIC - плодовитый, плодородный [prəˈlɪfɪk] прелифик ILLUSTRIOUS

- яркий, блистательный [ɪˈlʌstrɪəs] иластриес
RENOWNED – прославленный, известный
[rɪˈnaʊnd] ринаунд
Слайд 17

When watching …one of the most prolific ??? ??? …

When watching

…one of the most prolific ??? ???
… his illustrious ???

was renowned for ??? ??? ???
Слайд 18

When watching [He] was one of the most prolific founding

When watching

[He] was one of the most prolific founding fathers
About his

illustrious career
Franklin was renowned for being a scientist
Слайд 19

Benjamin Franklin was one of our country’s most prolific founding

Benjamin Franklin was one of our country’s most prolific founding fathers.

But do you know all of the myths and truths about his illustrious career? Far before he signed the declaration of independence, Franklin was renowned for being a scientist, politician, printer and postmaster. He was the first postmaster general of the US and was the first face on the American stamp.
Слайд 20

Слайд 21

Слайд 22

Слайд 23

Слайд 24

Some people are not able to sing.

Some people are not able to sing.

Слайд 25

Some people are not able to sing. She could be in the airport

Some people are not able to sing.

She could be in the

Слайд 26

Some people are not able to sing. She could be

Some people are not able to sing.

She could be in the


I could ride a horse when I was six.

Слайд 27

Some people are not able to sing. She could be

Some people are not able to sing.

She could be in the


I could ride a horse when I was six.

John might not go to Turkey.

Слайд 28

Слайд 29








Слайд 30

Имя файла: English-lesson.pptx
Количество просмотров: 15
Количество скачиваний: 0