English speaking club презентация

Слайд 2

Speaking club

Bridge between active students for organizing future events
Why debates?
Not always debates,

different formats
Twice a month

Слайд 3

Debates - general

2 teams, two players into the team
Two roles for the team:

government or opposition
Judge announces the topic for 15 minutes before the start of the round
Teams prepared, come up with arguments and counterarguments
Government team defend this topic, opposition team refute this topic
Each players have 5 minutes for speech
You can ask questions to the player who making speech

Слайд 4

Debates - rules

Be polite as much as possible to your opponents
Speak exactly 5

minutes, no more, no less
You have to take at least one question during speech
Имя файла: English-speaking-club.pptx
Количество просмотров: 32
Количество скачиваний: 2