Journeys. Unit 10.1 презентация


Слайд 2

Cycle [saikl] – кататься на велосипеде

Cycle [saikl] – кататься на велосипеде

Слайд 3

Cycle [saikl] city - город велосипедов

Cycle [saikl] city - город велосипедов

Слайд 4

What city is cycle city?

What city is cycle city?

Слайд 5

Amsterdam is

Amsterdam is

Слайд 6

Suburb [sʌbɜːb]- пригород

Suburb [sʌbɜːb]- пригород

Слайд 7

Commute [kə’mju:t]- ездить далеко на работу

Commute [kə’mju:t]- ездить далеко на работу

Слайд 8

Exercise 1 Page 99

Exercise 1 Page 99

Слайд 9

Match the words with their meanings

Match the words with their meanings

Слайд 10

1. Commuting [kə’mju:tiŋ] – долгие поездки на работу

1. Commuting [kə’mju:tiŋ] – долгие поездки на работу

Слайд 11

Слайд 12

Commuting [kə’mju:tiŋ] – travelling to work every day (b)

Commuting [kə’mju:tiŋ] – travelling to work every day (b)

Слайд 13

2. Suburbs [sʌbɜːbz] – пригороды

2. Suburbs [sʌbɜːbz] – пригороды

Слайд 14

Слайд 15

Suburbs [sʌbɜːbz] – places around the city where people live (с)

Suburbs [sʌbɜːbz] – places around the city where people live (с)

Слайд 16

3. Park – парковаться

3. Park – парковаться

Слайд 17

Слайд 18

Park – leave a car somewhere (d)

Park – leave a car somewhere (d)

Слайд 19

4. Rush hour [auə]- час пик

4. Rush hour [auə]- час пик

Слайд 20

Слайд 21

Rush hour – the busiest time of day (с)

Rush hour – the busiest time of day (с)

Слайд 22

5. Crowded [kraudid]- переполненный

5. Crowded [kraudid]- переполненный

Слайд 23

Слайд 24

Crowded – full of people (a)

Crowded – full of people (a)

Слайд 25

Exercise 2 Page 99

Exercise 2 Page 99

Слайд 26

Match the photos with the captions

Match the photos with the captions

Слайд 27

1. A businessman travelling to a meeting

1. A businessman travelling to a meeting

Слайд 28

Which photo?

Which photo?

Слайд 29




Слайд 30

A businessman travelling to a meeting

A businessman travelling to a meeting

Слайд 31

2. Rush hour traffic in Jakarta

2. Rush hour traffic in Jakarta

Слайд 32

Which photo?

Which photo?

Слайд 33




Слайд 34

2. Rush hour traffic in Jakarta

2. Rush hour traffic in Jakarta

Слайд 35

3. Cycling to the office

3. Cycling to the office

Слайд 36

Which photo?

Which photo?

Слайд 37




Слайд 38

3. Cycling to the office

3. Cycling to the office

Слайд 39

4. Commuting from the suburbs [sʌbɜːbz] into Tokyo

4. Commuting from the suburbs [sʌbɜːbz] into Tokyo

Слайд 40

Which photo?

Which photo?

Слайд 41




Слайд 42

4. Commuting from the suburbs [sʌbɜːbz] into Tokyo

4. Commuting from the suburbs [sʌbɜːbz] into Tokyo

Слайд 43

Find these forms of transport in the photos

Find these forms of transport in the photos

Слайд 44

Bicycle [baisikl] Bike

Bicycle [baisikl]

Слайд 45



Слайд 46



Слайд 47



Слайд 48



Слайд 49

Underground train

Underground train

Слайд 50

Exercise 4 Page 99

Exercise 4 Page 99

Слайд 51

Put the words from the box in the correct column(s)

Put the words from the box in the correct column(s)

Слайд 52

Слайд 53

Exercise 5 Page 99

Exercise 5 Page 99

Слайд 54

How did you travel to work? (by car, by bus,

How did you travel to work? (by car, by bus, by train,

by metro or on foot?)
Слайд 55

Exercise 1 Page 100

Exercise 1 Page 100

Слайд 56

Match the forms of transport with the famous places

Match the forms of transport with the famous places

Слайд 57

Слайд 58



Слайд 59

Слайд 60

1. Bicycles – Amsterdam

1. Bicycles – Amsterdam

Слайд 61

2. Yellow taxis

2. Yellow taxis

Слайд 62

Слайд 63

2. Yellow taxis – New York

2. Yellow taxis – New York

Слайд 64

3. Water buses

3. Water buses

Слайд 65

Слайд 66

3. Water buses – Venice

3. Water buses – Venice

Слайд 67

4. High speed trains

4. High speed trains

Слайд 68

Слайд 69

4. High speed trains – Tokyo

4. High speed trains – Tokyo

Слайд 70

5. Electric trams

5. Electric trams

Слайд 71

Слайд 72

5. Electric trams – San Francisco

5. Electric trams – San Francisco

Слайд 73

6. Red buses

6. Red buses

Слайд 74

Слайд 75

6. Red buses - London

6. Red buses - London

Слайд 76

Exercise 3A Page 100

Exercise 3A Page 100

Слайд 77

Read the text on page 100

Read the text on page 100

Слайд 78

Before you read about Fatima

Before you read about Fatima

Слайд 79

Patriarca in the east of Sao Paulo

Patriarca in the east of Sao Paulo

Слайд 80

Praca de Republica

Praca de Republica

Слайд 81

Read about Fatima

Read about Fatima

Слайд 82

Fatima da Costa lives in Patriarca, a suburb in the

Fatima da Costa lives in Patriarca, a suburb in the east

of Sao Paulo, Brazil. She works in the center of the city near Praca da Republica
Слайд 83

Every day Fatima takes an underground train to work in

Every day Fatima takes an underground train to work in the

morning and back home in the evening
Слайд 84

She thinks travelling on the Sao Paulo underground system- the

She thinks travelling on the Sao Paulo underground system- the Metro

– is quick and convenient [kən’viniənt]
Слайд 85

But the trains are very crowded in the rush hour

But the trains are very crowded in the rush hour and

she often can’t find a seat
Слайд 86

Complete the table for Fatima

Complete the table for Fatima

Слайд 87

Слайд 88

Fatima da Costa lives in Patriarca, a suburb in the

Fatima da Costa lives in Patriarca, a suburb in the east

of Sao Paulo, Brazil. She works in the center of the city near Praca da Republica
Слайд 89

Слайд 90

Every day Fatima takes an underground train to work in

Every day Fatima takes an underground train to work in the

morning and back home in the evening
Слайд 91

Слайд 92

She thinks travelling on the Sao Paulo underground system- the

She thinks travelling on the Sao Paulo underground system- the Metro

– is quick and convenient [kən’viniənt]
Слайд 93

Слайд 94

But the trains are very crowded in the rush hour

But the trains are very crowded in the rush hour and

she often can’t find a seat
Слайд 95

Слайд 96

Before you read about Jan

Before you read about Jan

Слайд 97

Sloterdijk (Amsterdam)

Sloterdijk (Amsterdam) 

Слайд 98

Read about Jan

Read about Jan

Слайд 99

Jan van Looy works in the main train station in

Jan van Looy works in the main train station in Amsterdam.

He works for the Dutch Railways, but he doesn’t catch a train to work
Слайд 100

He cycles from his home in the suburb of Sloterdijk.

He cycles from his home in the suburb of Sloterdijk. Cycling

is very popular in Amsterdam because the city is flat and the distances are not very great
Слайд 101

Jan cycles to work because it’s very cheap, but it’s

Jan cycles to work because it’s very cheap, but it’s quite

slow and it’s horrible when it rains!
Слайд 102

Exercise 3B Page 100

Exercise 3B Page 100

Слайд 103

Complete the table for Jan

Complete the table for Jan

Слайд 104

Слайд 105

Jan van Looy works in the main train station in

Jan van Looy works in the main train station in Amsterdam.

He works for the Dutch Railways, but he doesn’t catch a train to work
Слайд 106

Слайд 107

He cycles from his home in the suburb of Sloterdijk.

He cycles from his home in the suburb of Sloterdijk. Cycling

is very popular in Amsterdam because the city is flat and the distances are not very great
Слайд 108

Слайд 109

Jan cycles to work because it’s very cheap, but it’s

Jan cycles to work because it’s very cheap, but it’s quite

slow and it’s horrible when it rains!
Слайд 110

Слайд 111

Jan cycles to work because it’s very cheap, but it’s

Jan cycles to work because it’s very cheap, but it’s quite

slow and it’s horrible when it rains!
Слайд 112

Слайд 113

Exercise 4 Page 100

Exercise 4 Page 100

Слайд 114

Listen to Julia and Billy and complete the table

Listen to Julia and Billy and complete the table

Слайд 115

Page 157 Track 2.28

Page 157 Track 2.28

Слайд 116

Julia (lives in Surfside (Miami)

(lives in Surfside (Miami)

Слайд 117

The way I commute to work is quite unusual! I

The way I commute to work is quite unusual! I rollerblade!

I live in Surfside, a suburb in the north of Miami
Слайд 118

And I work at a hotel on Miami Beach. It

And I work at a hotel on Miami Beach. It takes

about 25 minutes to get to work. And of course it costs nothing
Слайд 119

It’s usually warm and sunny in Miami and rollerblading is

It’s usually warm and sunny in Miami and rollerblading is very

healthy – I really enjoy it
Слайд 120

But rollerblading is a bit dangerous when you cross busy roads. And it’s tiring!

But rollerblading is a bit dangerous when you cross busy roads.

And it’s tiring!
Слайд 121

Complete the table for Julia

Complete the table for Julia

Слайд 122

Слайд 123

The way I commute to work is quite unusual! I

The way I commute to work is quite unusual! I rollerblade!

I live in Surfside, a suburb in the north of Miami
Слайд 124

Слайд 125

The way I commute to work is quite unusual! I

The way I commute to work is quite unusual! I rollerblade!

I live in Surfside, a suburb in the north of Miami
Слайд 126

Слайд 127

And of course it costs nothing. It’s usually warm and

And of course it costs nothing. It’s usually warm and sunny

in Miami and rollerblading is very healthy
Слайд 128

Слайд 129

But rollerblading is a bit dangerous when you cross busy roads. And it’s tiring!

But rollerblading is a bit dangerous when you cross busy roads.

And it’s tiring!
Слайд 130

Слайд 131

Billy (on a bus in London)

(on a bus in London)

Слайд 132

Commuting is really difficult in London. It’s a huge city and there’s a lot of traffic

Commuting is really difficult in London. It’s a huge city and

there’s a lot of traffic
Слайд 133

You can’t really commute by car because it’s impossible to

You can’t really commute by car because it’s impossible to park

in the center of London. There’s a good underground system
Слайд 134

But there aren’t any stations near my house so I

But there aren’t any stations near my house so I get

the bus to work. It isn’t expensive, but it’s sometimes quite slow because of all the traffic
Слайд 135

And I hate waiting at the bus stop in the winter. It’s very boring!

And I hate waiting at the bus stop in the winter.

It’s very boring!
Слайд 136

Track 2.28

Track 2.28

Слайд 137

Слайд 138

Commuting is really difficult in London. It’s a huge city and there’s a lot of traffic

Commuting is really difficult in London. It’s a huge city and

there’s a lot of traffic
Слайд 139

Слайд 140

But there aren’t any stations near my house so I

But there aren’t any stations near my house so I get

the bus to work. It isn’t expensive, but it’s sometimes quite slow because of all the traffic
Слайд 141

Слайд 142

It isn’t expensive, but it’s sometimes quite slow because of all the traffic

It isn’t expensive, but it’s sometimes quite slow because of

all the traffic
Слайд 143

Слайд 144

It isn’t expensive, but it’s sometimes quite slow because of all the traffic

It isn’t expensive, but it’s sometimes quite slow because of

all the traffic
Слайд 145

Слайд 146

Exercise 5 Page 101

Exercise 5 Page 101

Слайд 147

Give your own opinion

Give your own opinion

Слайд 148

Which form of city transport is the safest?

Which form of city transport is the safest?

Слайд 149

Слайд 150

Слайд 151

I think underground trains are the safest

I think underground trains are the safest

Слайд 152

Which form of city transport is the most expensive?

Which form of city transport is the most expensive?

Слайд 153

Слайд 154

I think underground trains are the most expensive

I think underground trains are the most expensive

Слайд 155

Which form of city transport is the cheapest?

Which form of city transport is the cheapest?

Слайд 156

Слайд 157

I believe rollerblading is the cheapest

I believe rollerblading is the cheapest

Слайд 158

Which form of city transport is the most convenient?

Which form of city transport is the most convenient?

Слайд 159

Слайд 160

I think underground trains are the most convenient

I think underground trains are the most convenient

Слайд 161

Which form of city transport is the most comfortable?

Which form of city transport is the most comfortable?

Слайд 162

Слайд 163

I think taxis are the most comfortable

I think taxis are the most comfortable

Слайд 164

Which form of city transport is the fastest?

Which form of city transport is the fastest?

Слайд 165

Слайд 166

I believe underground trains are the fastest

I believe underground trains are the fastest

Слайд 167

2. How do you get around your city?

2. How do you get around your city?

Слайд 168

By underground train/ by bus/ by taxi/ on foot/ I cycle/ I rollerblade

By underground train/
by bus/ by taxi/ on foot/ I cycle/

I rollerblade
Слайд 169

3. Which form of commuting do you think is the best? Why?

3. Which form of commuting do you think is the best?

Слайд 170

By underground train/ by bus/ by taxi/ by car/ cycling/ rollerblading/by scooter

By underground train/
by bus/ by taxi/ by car/ cycling/ rollerblading/by

Слайд 171

I think commuting by underground train is the best. It’s fast and comfortable

I think commuting by underground train is the best. It’s fast and

Слайд 172

Exercise 6 Page 101

Exercise 6 Page 101

Слайд 173

Look at the examples of the ing-form in the Active Grammar Box

Look at the examples of the ing-form in the Active Grammar

Слайд 174

Ing-form is singular and is used with is

Ing-form is singular and is used with is

Слайд 175

Rollerblading is a bit difficult when you cross busy roads

Rollerblading is a bit difficult when you cross busy roads

Слайд 176

Commuting is really difficult in London

Commuting is really difficult in London

Слайд 177

Swimming is my favorite sport

Swimming is my favorite sport

Слайд 178

Parking isn’t easy in the center of big cities

Parking isn’t easy in the center of big cities

Слайд 179

Page 107

Page 107

Слайд 180

Exercise 7 Page 101

Exercise 7 Page 101

Слайд 181

Choose the correct words in italics, pay attention to is and are

Choose the correct words in italics, pay attention to is

and are
Слайд 182

1. Park/ Parking is impossible in central London

1. Park/ Parking is impossible in central London

Слайд 183

1. Parking is impossible in central London

1. Parking is impossible in central London

Слайд 184

2. Bicycles/ Cycling are very popular in Amsterdam

2. Bicycles/ Cycling are very popular in Amsterdam

Слайд 185

2. Bicycles are very popular in Amsterdam

2. Bicycles are very popular in Amsterdam

Слайд 186

3. Walking is/ are good for your health

3. Walking is/ are good for your health

Слайд 187

3. Walking is good for your health

3. Walking is good for your health

Слайд 188

4. Taxis/ Taking taxis are expensive

4. Taxis/ Taking taxis are expensive

Слайд 189

4. Taxis are expensive

4. Taxis are expensive

Слайд 190

5. Waiting for buses are/ is boring

5. Waiting for buses are/ is boring

Слайд 191

5. Waiting for buses is boring

5. Waiting for buses is boring

Слайд 192

Exercise 8A Page 101

Exercise 8A Page 101

Слайд 193

Brendan wants to take his friends for a short break. Listen and answer the questions

Brendan wants to take his friends for a short break. Listen

and answer the questions
Слайд 194

Page 157 Track 2.29

Page 157 Track 2.29

Слайд 195

Before you read

Before you read

Слайд 196

Eurostar trains

Eurostar trains

Слайд 197

Destination [desti’neʃən] – пункт назначения

Destination [desti’neʃən] – пункт назначения

Слайд 198

Return ticket - билет туда и обратно

Return ticket - билет туда и обратно

Слайд 199

One-way ticket – билет в один конец

One-way ticket – билет в один конец

Слайд 200

Direct train from London to Paris – прямой поезд (без остановок)

Direct train from London to Paris – прямой поезд (без остановок)

Слайд 201

Read script 2.29 on page 157

Read script 2.29 on page 157

Слайд 202

B – Brendan T – travel agent

B – Brendan T – travel agent

Слайд 203

B: Good morning. Do you sell tickets for Eurostar trains? T: Yes. What’s your destination [desti’neʃən]?

B: Good morning. Do you sell tickets for Eurostar trains?
T: Yes.

What’s your destination [desti’neʃən]?
Слайд 204

B: Paris T: And when do you want to go?

B: Paris
T: And when do you want to go?
B: I’d like

to go on Friday, the 5th of June
Слайд 205

T: Return or one-way? B: I’d like return tickets, please.

T: Return or one-way?
B: I’d like return tickets, please. We want

to come back 3 days later. And I’d like 4 tickets
Слайд 206

T:OK. I’ll just check. OK, do you want first or

T:OK. I’ll just check. OK, do you want first or standard

B: Oh, first class is expensive. I’d like standard class
Слайд 207

B: How much is that? T: Let me see. 4

B: How much is that?
T: Let me see. 4 return tickets

in standard class, and your departure [di’pa:tʃə] date is the 5th. That’s 280 pounds
Слайд 208

B: Right. What time does the train leave London? T:

B: Right. What time does the train leave London?
T: At ten

thirty in the morning
B: Is it a direct train?
Слайд 209

T: Yes, there’re no stops B: And can we take

T: Yes, there’re no stops
B: And can we take our bikes

on the train?
T: Yes, but it costs an extra 20 pounds for each bike
Слайд 210

B: Fine. I’d like 4 tickets then, please. Can I

B: Fine. I’d like 4 tickets then, please. Can I pay

by credit card?
T: Sure. Put your card in the slot….
Слайд 211

Track 2.29

Track 2.29

Слайд 212

Answer some questions

Answer some questions

Слайд 213

1. Which city does Brendan want to go to?

1. Which city does Brendan want to go to?

Слайд 214

T: Yes. What’s your destination [desti’neʃən]? B: Paris

T: Yes. What’s your destination [desti’neʃən]?
B: Paris

Слайд 215

He wants to go to Paris

He wants to go to Paris

Слайд 216

2. When does he want to leave?

2. When does he want to leave?

Слайд 217

T: And when do you want to go? B: I’d

T: And when do you want to go?
B: I’d like to

go on Friday, the 5th of June
Слайд 218

He wants to leave on Friday the fifth of June

He wants to leave on Friday the fifth of June

Слайд 219

3. How much do the tickets cost?

3. How much do the tickets cost?

Слайд 220

B: How much is that? T: Let me see. 4

B: How much is that?
T: Let me see. 4 return tickets

in standard class, and your departure [di’pa:tʃə] date is the 5th. That’s 280 pounds
Слайд 221

The tickets cost 280 pounds

The tickets cost 280 pounds

Слайд 222

4. How much does it cost to take a bicycle on the train?

4. How much does it cost to
take a bicycle on the

Слайд 223

T: Yes, there’re no stops B: And can we take

T: Yes, there’re no stops
B: And can we take our bikes

on the train?
T: Yes, but it costs an extra 20 pounds for each bike
Слайд 224

It costs an extra 20 pounds for each bike

It costs an extra 20 pounds for each bike

Слайд 225

Exercise 8B Page 101

Exercise 8B Page 101

Слайд 226

Match the words with their meanings

Match the words with their meanings

Слайд 227

1. Destination [desti’neʃən]?

1. Destination [desti’neʃən]?

Слайд 228

Слайд 229

Destination [desti’neʃən] – the place you want to go to (c)

Destination [desti’neʃən] – the place you want to go to (c)

Слайд 230

2. One-way

2. One-way

Слайд 231

Слайд 232

One-way – go, but don’t come back (f)

One-way – go, but don’t come back (f)

Слайд 233

3. Return One-way

3. Return


Слайд 234

Слайд 235

Return – go and come back (a)

Return – go and come back (a)

Слайд 236

4. Standard class

4. Standard class

Слайд 237

Слайд 238

Standard class – the cheapest seats (g)

Standard class – the cheapest seats (g)

Слайд 239

5. First class

5. First class

Слайд 240

Слайд 241

First class – more comfortable but expensive seats (b)

First class – more comfortable but expensive seats (b)

Слайд 242

6. Deprture [di’pa:tʃə] (отправление)

6. Deprture [di’pa:tʃə] (отправление)

Слайд 243

Слайд 244

Departure [di’pa:tʃə] - when you leave (d)

Departure [di’pa:tʃə] - when you leave (d)

Слайд 245

7. Direct [di’pa:tʃə]

7. Direct


Слайд 246

Слайд 247

Direct – no stops on the journey [dʒɜːni]

Direct – no stops on the journey [dʒɜːni]

Слайд 248

Exercise 8C Page 101

Exercise 8C Page 101

Слайд 249

Complete the How to…. box

Complete the How to…. box

Слайд 250

Слайд 251

Exercise 9 Page 101

Exercise 9 Page 101

Слайд 252

Complete the dialogue

Complete the dialogue

Слайд 253

A: Do you sell train ….. for Spain? I’d ….

A: Do you sell train ….. for Spain? I’d …. to

go to Barcelona on Wednesday the 12th
Слайд 254

A: Do you sell train tickets for Spain? I’d like

A: Do you sell train tickets for Spain? I’d like to

go to Barcelona on Wednesday the 12th
Слайд 255

B: One-way or …..?

B: One-way or …..?

Слайд 256

B: One-way or return?

B: One-way or return?

Слайд 257

A: One-way and I’d like to go first ……

A: One-way and I’d like to go first ……

Слайд 258

A: One-way and I’d like to go first class

A: One-way and I’d like to go first class

Слайд 259

B: OK. We have a train leaving at 11.30

B: OK. We have a train leaving at 11.30

Слайд 260

A: …. much is that?

A: …. much is that?

Слайд 261

A: How much is that?

A: How much is that?

Слайд 262

B: It’s 200 euros

B: It’s 200 euros

Слайд 263

A: Is it a ….. train?

A: Is it a ….. train?

Слайд 264

A: Is it a direct train?

A: Is it a direct train?

Слайд 265

B: No, it stops in Lyons [li’on]

B: No, it stops in Lyons [li’on]

Слайд 266

Exercise 10 Page 101

Exercise 10 Page 101

Слайд 267

Pair work

Pair work

Слайд 268

Book a ticket. Use How to…Box on page 101

Book a ticket. Use How to…Box on page 101

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